Power Rangers Lost Galaxy | ||
"Orion Returns" | ||
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Original Air Date:5/8/99 | Based On: Gingaman #23 - - Soudatsu no Hate (Struggle's End) |
*Regular Season
6 Continues (7th Season by Series) *Official Network Show Number PR-813 *13th episode of PRLG *306th total Power Rangers episode |
Writers: Judd Lynn & Jackie Marchand | Director: Ryuta Tasaki | |
Cast: Archie Kao _AS_ Kai (Blue Ranger) Reggie Rolle _AS_ Damon (Green Ranger) Danny Slavin _AS_ Leo (Red Ranger) Valerie Vernon _AS_ Kendrix (Pink Ranger) Cerina Vincent _AS_ Maya (Yellow Ranger) Amy Miller _AS_ Trakeena |
Additional Cast: Julie Maddalena _AS_ D.E.C.A. (voice) Kerrigan Mahan _AS_ Magna Defender (voice) Derek Stephen Prince _AS_ Treacheron (voice) Kim Strauss _AS_ Scorpius (voice) Neil Kaplan _AS_ Destruxo (voice) Nancy Van Iderstine _AS_ Impostra (voice) |
[scenes from "The Magna Defender", "Sunflower Search", & "Silent Sleep"]
Whatever passes for Nighttime on Terra Venture is in progress, Maya is asleep in her hammock. Her jungle like windchimes or whatever begins to stir mysteriously, causing her to awaken. She hops out of her hanging bed and disturbs Kendrix's peaceful slumber. They make themselves quickly presentable, and rush over to the Power Pad, ringing the doorbell. Kai slips on his GSA shirt (is that mandatory or something?) and answers it, Maya informing them all she had a dream. Damon also had a dream, until he was so rudely woken up. She leaves them all confused as to what the importance of the dream was, when she hears a noise. Walking over to the windows, suddenly a great ball of light floats by. Needless to say, the good old Lights Of Orion are back! The Ranger teens heed the day, err, night and run off to chase the elusive power source.
[opening credits]
Over on the Scorpion Stinger, Trakeena spots the Lights of Orion via the viewscreen. Treacheron just happens to walk up behind her, stating he's located said Lights. She gets snippy about his so called "locating," still bitter over his backstabbing her some time ago. Scorpius sends Treacheron out to retrieve the Orion Lights, and once he does, he will rule the universe alongside the slimey master of evil. Not far away, the heavily unguarded Astro Megaship departs Terra Venture with the Rangers inside of it. They begin to catch up to the Lights Of Orion, when the Megaship is blasted at by the Scorpion Stinger! It's tail whips around, firing off energy blasts at the Astro Megaship under orders by Treacheron. This bombardment is enough to knock the engines offline, giving DECA her first line in months. The Lights are getting away from our heroes, leading Leo to come up with their last hope, the Jet Jammers. The Rangers ditch the rundown Megaship, leaping & Morphing into the seats of the Jammers, before taking off after the Lights. The five Ranger space vehicles race toward the Scorpion Stinger, swooping underneath it's snakey surface. They seem to do no good in sneaking under the baddies' detection with this move, as Treach orders a squadron of Stingwingers to fly out after the Rangers.
Stingwingers fast approaching, the Jet Jamming Rangers begin to flank the bugboys, while Red Ranger proceeds to keep chasing the Orion Lights. The Rangers fire off their usual rounds of laser blasts, exterminating outer space with relative ease. Damon once again proves to be the tormented one of this season as one Stingy hops on his back, literally, and nobody's around to help pick it off him. Luckily, Leo swoops back around, drives through the Stingwinger, and casually flicks him off his hood on the way back around. The Rangers regroup, Leo informing them the Lights Of Orion are headed towards Terra Venture. The Jet Jammers tail the Lights back to the Forest Dome, land of plotholes a plenty (and as far as I can figure, part-Mirinoi. But can they tell us that? Oh, no). Treacheron sends his trusty lackey Destruxo to go after the Lights Of Orion once again, which the supposedly indestructible monster rushes off to do. The Lights are stationary somewhere on the Forest Dome, causing massive winds to whip all about the unexplained landscape. The Rangers are right behind Destruxo, Red engaging him with a Magna Talon while trying to keep him from catching those slippery Lights. Nearby, Magna Defender, still weakened for reasons even he doesn't know, spots the Lights, hoping to reclaim them to destroy Scorpius. He collapses in pain, a faint heartbeat can be heard in the background during this scene, a subtly from Gingaman that was missing in the previous episode. He still presses on, clasping his chest, and going after those freaking Lights. His competitors for them are busy in battle, the Rangers getting sliced like crazy by Destruxo while the winds bare down around them. The Transdaggers' various modes are used in an attempt to damage Destruxo, but the Rangers never learn the obvious. None of it does any good, he slashes them down and takes off after Orion's Lights again. This time, the persistent monster makes it to the hover ball of power, pulling out a jar/urn with which he's able to capture them!
Meanwhile on the Scorpion Stinger, Trakeena is not happy with the possibility of Treacheron getting extra power from her father. She discusses her concerns with Impostra, whom will get the Lights before Treach can. Given that Destruxo's only going to give them to the Treachster, it's a good thing Impostra is a shape-shifter! She transforms herself into an exact double of Treacheron, voice & all, ready to nab those Orion Lights for Trakeena (but what is SHE getting out of this, eh?). Destruxo races down the beach area of the Forest Dome (this place gets more MacGuffin-like every day), when he's struck in the back with the Defender Dart! Magna Defender wants that Jar of Orion, weakened or not, he's gonna sword fight to retrieve it. The fight lasts but a moment, when Impostron gangs up on him and causes Magny to get thrown off a cliff (Déjà vu, eh Defendy?). Destruxo is surprised to see his master there, not aware dude is like a lady! Impostron tells Destruxo they should take this someplace a little more secure, leaving the beach. Magna Defender pulls himself up on the rocky cliff, damaged but as determined as ever to get those Lights. Inside a cave under the Forest Dome Waterfalls (looking for a new world? They've already got one built right into the space colony, it seems!) Destruxo presents his fake master with the Jar of Orion. Impostron is pleased, telling him Scorpius will be pleased as well that he did something no other monster could. First, they must be tested on some warrior, Destruxo is more than willing to be the guinea pig of Orion. Impostron agrees, and gives him some beads with a snake head on them as a token of appreciation for bravery. He stupidly accepts them, and takes off to begin his beta run of Orion. The Power Rangers are actively searching for Destruxo, and bump into him, unfortunately for them. He prepares to activate the Lights Of Orion, ready to test their awesome power on his heroic enemies!