
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

Opening credits scenes, PRLG Opening Credits V1.2.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Source Description Edit Note

PRLG 801.

An explosion erupts behind Leo & Kendrix, as Kai turns and looks.

Second shot runs longer at start than in episode.

Original stock.

Terra Venture floats in space, repeat closer, and closer.

Original footage.

Kai smiles at us in the secret entryway to the Astro Megaship.

PRLG 802.

Kai whips Quasar Saber at the Stingwingers.

Deleted footage.

GINGA #01.

Blue Galaxy Ranger poses in front of a bluish waterfall.

Original footage.

Damon rolls out from under the Green Astro Cycle and smiles at us.

PRLG 802.

Damon finds himself surrounded by Stingwingers.

Deleted footage.

GINGA #01.

Green Galaxy Ranger poses in front of green whirlwind.

PRLG 803.

The five Galaxy Rangers unsheathe their Quasar Sabers and pose.

PRLG 801.

GSA soldiers race about the embattled practice moon.

Original footage.

Leo smiles at us outside the Galactabeast cages.

PRLG 802.

Leo throws a failed punch at a Stingwinger.

GINGA #01.

Red Galaxy Ranger poses in front of a raging fire.

Original footage.

Kendrix takes off her glasses and smiles at us from the Science Division.

PRLG 802.

Kendrix breaks off from Stingwingers' hold.

Deleted footage.

GINGA #01.

Pink Galaxy Ranger poses in front of pink blooming flowers.

PRLG 806.

Red revs up his Red Astro Cycle.

PRLG 806.

A massive explosion erupts behind the Rangers.

Original footage.

Maya smiles at us in a jungle.

PRLG 801.

Maya swings over Stingwingers on a vine.

Deleted footage.

GINGA #01.

Yellow Galaxy Ranger poses in front of yellow lightning.

PRiS 610.

Bulk & Professor Phenomenus pay no mind to the camera, because this is old footage.

Original stock.

Pan up close along the slightly rotating Command Tower.

GINGA #23.

The five Rangers charge out of a wall of flames.

PRLG 802.

Close on Scorpius, push in on his giant bug eye as Furio's onion head is reflected within.

Original stock.

The Scorpion Stinger flies over the camera.

PRLG 806.

Red, Blue, & Green drive forth on their Astro Cycles.

Missing effects.

GINGA #07.

Initially flashing, the five Rangers rush forth from a forest.

GINGA #08.

Each of the Galactazords fires an energy attack of some kind.

GINGA #07.

The Condor Galactazord transforms into Missile Mode.

GINGA #07.

In his cockpit, Red is doing hand gestures, when the other four intercut in, all doing the same in unison.

GINGA #08.

Red ducks down and is absorbed within as the Lion Galactabeast becomes the Lion Galactazord.

GINGA #05.

Each Ranger snags a Transdagger out of the air.

GINGA #05.

The Rangers hold their Transdaggers together, firing the Star Formation attack forth.

GINGA #07.

Each of the Rangers in their cockpits appears against a bright but sparkly backdrop.

GINGA #07.

The Galactabeasts finish becoming Galactazords.

GINGA #07.

Galaxy Megazord fires its Condor Missile to our left.

GINGA #07.

Galaxy Megazord slashes its glowing Saber four times quickly from various angles.

Original footage.

The lightning bolt symbol crashes down and creates in a crackle of power the words "POWER RANGERS", then summons forth the words "LOST GALAXY"... in space!

Fades to black.