#87: VRT 235 "The Duplitron Dilemma".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Shaider, episodes 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 16, 25, 28, 30, 36, 39, & 43; Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 3, 5, 23, 32, 43, 44, & End Credits; and Metalder, episodes 7 & 37.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:16;16.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Zoom in on Ziktor Tower (no smog). |
Recycled; transitions in. |
VRT 207. |
Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord, teleporting up to his Dark Fortress above, which floats through the virtual dimension. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Duplitronic Monster walks behind some Ultra-Skugs working on Duplitron devices. |
Altered to fit sparkle screen. |
SHAIDER #36. |
The Dark Fortress floats through the virtual dimension in a wider shot. |
Recycled, per source; transitions in. |
VRT 208. |
Ryan's VR transformation sequence, version 2. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #16. |
Smoking and in front of a fence, VR Ryan summons to the sky. |
Trimmed to remove spark bursting. |
SHAIDER #16. |
Blue Hawk flies out of the clouds to our left. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #25. |
VR Ryan leaps straight up. |
SHAIDER #25. |
The Blue Hawk entry port opens and VR Ryan flies up into it. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #25. |
VR Ryan lands in his cockpit, motioning both fists. |
Recycled, cuts before he grabs controls, per source. |
SHAIDER #25. |
Blue Hawk flies downward and rolls away from us. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #39. |
In his cockpit, VR Ryan flips some switches with his right hand. A console display blinks. VR Ryan nod-talks to our slight right. |
Cuts before he gestures arm. |
SHAIDER #10. |
Blue Hawk does a barrel roll into the clouds. |
Recycled; transitions out. |
VRT 101. |
Kaitlin & JB raise their glowing Virtualizers. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled from 201; cuts before she poses. |
VRT 101. |
J.B.'s VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled; fades before posing. |
SHAIDER #01. |
Blue Hawk swoops down inches above the ground right at and then over us. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #39. |
In his cockpit, VR Ryan nod-talks to our slight right. |
Recycled; cuts before more talking. |
SHAIDER #39. |
A console display blinks. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #39. |
In his cockpit, VR Ryan nod-talks to our slight right. |
Recycled; shortened. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Slight zoom in on the Duplitron building. |
Altered to fit Skybase monitor; plays in reverse and cuts before Japanese title appears. |
SHAIDER #39. |
In his cockpit, VR Ryan nod-talks to our slight right, then motions his right arm. |
Trimmed to just the previously unused end. |
SHAIDER #25. |
Blue Hawk flies downward and rolls away from us. |
Recycled again. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Zoom in on two armed guards at the Duplitron building. |
Transitions in. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Sharp zoom in on VR Ryan holding both arms outward. |
Trims start to remove visibility of Annie. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan's eyes light up. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Close-up of the two armed guards, sensors revealing them to be Ultra-Skugs in disguise. |
US VR Ryan vision overlaid over the source's red version; effects added to make the sensor scan better. |
SHAIDER #11. |
VR Ryan nod-talks up close. |
Recycled; trimmed slightly. |
The VR Skybase flies out of a cloud to our slight left. |
Recycled. |
VR JB is flung into the air. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin dives downward to our rightish. |
Recycled. |
VRs JB & Kaitlin fly up toward the VR Skybase and enter it. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin & VR JB land in their cockpit seats. |
Recycled. |
The VR Skybase passes to our slight left. |
Recycled. |
The VR Skybase flies downward over the city. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Slight zoom in on the Duplitron building. |
Recycled; now the Skybase monitor bit works. |
VR JB shifts both of the Skybase controls. |
Recycled; cuts before he presses button. |
The VR Skybase tilts suddenly. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Four armed guards all look upward. |
Close on VR JB in the cockpit, talking then gripping controls. VR JB shifts both of the Skybase controls then presses button. |
Recycled. |
Skybase fires forth. |
Recycled. |
A pair of missiles fly into a cloud. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Bursts erupt around the four armed guards, knocking them over. |
That's Blue Hawk doing it in the source. |
SHAIDER #43. |
VR Ryan stands and nod-talks in front of a building. |
Recycled.> |
The VR Skybase turns downward. |
Recycled; cuts before firing; transitions out. |
