
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive

Opening credits scenes, PROO Opening Credits V1.

Opening is about 01:00;00 by itself.

Source Description Edit Note
Original footage.

The "Power Rangers Operation Overdrive" logo forms.

Fades in from black; transitions out.

PROO 1701.

Side view on the four Overdrivers swirling with energies.

Transitions in; gold transitions out.

PROO 1702.

Mack walks along the beach with the four Overdrivers.

Gold transitions in.

PROO 1702.

Mack and Spencer turn around as the Overdrivers do as well.

PROO 1701.

Mack spins his Overdrive Tracker in his palm.

PROO 1701.

Angle down on Black posed.

PROO 1701.

Close-up of Red's Overdrive Tracker in belt holster.

PROO 1701.

Red begins to gesture in front of the team's truck.


Blue glides above the ground in the forest, firing gusts from his Drive Vortex.

Footage squeezed; textless, unlike source.


Black materializes his Drive Slammer, points it at some Chillers, then flings it at them.

Cropped, each shot shortened.

PROO 1701.

Yellow leaps forth in slow motion before a Kalishplosion, with hands in Drive Claws.

PROO 1701.

Pink, Drive Geyser in hand, semi-cartwheels over a blast that spark bursts beneath her while a Chiller awaits to attack.

PROO 1701.

Blue kicks at a Chiller before turning to face more.

PROO 1701.

Red shields Andrew Hartford, as his teammates regroup around them, while partially facing Moltor.

PROO 1702 et al.

A quick sped-up glimpse of Mack's morphing sequence.


In his Zord cockpit, the steering wheel locks into place as we pan up to Red.



Dozer Driver lifts up its shovel while exhausting steam in the hangar.



Three DriveMax Zords roll forth on a field.



Speed Driver rolls forth from the hangar.

Squeezed & mirror-flipped.

PROO 1702 & 1702 / BOUKEN #02.

Australia inset: Mack lifting his head with a dopey smirk, followed by him breaking free from a pair of Lava Lizards on the beach. Bottom right, original footage of Red doing a few kicks. Upper right, Dump Driver rolls forth from the hangar.

Original composite shot.

PROO 1702.

Pan down the Zord hangar, as seen on the Overdrive Operational viewscreen.

Funny how the characters can have a widescreen TV, but Disney can't be bothered to make the show widescreen.

PROO 1701 & 1701 / BOUKEN #02.

Africa inset: Ronny smiles while raising her racing trophy, followed by her using her speed powers against a Lava Lizard. Bottom right, original footage of Yellow gesture-posing. Upper right, Dozer Driver rolls forth from the hangar.

Original composite shot.


Sharp zoom in on Super DriveMax Megazord posing battle ready.


PROO 1702 & 1701 / BOUKEN #02.

North America inset: Will appears befuddled next to a safe, followed by a zoom in on his eye as he activates his telescopular vision. Bottom right, original footage of Black posing. Upper right, Speed Driver rolls forth from the hangar.

Original composite shot. Initial inset shot mirror-flipped.

PROO 1701.

The four Overdrivers roll their Overdrive Trackers down their forearms while doing their first morph.


DriveMax Megazord Mixer Formation completes formation in a spray of sparks.


PROO 1701 & 1701 / BOUKEN #02.

Asia inset: Rose smirks and chews gum while walking to our right in a close-up, followed by her turning invisible before two Lava Lizards. Bottom right, original footage of Pink posing. Upper right, Sub Driver rolls forth from the hangar.

Original composite shot.


Close-up of Red turning on his helmet forehead lights, his four teammates doing the same behind him.



The five Overdrive Rangers stand stoicly as explosions erupt around them.


PROO 1703 & 1701 / BOUKEN #02.

South America inset: Dax gawks durpily in a close-up, followed by him super leaping into the air. Bottom right, original footage of Blue posing. Upper right, Gyro Driver lifts off from the hangar.

Original composite shot.

Original footage.

Flurious rises up behind the completed Corona Aurora.

Possibly deleted, but I seem to recall it was made for promotional usage (in the promos prior to the show's start).

PROO 1701.

Close-up of the Corona Aurora, before the beings that will become Flurious & Moltor reach for it and get zapped.

PROO 1702 / 1701.

Spencer dabs his fraught-filled brow, Andrew Hartford gapes at the light to our left.

Original composite shot.

PROO 1702.

Red clashes blades with Moltor, causing a ripple and explosion.

PROO 1703 / 1701.

Norg jabbers up close, Flurious seems to be trying to swallow falling snow.

Original composite shot.

PROO 1702.

The five Overdrivers stand in their base, nodding as a group.

Transitions in, then zooms in.


As Blue reaches for it, Neptune's Cocoon glows, then flies off and creates duplicates before the Rangers.

Zoom out at start, squeezed & cropped.

PROO 1704.

Black rides his HoverTek Cycle down an energy tunnel.

PROO 1702.

Red calmly aids an Asian mother and infant in vacating a car as lava pours down the street behind them.


DriveMax Megazord Drill Formation prepares its Drill finisher.



In their cockpits, the five Rangers appear side by side while activating their Overdrive Trackers.



The five Rangers stand on rocky ground as they look to our slight left together, Blue standing up.

Zooms out at start. Cropped.?

PROO 1703.

Norg gawks to our left, while Flurious raises his staff high in his ice cave.

Sans ice energy effect on staff.

PROO 1702.

The four helmetless Rangers nod in unison.


Sub Driver dives deeper beneath the ocean with pinchers extended.



Gyro Driver swoops down from the sky.



Dump Driver leaps over a cliff.


PROO 1702.

The five Overdrivers races up to a spot on the beach as it zooms in on Mack, preparing to morph.



The five Rangers race along the disintegrating walkway over the lava.



Quick glimpses of Red activating the Defender Vest.

Sped-up and squeezed.


Red, in Defender Vest, fires the Drill Blaster as his teammates brace around him.


PROO 1711.

The SHARC flies past us, above the clouds.

PROO 1704.

HoverTek Cycle transforms into chopper mode.


The five Rangers stand posed as explosions erupt around them amid cement ruins.



DriveMax Megazord performs its finisher with the Driver Saber.

Squeezed & cropped.

Original footage.

Now against a different background, the "Power Rangers Operation Overdrive" logo forms again.

Fades to black.