
VR Troopers

#58: VRT 206 "Quest for Power" Part Three.

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, episodes 4, 6, 38, & 39; and Spielban, episodes 3, 7, 21, 37, & 43.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:17;01.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Distant shot of Ziktor Tower, towering over Cross World City.

Recycled; transitions in.


Close-up on Grimlord talking some on his cave throne.

Recycled; altered to fit Ziktor's TV.


Grimlord talks on his cave throne, raising his right fist briefly.

Trimmed; Altered to fit Ziktor's TV.


Close-up on Grimlord talking some on his cave throne.

Recycled but different composite; altered to fit Ziktor's TV.


Close-up on Colonel Icebot, nod-talking and shifting his weight.

Recycled, trimmed; altered to fit Ziktor's TV.


Grimlord talks on his cave throne, glancing to our right as the shot pans over to it, revealing nine virtual mutant heads sitting in front of an open flame. Grimlord gestures forth, causing three of the heads to hover up above the platform.


Col. Icebot talks in close-up, mostly talking to our slight left.

Recycled, trimmed.


Close-up on Grimlord talking some on his cave throne.

Recycled; transitions out.


Zoom in on Grimlord talking on his cave throne.

Trimmed to remove visibility of VR Ryan; cuts before he raises a fist.


Colonel Icebot turns away from a console, then talks at us.

Recycled, trimmed, plays in reverse.


Medium shot of Grimlord talking on his cave throne.



Close-up on Grimlord talking some on his cave throne.

Recycled again; slowed.


Close-up on Grimlord talking some on his cave throne.

Recycled once more; slowed.


The lab viewscreen shows a close-up on Grimlord talking some on his cave throne.

Recycled insert inside a US-rebuilt stock backplate.


Colonel Icebot nods to the viewscreen above him, then hunches down and begins to tweak knobs and flip switches on the console.


General Ivar talks close, lowering his pointing hand.

Recycled; split; altered to fit fire-screen.


Close on Grimlord slowly nodding with his eyes especially visible for a change.

Recycled, but unaltered for first time.


General Ivar talks close, then putting both arms in the air for a moment.

Recycled; split from two shots ago; altered to fit fire-screen.


Close on Grimlord, talking angrily, lifting shoulders up towards the end.

Trims off zoom in past VR Ryan; slowed.


JB as seen on Grimlord's cave torch-screen.

Backplate is recycled & slowed, new US insert; some added flame footage underlaid between the pair but I've no clue where it comes from.


Close on Grimlord, talking angrily, lifting shoulders up towards the end.

Recycled; still trimmed; slowed.


Colonel Icebot nod-talks and shakes his head.

Recycled; split; plays in reverse.


Close-up on Grimlord talking some on his cave throne.

Recycled yet again.


Colonel Icebot nod-talks and shakes his head.

Recycled; split from two shots ago; plays in reverse.


Grimlord talks on his cave throne, raising his right fist briefly.

Recycled; still trimmed; altered to fit cave-wall screen.


Medium shot of Grimlord talking on his cave throne.

Recycled; altered to fit cave-wall screen.


Medium shot of Grimlord talking on his cave throne.

Recycled again; altered to fit cave-wall screen.


Grimlord talks on his cave throne, raising his right fist briefly.

Recycled again; altered to fit cave-wall screen.

VRT 101.

Ryan's VR transformation sequence.

Recycled one final time; transitions out.


VR Ryan poses in the cave. Suddenly, Combax's disembodied head floats through the mist, VR Ryan dodges it and it slams into a wall, bursting brightly, causing another burst to erupt on VR Ryan's chest.

Cuts follow-ups of flashbacks to various Mutants in battle.


The eyes of the disembodied heads of Horrorbot & Dreammaster flash, before they swing by VR Ryan, slamming into a wall, bursting brightly, causing another burst to erupt on VR Ryan's chest.

Cuts prior shot of VR Ryan dodging the pair of heads.


VR Ryan's internal gyro spins to life.

Recycled, per source.


VR Ryan glances downward, talking.

Split, part 1.


VR Ryan glances to our left.

Split, part 2.


VR Ryan begins to glances to our right. VR Ryan continues looking around the cave.

Shot 1 is split, part 3; cuts shot 2 before zoom in on VR Ryan; cuts follow-ups of flashbacks.


Slashbot & Chainbot's eyes flash, as their disembodied heads float past a floor-rolling VR Ryan, they slam into the wall bursting brightly, causing another burst to erupt on VR Ryan's chest, knocking him down.

Cuts follow-up flashbacks.


Dice's eyes flash, before his disembodied head takes off.



VR Ryan recovers to a crouch.

Recycled; slowed; trimmed to end.