SHAIDER #01. |
The Dark Fortress floats through the virtual dimension. |
Recycled; trimmed heavily; transitions in. |
SHAIDER #36. |
More eruptions burst around the armed troops, knocking them down. |
Altered to fit sparkle screen. |
SHAIDER #06. |
Three Grimstars fly through some clouds, then curl back around our way. |
Recycled. |
VR JB shifts both of the Skybase controls. |
Recycled again; cuts before he presses button. |
The VR Skybase flies high up over us. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #28. |
A trio of Grimstars fires bolts while curling downward to our lower right. |
Mirror-flipped. |
VR Skybase flies to our left as explosions erupt in the sky around it. |
Recycled. |
Spark bursts erupt in front of VR Kaitlin & VR JB in their cockpit. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #01. |
A trio of Grimstars do a barrel roll. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #01. |
A trio of Grimstars fly into the clouds together. |
Recycled; altered to fit Skybase monitor. |
VR JB talks in the cockpit, as he sits back in his chair. |
Recycled. |
VR JB presses the button on his control. |
Recycled. |
Skybase fires forth. |
Recycled again. |
A pair of missiles fly into a cloud. |
Recycled again. |
Skybase fires forth. |
Recycled yet again; cuts short. |
A massive explosion in midair. |
Recycled; cuts off Air Fighters; transitions out. |
SHAIDER #03. |
VR Ryan looks around near a forest. |
Transitions in; split. |
SHAIDER #03. |
Continued, VR Ryan nod-talks then summons to the sky. |
Split from prior shot. |
SHAIDER #03. |
The VR Combat Module flies in across the clouds. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #03. |
VR Ryan poses, then leaps up. |
SHAIDER #10. |
The Blue Hawk entry port opens and VR Ryan flies up into it. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #10. |
VR Ryan lands in his cockpit, motioning both fists. |
Recycled; cuts before grabbing controls. |
SHAIDER #36. |
The VR Combat Module lands and drives away from the camera. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #36. |
The VR Combat Module rolls forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #03. |
In his cockpit, VR Ryan crosses his right arm over his neck, then reaches forth with it. |
SHAIDER #36. |
The VR Combat Module's drill lifts up into position and begins to spin, as the drill tank begins to drill into the ground. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #04. |
Push in on VR Ryan piloting his cockpit. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #36. |
The VR Combat Module drill tank drills through the underground, and soon smashes through a rock wall. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Debris rains down on the Ultra-Skugs and Duplitronic in the lab. |
SHAIDER #36. |
In his cockpit, VR Ryan raises a fist, then reaches down during zoom in. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #36. |
The VR Combat Module fires a missile. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Sparks erupt all around Duplitronic and the Ultra-Skugs. |
Some shortening of shots here. |
SHAIDER #36. |
An explosion erupts beside a construction site. |
Recycled, but first in context. |
SHAIDER #30. |
A series of explosions in a missile silo of some kind. |
Recycled; trimmed heavily so you don't see the silo at all. |
SHAIDER #36. |
The VR Combat Module drill tank emerges from underground. |
SHAIDER #39. |
VR Ryan in his cockpit eases back on both controls at once. |
SHAIDER #03. |
Extreme close-up of VR Ryan nod-talking in his cockpit. |
Recycled. |
The VR Skybase flies out of a cloud to our slight left. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #06. |
A trio of Grimstars curl into some clouds. |
VR JB turns and talks to VR Kaitlin in the Skybase cockpit, who nods in response. |
Recycled; cuts before he does stuff. |
VR JB presses the button on his control. |
Recycled again. |
SHAIDER #01. |
Blue Hawk fires lasers to our right. |
Recycled; mirror-flipped; oops! I guess they felt the show's canceled, why bother? |
SHAIDER #01. |
Grimstars curl through the air while a superimposed explosion erupts over them. |
Recycled; mirror-flipped; Superimposed explosion added. |
A big puffy explosion in midair. |
Recycled. |
SHAIDER #01. |
A pair of flaming Grimstars speed off into the horizon. |
Recycled, but first time unaltered. |
VR Kaitlin and VR JB, looking upward, suddenly cease doing so, in the cockpit. |
Recycled; plays in reverse. |
VR Kaitlin nod-talks in the Skybase cockpit. |
Recycled. |
VR Skybase, tilted initially, rightens the ship. |
Recycled; transitions out. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Duplitronic leaps forth. |
Transitions in; cuts follow-up of Duplitronic falling and rolling to ground. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan flips over and punches both fists first into Duplitronic, who falls for a moment, but recovers just to face VR Ryan, who grabs him by his sword, then leaps up and flips the monster over. When they land, VR Ryan repeatedly punches Duplitronic until he's thrown back. |
