Power Rangers Turbo | ||
"Rally Ranger" | ||
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Original Air Date: 05/5/97 | Featuring Footage From: Carranger #04 - Kyodaika ni Aka Shingou (A Red Light To Enlarging) |
Regular Season (5th Season by Series) *Official Fox Kids Show Number PR-436 *7th episode of PRT *212th total Power Rangers episode |
Writer: Jackie Marchand | Director: Al Winchell | |
Starring Cast: Johnny Yong Bosch _AS_ Adam Park (Green Ranger) Nakia Burrise _AS_ Tanya Sloan (Yellow Ranger) Blake Foster _AS_ Justin Stewart (Blue Ranger) Jason David Frank _AS_ Tommy Oliver (Red Ranger) Catherine Sutherland _AS_ Katherine Hillard (Pink Ranger) Carol Hoyt _AS_ Divatox Gregg Bullock _AS_ Lt. Jerome Stone |
Additional Cast: Paul Schrier _AS_ Bulk Chimp (voice) Jason Narvy _AS_ Skull Chimp (voice) Danny Wayne Stallcup _AS_ Elgar David Umansky _AS_ Elgar (voice) Ed Neil _AS_ Rygog Alexis Lang _AS_ Rygog (voice) Scott Page-Pagter _AS_ Porto (voice) ? _AS_ Warren |
It's a good old fashioned, downhill soapbox derby going on somewhere in Angel Grove. Quite a disturbing number of people cheer on the sidelines, as a group of prepubescent kids race for the lead in this war of the cardboard cars. The boy in the lead, in the box marked "Mean Machine" is quite ugly, and greedy, indeed! Just when he thinks he's left those 'losers' in his dust, another youngster comes riding up beside him in a vehicle called "True Blue". Just when this helmeted child thinks he's going to take the lead, Mean Machine swerves hard and runs True Blue off the road. He slams into a haystack, as Kat & Adam rush to the boy's side, who appears to have obviously been Justin.
[opening credits]
True Blue is totaled but Justin is just fine. He's disappointed at the trashing of his soapbox racer, and Adam seems even more disappointed the boy survived (kidding)! Mean Machine wins this trial run, and Justin's assured he'll never fix this thing by the time tomorrow's official derby. Adam & Kat offer to help, but it's against the rules for anyone to help the driver work on their racer. The pilot of Mean Machine, named Warren, comes over to gloat on Justin's ragged steering. He asks the homely homeboy why he did that, and Warren states every race counts, even this practice run. Warren says he shouldn't be expecting to see Justin as the derby tomorrow, but little boy blue promises he'll be there. Warren pours some more salt on his racing wound by telling him there's no way he can fix that mess in one day. He tells Justin to face that he doesn't fit in, before calling him an "Egghead" and walking away. Kat tries to comfort the kid, but he realizes the twisted tot told the truth, he really doesn't fit in. Elsewhere in the Subcraft, Elgar steps onto the bridge with a surfboard, announcing to his 'people' that he has returned. Divatox sarcastically thanks him for the warning, and then tells Porto to get the lead out. She needs a detonator to destroy the racetrack tomorrow during Justin's derby. Porto tells her he's doing his best, but the detonator is a very sophisticated piece of equipment and complicated to manufacture. The pirate queen isn't known for her patience, she grabs hold of the pudgy little scientific advisor, not wanting to hear any lame excuses! She yells right into his face-glass and tells him to perform the Nike slogan and 'just do it'! He turns around, and under his breath he talks about how he'll just pull one out of his back pocket. Divatox pokes her head back in and asks him if he's complaining again, but he just twists his own words around to say he needs a 'back socket' to fix the detonator. She shuts him up, not wanting to be bored on the details. He continues mumbling about the reasons he's having trouble fine tuning the explosive, when Elgar then begins ragging on the marshmallowy guy. He reminds him they don't want to hear it, before leaving the usually docile evil genius by himself. This was the last straw, he's sick of wasting his superior intellect on this band of buffoons. It's time for Porto to go AWOL!
Meanwhile at Angel Grove Racing Technologies, Justin carts in the remains of his treasured True Blue racer. Tommy comes in and tries to comfort his little pal. Justin knows that this is going to take a lot of work, even for an egghead like him. Tommy heard about Warren, and reminds him not to let what that little turd said get to him. He knows he shouldn't, but sometimes he wishes he could be like other kids and not be a smart prodigy who skipped several grades. Tommy tells him he should be proud of his special gift of intelligence, and that they all think it's cool he has so much brain power. Justin's surprised at this, but it makes him feel better. The Turbo Leader knows he wants to fit in, but being smart is what makes him unique and special. Asking if he'd really want to give that up, Justin says no and thanks him for the pep talk. He hates to cut this Kodak moment up, but Justin's got a lot of work to do so Tommy leave him to his mind-numbing repair work. Later that night in the Subcraft, Rygog hangs upside down while sleeping on the bridge, Elgar sleeps on a cot below him with his giant mutant pet fishy in a bowl beside him. Porto comes waddling through, whispering those goons won't have him to kick around anymore and good riddance! He carries a torpedo strapped to his back, accidentally bumping it against some metal, he fears someone will hear him. Elgar stirs, but rubs the fish bowl, thinking his fishy has indigestion. That was a close call, but with Elgar the clod back in the land of nod, Porto is out of there, leaving through the access hatch!
