Kat's held captive in the dungeon beneath the Lunar Palace. She tricks Rito, and snags the Pink Ninja Coin. Rita tries to stop her, but when those in the Command Center discover the Coin is in the hands of good again, they teleport it, and Kat, out just in time. All is well, though Zedd still has Ninjor & the Falconzord as his prisoners. On Earth, Kimberly is released from the hospital, but decides to quit the Pan Global Games. Kat reveals that she herself tried out for them once, and suffered an injuring in diving that made her afraid of water. She overcomes said fear, just for Kim, proving a point to her about not quitting. Kim gets over her injury-induced phobia, returns to training, and is back in top form. Soon, Kimberly is encouraged into giving up her life in Angel Grove, and as the Pink Ranger, by all of her friends. She's going to live in Florida at Gunthar Schmidt's coaching ranch or something like that, to train full time. Anyway, Kat is chosen by Kim to take over as Pink Ranger, and given the pink Ninja Coin she once stole.