Cuts final shot before freeze-frame; US replaces follow-up of Despera. |
SHAIDER #36. |
A blue light crack forms in reality. |
Recycled, happens twice, per source. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan leaps over Duplitronic's sword, then turns and kicks him into a prismatic portal. VR Ryan quickly summons to the sky, before being pulled in as well. |
SHAIDER #36. |
The VR Nitrocycle flies down from the VR Shoulder Cannon Shuttle. VR Ryan lands on his VR Nitrocycle while in motion to our left through a prismatic portal, before he flies further into it. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan flies his VR Nitrocycle to our right repeatedly real fast. |
Cuts follow-ups of Duplitronic flying and getting blasted down by VR Ryan on his cycle. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan rolls his VR Nitrocycle to a stop before Duplitronic's giant head, then whips out his saber and dismounts to fight. |
Cuts before sparks rain down on him, spewed by Duplitronic's mouth, until VR Ryan flies to another sector. |
SHAIDER #36. |
In another room, VR Ryan faces regular sized Duplitronic, who slashes his sword forth. VR Ryan blocks it with his, then they grab each other for a moment, before breaking off. |
Cuts follow-ups of Duplitronic causing all of the exhaust pipes in the room to spray sparkles upon VR Ryan. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Duplitronic types on his face keypad, causing an image of VR Ryan to appear on his forehead display, glowing, before shooting a green beam that creates a duplicate VR Ryan, saber included! The real VR Ryan reacts, before the fake VR Ryan rushes forth, they clash sabers, real VR Ryan kicks the fake one, then knocks fakey in for a flip. Duplitronic joins the battle, slashing at the real VR Ryan, who dodges, only to get double teamed by the monster and the evil double. |
Green effects added to shots 1 & 2's already greenish effects. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan rolls into the Indigo Sector, followed by fake VR Ryan, who slashes at him, causing him to flip over. Suddenly, VR Ryan faces Duplitronic, blocking his sword, only to get knocked down anyway. Backed by Duplitronic, fake VR Ryan is emboldened, leaping up, met in midair by the real VR Ryan, both clashing blades. When they land, VR Ryan attacks Duplitronic and gets rebuffed, so fake VR Ryan whips his saber around until it turns into a four-bladed propeller-like weapon! He rushes at real VR Ryan, clashing against his single saber repeatedly, before finally sparkily striking him in the chest, until he flips over. Recovering, VR Ryan faces his evil twin, and Duplitronic, the latter of which fires bursts from his sword, spark bursting all around VR Ryan, until he's hit as well. VR Ryan recovers, whips out his Laser Pistol, fires at the approaching fake VR Ryan, and the beam just goes through him, so he ducks under his propeller weapon. VR Ryan talks for a moment, then looks over and sees Duplitronic. He turns his aim over to the monster, blasting him burstingly in the head, causing fake VR Ryan to suddenly collapse and explode to spark bursts. VR Ryan aims again at Duplitronic, who flees as the laser beam explodes behind him. |
Cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan being blasted by Gargantus, then creating the Shoulder Cannon to blast him from the sky. |
SHAIDER #36. |
In a dark dimension, Duplitronic and VR Ryan leap at one another, but merely pass by one another in midair, landing opposite one another, where the monster readies his sword. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan readies his VR Laser Saber, charging the blade up and twirling it about as it trails against a sparkly backdrop. |
Recycled, per source (sparkily backdrop effect US added). |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan faces Duplitronic, then rushes at him, using his Laser Saber to sparkily slash the monster twice. Duplitronic strikes back, but his sword ends up knocked out of his clutches by VR Ryan, who snags the sword, and rushes forth armed with both blades. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan slices Duplitronic sparkily in the back with his Laser Saber, then makes a side strike with Duplitronic's own sword against him, causing the monster to spew sparkles galore. VR Ryan turns him around then releases his grip on the monster's sword, Duplitronic flailing about. |
Trims start to remove VR Ryan slashing monster with his own sword. |
SHAIDER #36. |
VR Ryan energy slashes horizontally to our left a few times. |
Recycled, per source. |
SHAIDER #36. |
Duplitronic is sliced sparkily. |
SHAIDER #36. |
A blue, massive explosion fireball expands before us, rapidly flashing. VR Ryan turns around and poses with his saber as the strange dimension reverts to the blue skies of reality. |
Recycled, per source; transitions out. |