#49: VRT 149 "New Kids on the Planet".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, episodes 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 16, 23, 27, 29, 35, 37, & 38; and Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 7, 16, 18, 21, 30, & 39.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:13;26.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Zoom in on Ziktor Tower (no smog). |
Recycled; fades in; fades out. |
VRT 101. |
Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord. |
Recycled. |
The four main Generals in front, the mutants of the virtual dungeon step forth, pumping fists in the air. |
Recycled. |
Distant shot of the room full of virtual mutants watching Grimlord as Decimator briefly bows. |
Recycled. |
Close side angle on Grimlord talking, Decimator in background. |
Recycled. |
Decimator stands facing our left, then a side angle close on Grimlord as Decimator talks in the background. |
Recycled; shot 1 trimmed and shot 2 shortened. |
Close on Grimlord talking and looking from side to side. |
Recycled. |
The four Generals, and the rest of the mutants, pump their fists once in the air to hail Grimlord. |
Recycled; fades to black. |
A crowd of mostly Japanese aliens race about in a panic as buildings behind them explode. |
Fades in. |
The tanks fire in the distance, explosions erupting all over the battlefield. |
Recycled but first time in context; fades out. |
A crowd of Japanese aliens flee from the exploding tanks. |
Fades in; fades out. |
A pair of children walk toward what looks like the VR Skybase. |
Fades in; cuts before the girl runs back to her mother. |
The boy and girl walk to the spacecraft's entry door and begin to turn around. |
US children and door inserted into Japanese footage. |
The two whitest women in Japan cry. |
The door to the spacecraft closes. |
US door added to Japanese footage. |
The two whitest women in Japan tearfully wave goodbye. |
Fades out. |
The Japanese aliens wave goodbye to what appears to be the VR Skybase. |
Fades in; shortened. |
A black spacecraft flies away from explosions, exiting a planet, then flying through space. |
Crossfade added between shots 1 & 2; cuts prior shot of ship, cuts follow-up shot of ship; all this used behind source position. |
The children watch a starfield on the screen in front of their console. |
US children & starfield added to Japanese shot (which is a reverse angle of the cockpit). |
The children glance at each other, then look forth, while sitting in the spacecraft. |
US children added to mirror-flipped & frozen footage. |
The black spacecraft swerves wildly through space. |
Cuts before it explodes massively; fades out. |
The black spacecraft flies over us while an escape pod drops out. |
US escape pod added to shot; fades out. |
Pan over quickly from Grimlord to Decimator, who stands facing our left, then a side angle close on Grimlord as Decimator talks in the background. |
Recycled; shot 1 runs longer at start than ever before; shot 2 shortened. |
Brief zoom in on Grimlord as he speaks. |
Recycled; plays in reverse; shortened. |
Grimlord points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us. |
Recycled; trimmed. |
Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of Colonel Icebot as he talks close with a fist raised. |
Recycled; cuts before he lowers fist. |
Grimlord talks while looking semi-downward at us. |
Colonel Icebot talks close with a fist raised that he slowly lowers. |
Recycled; trimmed. |
Grimlord talks, then charges up his right hand. |
Recycled; fades out. |
VRT 101. |
The three Trooper teens hold their glowing Virtualizers. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Ryan's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
J.B.'s VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled; transitions out. |
Blue Boar stands there as the smoke clears. |
US replaces follow-up of VR Ryan & Dark Heart. |
Closer on Blue Boar standing there as the smoke clears. |
Cuts before shot lingers and he stands at attention. |
VR Kaitlin flips off the side of the cliff, landing in the quarry, kicking, chopping Skugs. |
