
Power Rangers Wild Force

Opening credits scenes, PRWF Opening Credits V2.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Source Description Edit Note
GAO #10.

Red Ranger looks down as focus pulls to Red Lion behind him.

Fades in from black; dissolves out.

GAO #02.

Red Lion stands on his cliff overlooking the valley with the other four Wildzords down below.

Transitions out via Lion's claw slashing effect.

GAO #01.

Red Lion roars into the sky.


Black runs on all four through the woods, then rears back.


Camera rises up the side of a cliff as Red stands atop it.

GAO #24.

The five Rangers finish morphing all side by side at once.

Look closely and see Taylor as a guy and Max not black.

GAO #01.

White Tiger roars.


Red jerks his clawed gloves about.

Mirror-flipped; Transitions out via Lion's claw slashing effect.

GAO #01.

Yellow flies through the air.

GAO #01.

Red Lion comes to a stop, as he and his fellow Wildzords reach the edge of the dam.

Dissolves out.

GAO #02.

The Rangers point their Crystal Sabers together in a circle, as they then glow and flare.

Image spins then zooms in as it dissolves out.

GAO #24.

The Rangers jump and pose in front of a huge explosion.


Yellow flies through the forest.

GAO #17.

The shot spins around and the Rangers are holding their Crystal Sabers like flutes.

Cuts before they pose.

GAO #04.

Blue flies over a field of explosions with his Fighting Fins in hand.

GAO #01.

White spins and drops down from a tree and scratches at the screen.

GAO #16.

Red slaps the ground, leaps up, and teleports upwards.

GAO #01.

Red leaps straight up.

GAO #32.

White gestures her clawed gloved.

GAO #32.

Red aims his Falcon Summoner in Archer Mode forth.

PRWF 1205.

Various shots of Rangers on their Savage Cycles.


The weapon-wielding Rangers rotate around until Red fires his Lion Blaster at us.

Commercial bumper first used in GAO #35.

PRWF 1212.

Lasers cause explosions behind the Savage Cycle-jumping Blue.

PRWF 1223.

Red Savage Warrior stands poised in his Animarium Armor.

PRWF 1202.

Cole smiles at us as Red Lion appears beside him.

Red Lion US CGI'd in.

GAO #12.

Red uses his Blazing Lion attack.

Original footage.

Taylor smiles at us as Eagle appears beside her.

Eagle US CGI'd in.

PRWF 1213.

Yellow uses her Soaring Eagle attack.

Original footage.

Max smiles at us as Sharky appears beside him.

Sharky US CGI'd in.

GAO #12.

Blue uses his Surging Shark attack.

Original footage.

Alyssa smiles at us as White Tiger appears beside her.

White Tiger US CGI'd in.

Original footage.

White uses her Noble Tiger attack.

Never actually used in-show.

Original footage.

Danny smiles at us as Bison appears beside him.

Bison US CGI'd in.

GAO #12.

Black uses his Iron Bison attack.

GAO #29.

As an explosion erupts behind them, the five Rangers fly away from it.

GAO #01.

The camera circles around Red Lion and pulls out to show all of the Animarium.


All six Rangers pose in a quarry.

First used in GAO #28.

GAO #42.

All six Rangers race through a river bed.

GAO #01.

Red Lion leaps off his cliff.

GAO #02.

Each Ranger merges into Red Lion's forehead.

GAO #23.

Wild Force Megazord Striker runs kicking Armadillozord like a soccer ball ahead of it.

GAO #10.

Gorillazord roars and beats his chest.

GAO #31.

Five split-screen of the Rangers looking up while holding their Sabers forth.

GAO #09.

The Bearzords spew flames & ice forth at the same time.

GAO #24.

Lunar Wolf performs a Full Moon Strike.

GAO #25.

Lunar Wolf poses in front of an explosion.

PRWF 1217.

Merrick turns around as the wind blows his hair.

Original footage.

Princess Shayla spins around and smiles at us.

PRWF 1202.

Master Org clenches his fist and laughs evilly.

A collage of two shots, both from the same episode.

Original footage.

Toxica motions her hand as she smiles at us.

GAO #05.

Elephantzord breaks out of the mountain and trumpets.

GAO #31.

Red fires a bolt of flaming energy from the Falcon Summoner.

PRWF 1211.

A Crescent Wave crashes explosively down behind the five unmorphed Rangers.

GAO #31.

Isis Megazord blocks incoming lasers with its wing shields.

GAO #10.

Wild Force Kongazord flexes its Bearzord muscles.

GAO #04.

An explosion erupts as Shark flies ahead of the charging Bison.

GAO #01.

The five Rangers pose before the five roaring Wildzords.

Original footage.

Red Lion roars as his face morphs into the "POWER RANGERS" logo, while within the mouth five human figures morph into the words "WILD FORCE".

Fades to black; Red Lion shot seems to be based on a shot from GAO #01.