Slice's eyes flash, before his disembodied head takes off. The Swordbot Brothers' heads sparkily smash through VR Ryan, then slam into the wall and burst brightly, causing another burst to erupt on VR Ryan's chest, flipping him over. VR Ryan's internal gyro spins faster than ever, as VR Ryan remains crouched, clutching his chest in a zoom in.

Cuts additional VR Ryan close-up between shots 1 & 2; cuts follow-up flashbacks.


Close-up of Grimlord as he turns to face us.

Plays in reverse.


VR Ryan races through the cavern tunnel.


A pair of flaming coals lift out of the torch, and fly off. VR Ryan reaches Grimlord's new throne room, but finds no sign of him. He glances about and nod-talks, until suddenly Decimator's silver cape drops to the floor. Emerging from it, is Decimator, VR Ryan reacting, as Decimator holds his glistening saber at the ready. VR Ryan gets into a battle ready stance. Decimator thrusts forth, VR Ryan side steps, then ducks his next slash. VR Ryan jumpkicks into Decimator, but he passes through him like he's a ghost. VR Ryan recovers quickly, then rushes forth and throws a punch at him, passing through Decimator completely, falling and rolling on the other side, but recovering to a crouch.

Cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan scanning Decimator, revealing two flaming coals within.


VR Ryan pulls out a dagger, unsheathes it, Decimator readies his katana, as VR Ryan lunges forth and stabs at him, missing completely. Decimator slashes at him, just as he stabs again, both spark bursting upon impact in the darkened cave. A quick shot of the pair of flaming coals, then Decimator glows with multicolored energy, dematerializing entirely, leaving VR Ryan collapsing to the floor. A quick shot of the flaming torch, before Grimlord appears on the throne, VR Ryan trying to recover to a crouch.

Shot 8 cuts before flaming coals fade out; shot 9 is given added energy effects; shot 11 is recycled, but unaltered for once.


VR Ryan spark bursts and falls down. Grimlord talks, then reaches forth and extends electricity tendrils at him, picking him up as he writhes and drops his dagger. Grimlord flings him into a wall, he falls, then Grimlord picks him up again with the electricity tendrils, same drill, slams him against the wall, then picks him up again, this time just dropping him roughly to the floor.

Cuts follow-up close shot of VR Ryan falling to the ground.


VR Ryan rolls over, but quickly recovers to a crouch, as Grimlord extends a pair of tentacles forth. VR Ryan grabs one ,chops it in half, but the second stabs him sparkily in the waist, causing him pain, and frying one of his robotic components. Grimlord talks during a zoom in, as VR Ryan chops the tentacle in half, then has to remove the pointy end of it from its impaled place in his gut, staggering back.


VR Ryan's inner parts and circuitry light up.



Close on Grimlord talking.

Slowed; shortened.


Zoom out from VR Ryan's damaged waist section, he clutches at the smoking hole, talking as he lies there.



Close on Grimlord talking.



VR Ryan still lies there.

Split from two shots ago.


Grimlord talks some more, shaking his head briefly. VR Ryan responds, then watches as Grimlord talks some more before him. Sharp zoom in on VR Ryan.

Shot 1 is split from two shots ago.


Zoom in sharply past VR Ryan, close on Grimlord, talking angrily, lifting shoulders up towards the end.

Recycled, but runs fully and in context; cuts follow-up imaginary mutual destruction sequence of the pair.


Close on VR Ryan, talking as he lies there.

Cuts prior redundant close-ups; cuts follow-ups of more talking between the pair.


Slight zoom in on Grimlord, clenching his right hand into a fist as he talks. VR Ryan, on his knees, clutching his gut, speaks while shot zooms in on him.

Shot 1 is recycled, but runs longer and unaltered and in context; trims start to reduce zoom in; cuts follow-ups of even more talking.


Grimlord's throne's bottom thruster ignites, VR Ryan raising his head to watch, as it begins to lift off, taking Grimlord with it.

Cuts final shot before liftoff halts suddenly; cuts follow-ups of Grimlord on his throne flying at VR Ryan, the pair having one final battle, one on one, with Grimlord ending up decapitated.


Close on VR Ryan, recovering to a crouch.

Pushed back from source position.


VR Ryan slowly gets on his feet, clutching his gut.

Pushed back from source position; cuts before he falls flat on his face; transitions out.


Skugs panic and flee as the cavern they're in begins to spark burst, quake, and collapse around them.

Recycled; trims start to remove General Ivar.


The mountainside explodes from within.


A rockslide begins to pour down the mountainside.



The cavern entrance dirt bursts, knocking Skugs in front of it down.



The rockslide keeps pouring, a crevice opens up in the ground and spews up a fireball, as more quaking and earth plate-shifting occurs.

Shot 1 is split from three shots ago; shot 2 was recycled per source in MMPR via Zyuranger.


Distant shot of Ziktor Tower, towering over Cross World City, as Grimlord talks to us.

Recycled looped background, brand new US Grimlord makes his full debut superimposed over it.

Ending Credits