The next day at Angel Grove Racing Tech, Justin's passed out on the ground with tools scattered about. His four Ranger teen friends stand above him, admiring how he spent all night working on his racer. They think he didn't finish it since it's covered by a blue cloth. Little boy blue groggily awakens, asking what time it is. Adam tells him it's time to rise & shine, Tanya notes today's his big day! She asks the prognosis on True Blue, and he says he had permission to work on it overnight and he tried his best. They say that's all that matters that he gave it his all, but they're all surprised to see what lies under the sheet. His racer's been rebuilt as True Blue 2! Happily misled, they question how he was able to pull off rebuilding overnight, and he tells him he used his egghead. The whole team chuckles, ha-ha. Under Angel Grove Lake in the Subcraft, Divatox yanks off Rygog's eyemask and tells him to wake up. He hoists himself down off the chains and slips on his metal gloves, as Divatox slaps her nephew's face giving him a rude awakening. She asks them where Porto is, and Elgar deducts he jumped ship. Rygog is sarcastically stunned by Elgar's powers of brilliant observation in noticing Porto's not on the ship. Elgar thinks he knows what happened to him, he was abducted by the aliens! But wait, THEY are the aliens! Divatox is none too pleased her scientific advisor disobeyed her and ran off, since she needs him to fix her detonator. Elgar, always looking for ways to help, offers to fix it for her. She noticed he does indeed have a point, yanking off his sleeping cap, she points out unfortunately the point is on his head! He begs to be allowed to fix it and destroy the racetrack, and his pleading pays off. She knows she'll regret this but is low on good help, so she reluctantly agrees to let him do it. He's overjoyed, until he looks at the detonator. He begins ripping off wires, complaining it has too many parts.
The Angel Grove Derby begins, the first race of the day won by the 'Zak Attack'. Some gorgeous woman with a sash that reads 'Miss Smoothie' is on the sidelines filling drinks for the thirsty patrons. Lt. Stone is the announcer, as the banner reads: "Angel Grove Derby: Sponsored by Ernie's Juice Bar" (Ignoring the fact Ernie is gone, when did they EVER call it anyone's Juice Bar? It was always just the "Angel Grove Youth Center, Gym & Juice Bar". Hmm, oh well). The Ranger teens accompany Justin to the starting line, telling him to be confidant. Everyone turns their attention to Lt. Stone giving a welcoming speech, and telling them to have fun and enjoy the exciting racing. Also if they have the chance, try a smoothie. The Bulk & Skull Chimps are sitting on the stand near the judges, Bulk getting another scheme to get back to being a human. He figures if they win the race, they'd be famous and maybe the Power Rangers would help revert them to their original state of existence. Skull isn't so sure, since cheetahs never win. Ya get it, Cheetahs, cause they're monkeys? Bulk gets it alright, but he sure doesn't seem to care. Their chattering gets a little loud, so Jerome gives them a talking to. He brought them out for some fresh air, and if they don't keep it down he'll take them back to the Juice Bar and put them on banana peeling duty again. This shuts them up for a moment, as Bulk spots the winning racer from last year's derby, the Slippery Shark, a few feet away unattended. Nearby, Elgar teleports to the race with his own Elgarfied detonator. Searching around for a place to stick it, he wants someone fast & mean to hide it on. The Mean Machine is right near him, so he figures it's fate and stuffs the bomb in the back, before teleporting away with hopes of ruining their dinky derby! Two hours click down on the clock, quite a generous amount of time I say.
It's a long wait for the race to start, so Warren wanders over to pick on Justin some more. He's surprised to see the 'geek-mobile' is repaired, but he asks the boy genius why he even bothered since he's going to win. Justin takes the anger in stride, extending his hand and wishing his competition a good race. The snidely little punk shrugs him off and leaves. Something similar goes on somewhere else in Angel Grove, as Porto prepares to show those who laugh at his intelligence just how powerful his brains really are. When he destroys Angel Grove, those simpleton sea urchins will give him the respect he deserves! Knocking over the stolen torpedo, the fallout smolders around him and slowly causes him to increase to the building crushing size. Porto strolls through the city, smashing and trashing buildings in his oversized wake. On the Subcraft, Elgar returns and dances gleefully at having succeeded in doing what his Auntie D asked. She's shocked herself even, but is still searching for her scientific advisor. Rygog spots him in the Periscope (and to put it as a line that gets close captioned but cut from the audio: "Porto's Gone Postal!"), and Divatox witnesses his rampage herself, wondering just what that barnacle ridden reject thinks he's doing. Back at the Derby, Justin loads into True Blue, when his communicator begins to chime. He gets up to go check on what it is he's needed for, when Warren stops him and says he figured he'd chicken out. Despite Justin telling him he has something he needs to do, Warren just looks at it as his only real competition retreating. Lt. Stone gives the final calls for all the racers to come to the starting line. The four other Rangers approach Justin and tell him Porto's on the warpath, and the youngster is disappointed he's going to miss his long awaited race.
In the Subcraft, Divatox is perturbed that Porto is ruining her plan to blow up Blue Ranger's derby. She orders Rygog to establish a beam to shrink her rogue blubberboy and get him back here immediately (in the background, Elgar swats a bat at a Hammerhead shark trying to get in through the window. That Hammerhead just happens to be Slippery Shark, the MMPR villain they named that racer after earlier in the show)!