
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

#320: PRLG 912: "Loyax' Last Battle".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Gingaman, episode 40.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:21;28.

Previously On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
GINGA #40.

On a rocky shore, Loyax watches the water crashing against the rocks, he clenches his fist and talks to himself.

Title appears and fades out in first shot; writer credit does the same during shot 2; Cuts before fade out to a flashback, which is cut due to Barbarax being in it. Also cuts follow-ups of Loyax looking at barrel and talking.

GINGA #40.

Loyax raises his mace ball and swings it around, smashing it explosively against a rock. He stops, talks, looks around, and does it one more time.

Director credit appears & fades out in 3rd shot. Cuts later follow-up of Loyax doubling over, and breathing laboredly before getting back up.

GINGA #40.

Loyax rises up, holding his chain taut, then turns and sees the five Rangers arriving. He talks at them, Green replies, then Loyax talks some more.

GINGA #40.

Yellow raises a fist, then poses and leaps up, whipping out her Quasar Saber, and trying and failing to attack Loyax, who smacks her back, then grips her neck, talks to her, then tosses her aside.

GINGA #40.

Loyax turns and sees the other four Rangers approaching, so he begins swinging his mace, sparkily striking each of them.

GINGA #40.

Loyax smashes the ground with his mace, spark bursting all four Rangers down.

Green is blue for some reason.

GINGA #40.

Loyax stands up, then turns and sees Yellow, who begins to sparkily slash him repeatedly, causing pieces of his chest armor to chip off smokily.

GINGA #40.

Yellow goes to slash Loyax again, when he grabs her blade, holds it down, and talks to her. She replies, then Loyax kicks her feet out from under her.

Cuts before he repeatedly mace bashes her, cuts follow-up of him bashing her some more.

GINGA #40.

Red speaks, prompting Loyax to turn to him, releasing Yellow's Saber, as he begins to head over to him. But Yellow grabs Loyax's leg, pleading with him.

Cuts before she grabs his leg with both arms. Also cuts follow-ups of Loyax looking down, then kicking her.

GINGA #40.

Yellow yanks on Loyax's chain, pulling him with her over the side of the cliff, falling straight down into the choppy waters below.

GINGA #40.

The four Rangers come over to the cliff's edge and look down, finding no sign of the monster nor their teammate, so Red nod-talks to them, and they depart.

PRLG 802.

Maya's morphing sequence.


GINGA #40.

Yellow unsheathes her Quasar Saber, and poses at Loyax, who does the same with his own sword.

Cuts follow-ups of pair posing and pacing.

GINGA #40.

Loyax charges forth, so Yellow does as well.

Cuts follow-ups of pair rushing forth in slow motion.

GINGA #40.

Loyax & Yellow pass each other, sparkily slashing one another on the way by.

Follow-ups of Rangers vs Barbarax & Swabbies, is US replaced by them vs Stingwingers & Deviot.

GINGA #40.

Yellow rolls, recovers, leaps up, and slashes, but her blade gets grabbed by Loyax, who flips her over and is about to slash her when she kicks his blade aside, then kicks him back.

GINGA #40.

Yellow sparkily slashes Loyax twice, then gets sparkily struck by him twice, before both lock blades for a moment. Yellow gets free and tries to hit him with her Saber, but he grabs it, talking, before they then break off.

Cuts follow-ups of pair sparkily slashing each other, then locking blades again.

GINGA #40.

Loyax knocks Yellow down, she recovers, and both take a breather while remaining ready. Loyax talks to Yellow, who replies, shaking her head, to which he lowers his guard, shakes his head, leading to her lowering her guard as well while reacting.

GINGA #40.

Loyax readies his sword, as does Yellow, both then begin to pace to our left, picking up speed and racing, facing each other, along the beach.

GINGA #40.

Loyax & Yellow cease running and leap at each other, with the Ranger getting a mid-air kick into the monster, before then sparkily slashing him.

GINGA #40.

Loyax falls down, but recovers, just as Yellow charges up her Quasar Saber, and does an energy slash in midair into him, sparkily cutting his sword in half, as it takes him down, he collapses onto his back in slow motion.

GINGA #40.

Yellow places her Quasar Saber beside Loyax's downed head, talking to him, he responds.

Cuts follow-ups of Yellow looking down, then close-up of Loyax with blade to neck.

GINGA #40.

Yellow talks some more, then pulls her blade away from Loyax's body.

Trimmed heavily.

GINGA #40.

