
Power Rangers DinoThunder

Opening credits scenes, PRDT Opening Credits V2.

Opening is about 01:00;00 by itself.

Source Description Edit Note

Original footage.

Tyrannozord walks in, roaring and firing beams from his mouth and tail, as the Power Rangers logo appears below him, followed by DinoThunder when he jabs his tail downward between the Power and Rangers turning it into a lightning bolt symbol. He roars again and the logo flies apart at us.


The three DinoThunder Rangers walk toward us as a bright explosion behind them fades into their three Dinozords, roaring in the city.

Trims start.

ABA #02 & PRDT 1402 / PRDT 1402.

On the left: Red DinoThunder Ranger poses in front of his Tyrannozord in the city; on the right: Conner smiles while facing Tyrannodrones.

Left shot is a composite of US posing footage (from the morphing sequence) with unrelated Aba background; Red Tyrannozord tail smashes into a lightning bolt between the two shots, causing the whole screen to fly apart as a transition to the next shot.

PRDT 1402.

Conner looking intense.

Deleted footage.

ABA #02 & PRDT 1402 / PRDT 1401.

On the left: Blue DinoThunder Ranger poses in front of his Tricerazord in the city; on the right: Ethan smiles while riding in Conner's car.

Left shot is a composite of US posing footage (from the morphing sequence) with unrelated Aba background; Right shot is a deleted shot; Blue Tyrannozord tail smashes into a lightning bolt between the two shots, causing the whole screen to fly apart as a transition to the next shot.

PRDT 1402.

Ethan looking intense.

Deleted footage.

ABA #02 & PRDT 1402 / PRDT 1406.

On the left: Yellow DinoThunder Ranger poses in front of her Pterazord in the city; on the right: Kira smiles lightly and nods slightly in a crowd.

Left shot is a composite of US posing footage (from the morphing sequence) with unrelated Aba background; Right shot runs a little longer at start than source; Yellow Tyrannozord tail smashes into a lightning bolt between the two shots, causing the whole screen to fly apart as a transition to the next shot.

PRDT 1402.

Kira looking intense.

Deleted footage.

ABA #02 & PRDT 1405 / PRDT 1409.

On the left: Black DinoThunder Ranger poses in front of his Brachiozord in the city; on the right: Dr Oliver looks concerned in class.

Left shot is a composite of US posing footage (from the morphing sequence) with unrelated Aba background; right shot is deleted footage; Black Tyrannozord tail smashes into a lightning bolt between the two shots, causing the whole screen to fly apart as a transition to the next shot.

PRDT 1401.

Tommy poses fiercely while surrounded by Tyrannodrones.

Runs longer than source.

PRDT 1402/1405.

The four DinoThunder Rangers morph.

ABA #47.

The five Super Dino Moded Rangers step forth and pose amid emergy flames in front of their logo.

ABA #04.

The Rangers' helmet visors stretch out into roaring mouths.

PRDT 1424 / PRDT 1408.

On the left: White DinoThunder Ranger poses in front of his Dragozord in front of a block of ice; on the right: Trent looks on stunned by what he sees.

Left shot is from his morphing sequence; right shot is deleted footage; White Tyrannozord tail smashes into a lightning bolt between the two shots, causing the whole screen to fly apart as a transition to the next shot.

PRDT 1421.

Trent looks intensely to our left as a Tyrannodrone lurks behind him.

Runs longer than source.

PRDT 1401 / PRDT 1415.

On the left: Cassidy smiles big in class; on the right, Devin looks confused in the forest.

Cassidy's shot is deleted footage; Devin's shot is also deleted.

PRDT 1435 / 1417.

On the left: Elsa lifts her head sharply with an intense stare; on the right: Principal Randall smiles.

Right shot is deleted.

PRDT 1417 / 1422.

On the left: Anton Mercer smirks in the classroom; on the right: Mesogog turns his head.

Left shot is a deleted alternate angle.

ABA #31.

Triassic Ranger slashses his energized shield-saber forth.

ABA #28.

Black morphs into Super Dino Mode.

ABA #26.

White finishes energy slashing his White Drago Saber in a Z shape.

PRDT 1405.

Red, Yellow, and Blue ride their Raptor Cycles out of the cliffside portal.

PRDT 1416.

Black leaps his Thunder ATV away from an explosion.

PRDT 1425.

Blue jumps his Hovercraft Cycle past an explosion.

Lacks finished product's added energy effects.

ABA #32.

Yellow & Blue pulse their energies into Red's Shield of Triumph, causing it to glow.

Quickly intercut.

ABA #31.

Red morphs into Triassic Ranger.

US made montage.

ABA #31.

Triassic Ranger stands completed.

ABA #33.

The Mezodon Megazord stands completed.

PRDT 1405.

The three Rangers leap their Raptor Cycles away from a trio of explosions.

Now with added effects from episode's use.

ABA #46.

The five Rangers fire the Super Z-Rex Blaster forth.

ABA #20.

White Stegozord poses explosively.

ABA #04.

The Rangers ride their Raptor Riders together while posing with their weapons.

ABA #35.

The Triassic Megarover rides past dirt bursts to our right.

PRDT 1425.

The Blue Hovercraft Cycle transforms, and Blue then rides it through a vortex.

PRDT 1437.

Beauty shots of the Triceramax Command Center truck as it drives through a quarry.

Mostly deleted shots.

ABA #03.

The Dinozords race through the city together, roaring.

ABA #02.

Thundersaurus Megazord spins its left armblade while flying with it forth amid explosions.

PRDT 1430.

The five Rangers do their morph poses in the forest.

ABA #08.

Bright whiteness shimmers into the formation of the DinoThunder chest symbol.

PRDT 1432.

The five DinoThunder Rangers pose in front of an explosion.

Original footage.

Tyrannozord fires beams from his mouth and tail, as the Power Rangers logo appears below him, followed by DinoThunder when he jabs his tail downward between the Power and Rangers turning it into a lightning bolt symbol. He roars again and the logo flies apart at us.