Recycled. |
Blue Boar raises his sword and shield, then charges forth. |
Cuts follow-up of VR Ryan with Dark Heart. |
Zoom in as Blue Boar slashes at VR Ryan, who ducks under, then kicks back, only to get it shield blocked, knocking him down, but he gets back up, ducks under Blue Boar's slash, then gets sparkily slashed by his next attempt. |
Dark Heart visible on the right before zoom in; cuts some usable follow-up fighting. |
VR Kaitlin hits a Skug, then turns and leg-chops another Skug, gets hit by another. |
Recycled; shortened; transitions out. |
The black van rounds a corner swiftly. |
Transitions in; used ahead of source. |
The black van spins its wheels, as VR JB pushes its front until it backs up. He leaps up and jump punches into the van, causing it to spin around and transform into Vanbot (obstensibly unnamed). |
Cuts follow-up due to onscreen Japanese text. |
Vanbot faces VR JB, then leaps forth, passing by him as he also jumps up. |
Final shot cuts before zoom out, which reveals Skugs have arrived on the scene. |
Vanbot flips VR JB over, he recovers and roundhouse kicks him back. |
Cuts before a Skug attacks. |
VR JB nods, then rushes forth. |
Vanbots spreads arms, then turns around and backs up, running backwards until he transforms back into the black van. |
US replaces follow-up due to Skugs being present. |
Blue Boar slashes at VR Ryan who ducks under, then gets back up to face him. |
Recycled; shortened heavily; transitions in. |
VR Ryan blocks Blue Boar's sword, but then gets socked back, sending him flying into a wooden plank display, which he crushes to bits when landing on it. |
Start of shot 1 is trimmed; cuts follow-up of Dark Heart aiming rifle. |
VR Ryan recovers off the wooden planks, then reaches out. |
Cuts follow-up of Dark Heart lowering rifle, then Blue Boar rushing forth, VR Ryan leaping past, then kicking him until he drops his shield. |
VR Kaitlin flips a Skug down, then gets up to face another Skug's axe-wielding hand. |
Recycled; trimmed; split. |
A Skug raises its axe overhead. |
VR Kaitlin grabs Skug's axe-wielding hand, then kicks another Skug in the head, before gut punching the axe-wielding one away. |
Shots 1 & 3 are recycled; shot 1 is split from two shots ago; cuts before more happens; transitions out. |
VR JB does a flip, and lands on the Fighter Bike in midair, posing. |
Recycled; cuts before he rides forth. |
Vanbot, still in black van mode, rides along in an alley road, as VR JB follows on his VR Fighterbike. The black van rounds a corner. |
Shot 2 is recycled but first time in context. |
VR JB follows Vanbot onwar, until somehow they end up driving right at each other, Vanbot firing headlight beams, bursting around the Fighterbike. The van drives on through the smoke, but VR JB pulls his cycle to a park. |
Cuts follow-ups of VR JB turning it around and following. |
The black van turns to our right and drives on. |
Cuts follow-ups of it driving through a doorway, with VR JB following. |
VR JB follows the black van on his Fighterbike. |
Cuts before he fires lasers forth. |
A fleet of five Quantum Cruisers fly through the sky. |
Recycled. |
VR JB drives the Fighterbike at us. |
Used ahead of source. |
Air Fighters fire pink electricity. |
Recycled, per source. |
Spark bursts erupt all around the Fighterbike as VR JB drives through them. |
Spark bursts erupt upon and around the black van, until it turns back into Vanbot, who stands and spreads arms. |
Cuts follow-ups of Vanbot getting knocked down by VR JB when he drives by. |
Vanbot flips over, landing on the back of the Fighterbike, accosting VR JB as he drives onward. |
Quantum Cruiser fires to our upper right. |
Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up of oil refinery blowing up. |
VR JB struggles with Vanbot's grip on his shoulder, until he gestures and reaches down. |
VR JB presses down on his blinking belt buttons. |
Recycled, per source. |
Energy and electricity crackles about, as VR JB & Vanbot ride the Fighterbike while shimmering until they dematerialize. |
