Morphin Power Rangers - Season 2 |
"The Mutiny, Part III" |
Air Date: 08/05/94
[FK debut: 09/12/94] |
Featuring footage from:
Toei's Saban-exclusive Zyuranger season 2
#15 - Great Revolt! The Fish Puppeteer (Fake Title)
*Official Fox Kids Show Number PR-203
*3rd episode aired
*63rd total Power Rangers episode
Note: First aired in the last of three Prime Time timeslots during the
summer of 94, at 8:00pm Eastern (before a new episode of X-Men).
Shuki Levy & Shell Danielson |
Shuki Levy |
Dialogue: Barbara A. Oliver |
Starring Cast:
Amy Jo Johnson _AS_ Kimberly (Pink Ranger)
David Yost _AS_ Billy (Blue Ranger)
Walter Jones _AS_ Zack (Black Ranger)
Thuy Trang _AS_ Trini (Yellow Ranger)
Jason Frank _AS_ Tommy (Green Ranger)
Austin St. John _AS_ Jason (Red Ranger)
Paul Schrier _AS_ Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier
Jason Narvy _AS_ Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch
Henry Cannon _AS_ Mr. Kaplan
Bob Manahan _AS_ Zordon (voice)
Romy J. Sharf _AS_ Alpha 5
Richard Wood _AS_ Alpha 5 (voice)
Carla Perez _AS_ Rita Repulsa
Barbara Goodson _AS_ Rita Repulsa (voice)
Ed Neil _AS_ Lord Zedd
Robert Axelrod _AS_ Lord Zedd (voice)
Ryan O'Flannigan [Kerrigan Mahan] _AS_ Goldar (voice)
Colin Phillips [Dave Mallow] _AS_ Baboo (voice)
Michael J. Sorich _AS_ Squatt (voice)
Robert Axelrod _AS_ Finster (voice)
Scott Page-Pagter _AS_ Pirantishead (voice) |
In an effort to regain control of the Dinozords, Billy & Trini create a Signal Blocking device. It works perfecty (after installing the batteries correctly), and Pirantishead loses control of the Tyrannosaurus & Dragonzord. Zordon then infuses each of the main five Dinozords with a lightning charge, causing them to morph into the mighty new Thunderzords! The Red Dragon, the Yellow Griffin, the Blue Unicorn, the Black Lion, and the Pink Phoenix come together to form the Thunder Megazord. With it, Pirantishead is sliced in half by their lightning-charged Saber. Lord Zedd is furious upon failing, blaming Baboo, Squatt, and even Goldar for the loss. Our heroes quickly turn to the charity 4-wheeler race, just in time to finish near-last. Oh, and Bulk & Skull, saved by the Rangers for the umpteenth time, decide on a new mission in life: to find the secret identities of the Power Rangers!