Yellow talks again downward at Loyax, clenching hand into a fist briefly, prompting him to sit up and speak

GINGA #40.

Yellow talks to the sitting up Loyax, then extends her hand. He talks, she talks, then he slowly begins to take her hand, when he suddenly jerks his body back.

Trims start, and maybe shot 5 a little.

GINGA #40.

Loyax reaches around and pulls a large needle out of his back, which was shot there by Deviot, who stands in the near distance, talking.

GINGA #40.

Yellow reacts, as Loyax stands up and rotates as he grows gigantic.

US replaces follow-up battle against Barbarax & Swabbies with Stingwingers.

GINGA #40.

Giant Loyax stomps down upon Yellow, who dives and rolls out of the way, nod-talking up to him, as he flails about wildly.

GINGA #40.

Deviot types upon a remote control, then talks, pointing up and showing it off, while Loyax keeps flailing about, his left wrist device shimmering red.

Cuts follow-ups of fireball in sky, Loyax writhing some more, then Yellow talking.

GINGA #40.

The Rangers regroup with Yellow, who talks to the team, pointing out Loyax.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Yellow, then Green.

GINGA #40.

Loyax whips his mace ball about mindlessly, Yellow raises a fist and nod-talks, zoom in as she turns to the sky, and summons.

GINGA #40.

Wolf Galactabeast races through the mountainous terrain.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #40.

Yellow lands atop Wolf Galactabeast.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #40.

Yellow gestures Transdagger about, then raises it high into the air.

GINGA #40.

The five Galactabeasts begin to race to our left, they then glow and transform into Galactazords.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #40.

In her cockpit, Yellow raises a fist, then reaches forth.

GINGA #40.

The head and horns pop out of the Lion section as it floats up, Wild Cat & Lion becoming arms, as all five Zords come together to form the Galaxy Megazord.

Recycled, trimmed, per source.

GINGA #40.

Galaxy Megazord, with no Saber, lands before Loyax.

GINGA #40.

Deviot talks, then types on his remote some more.


GINGA #40.

Loyax whips his mace ball about, Galaxy Megazord keeping its distance, while inside, Yellow nod-talks, Red doing so also.

GINGA #40.

Galaxy Megazord poses battle ready, then charges forth, only to get sparkily struck by Loyax's mace ball several times.

GINGA #40.

Yellow talks, struggling, as Galaxy Megazord gets sparkily struck down by Loyax, then in her tilted cockpit, Yellow summons to the sky.

GINGA #40.

Zenith Carrierzord's indicator light flashes red, so out pop the five Centaurus Zords, which drive forth, getting into formation, Rhino Galactabeast briefly visible, as they begin to connect into Megazord form.

GINGA #40.

Centaurus Megazord skates forth, its Rhino Galactabeast form briefly visible.

GINGA #40.

Sparkily stomping on the downed Galaxy Megazord, Loyax suddenly gets grabbed by Centaurus.

Cuts follow-up of Yellow in cockpit.

GINGA #40.

Centaurus drags Loyax away from Galaxy Megazord, which recovers, then rushes forth, only to get eyebeam blasted by the monster, bursting it and agonizing Yellow.

GINGA #40.

Loyax breaks out of Centaurus' hold and sparkily mace bashes him down.

Cuts follow-up of red streak in sky.

GINGA #40.

Loyax reaches for the sky, prompting Galaxy Megazord to turn around to see what he's motioning to.

GINGA #40.

Deviot also looks up, talks to himself gleefully, then leaves.

GINGA #40.

Galaxy Megazord comes over and pulls Loyax's hand down, struggling with him, while Yellow talks, shaking her head, in her cockpit.

Cuts before she raises fist.

GINGA #40.

Loyax talks to Galaxy Megazord up close.

Cuts follow-up Yellow cockpit shot and streak growing in sky.

GINGA #40.

Loyax glances back, then shoves Galaxy Megazord aside.

Cuts follow-up of Loyax absorbing electricity, US replaces it with a new sequence, in fact.

GINGA #40.

Ceasing reaching to the sky, Loyax goes limp. Galaxy Megazord steps in, Yellow talks, then it rushes forth, reaching out and stopping, as Loyax turns around, his body smoking profusely, while he talks, briefly touching his chest.

GINGA #40.

Loyax spark bursts repeatedly, then collapses and explodes massively, Yellow reaching out in protest, while the Galaxy Megazord stands there awkwardly.

Fades to black.

Ending Credits