Trio of Air Fighters and a Quantum Cruiser are sucked into the virtual reality vortex. |
Recycled, per source. |
Rematerializing in a quarry, VR JB drives the Fighterbike onward despite Vanbot as an unwelcome passenger. |
Cuts follow-up unsucking of the vortex AFs & QC. |
Vanbot keeps slapping VR JB's shoulders, until VR JB finally elbows him so hard, he falls off. |
Final shot is slowed; transitions out. |
Blue Boar readies his sword, then slashes down at VR Ryan, who dodges, kicks him, he doesn't budge, so VR Ryan gets out of the way of his next sword slash. VR Ryan leaps up onto a nearby small cliff, then poses and gestures, charging up his right hand with electricity, before leaping down and chopping into Blue Boar, who crackles and staggers back for a moment, then charges at VR Ryan, who energy chops him again for good measure. |
Transitions in; trims start. |
Close on VR Ryan gazing forth as shot tracks left. |
Shortened. |
Blue Boar collapses and explodes massively in front of VR Ryan. |
Trims start; transitions out; cuts follow-ups of Dark Heart joining his side in watching the flames. |
A single Air Fighter spins as it dives and fires bolts downward. |
Recycled, per source; transitions in. |
Dirt bursts and explosions erupt in the quarry around VR JB as he rides his Fighterbike through them. |
Shot 2 is split. |
Air Fighters fire pink electricity. |
Recycled again. |
VR JB finishes riding his Fighterbike through the flames, when he suddenly throws himself from the cycle. |
Shot 1 is split from two shots ago; cuts follow-up of him falling and rolling, then getting blasted a bunch by AFs and QCs. |
VR JB, saber in hand, falls, rolls, recovers in smokey quarry. |
Cuts follow-ups of Troopertron summoning and fighting. |
A fleet of five Quantum Cruisers fly through the sky. |
Recycled again. |
VR JB motions his arms about while his body trails, until he erupts into sparkle particles that reassemble as a giant energy image of him using the VR Techno Bazooka, firing both cannons forth. |
Recycled, per source, altered to feature colored sparkles during each shot. |
A Quantum Cruiser is shot with a laser, exploding it. |
Recycled, per source. |
VR JB poses battle ready, as Vanbot races forth and transforms into black van mode again. VR JB whips out his Laser Pistol and fires upon the van, but its yellow forcefield deflects the blasts back at him explosively, until VR JB falls down. When the black van passes, he snags the bumper with one hand, and is drug across the quarry for a while. |
VR JB continues to find his life a drag, as he hangs from the bumper of the black van. |
VR JB gets dragged through the quarry, until he finally fires his Laser Pistol at the van, crackling it, and prompting him to release his hold on its bumper. The black van, smoking, begins to slow down. |
Final shot cuts before van stops. |
The black van comes to a stop, then morphs into Vanbot again, jerking his smoking body about in agony. VR JB hops onto his VR Fighterbike, facing the writhing Vanbot, then readying his saber, as Vanbot spins around. |
First shot is partially recycled but runs fully; effects added to Vanbot's transformation. |
VR JB whips saber around, extends the hilt into a second blade that fades from laser to solid, then both blades become laser charged, as he poses with it. |
Recycled, per source (Sparkily colors from transformation sequence is overlayed into footage). |
VR JB drives his cycle at Vanbot with his Laser Lance ready, Vanbot offering no resistance, as VR JB stands up on his Fighterbike and energy slashes into Vanbot, crackling him as he passes by. |
VR JB pulls his Fighterbike to a stop. |
Cropped to remove visibility of "Suzuki" on the side of the bike. |
VR JB jolts to a stop, and poses on his Fighterbike with his Laser Lance, while behind him, Vanbot crackles, collapses, and explodes massively. |
Slow zoom out from Grimlord, as he talks. |
Recycled; fades in; shortened. |
Track along beside Decimator & Toxoid standing with their armies in rows. |
Recycled; shortened. |
Grimlord's right fist clenches and glows red. |
Recycled; fades to black. |