
Power Rangers Wild Force

#428: PRWF 1210: "Curse of the Wolf".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Gaoranger, episodes 1, 5, & 15.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:19;16.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
GAO #01.

Push in on the giant floating island called the Animarium.

Recycled, trimmed, plays in reverse, fades out.

GAO #15.

Pan right across a range of mountains, finally stopping on one.

Textless, unlike source; cuts before zoom in; cuts follow-up of Nayzor walking across field.

GAO #15.

Nayzor steps up and pauses beside a temple, gesturing arms, blinking, then leaving.

GAO #15.

The Rangers leap into the forest, followed by Vacuum Cleaner Org, who extends his arm and begins to suction the Rangers toward him. They struggle, but are helplessly sucked his way.

Shot 2 is trimmed to reduce dialogue.

GAO #15.

The Rangers struggle, but are helplessly sucked his way.

Recycled instantly, per source, but last shot runs a little longer.

GAO #15.

Yellow slides across the ground, when she grips a tree, then tosses tosses some darts into Vacuum Cleaner Org's sucker, which causes him to smoke & spark burst.

Cuts follow-up of camera approaching Nayzor.

GAO #15.

At stone structure in the forest, Nayzor approaches while talking.

Cuts before he motions arm a bit.

GAO #15.

Nayzor moves a stone, causing a wall of rocks to collapse before him.

Cuts follow-up shot of coffin.

GAO #15.

White & Blue leap up and strike Vacuum Cleaner Org in the head with their weapons.

Cuts before Japanese text appears.

GAO #15.

Vacuum Cleaner Org rolls over to Toxica & Jindrax, the latter of whom talks and slaps him, as he then talks in return.

Cuts before he pulls out attachment.

GAO #15.

Vacuum Cleaner Org connects his attachment, then charges forth, making his way through the Rangers, then sparkily striking down White, Blue, and Yellow.

Cuts follow-ups of Org striking Black & Red.

GAO #15.

Nayzor cleans off the golden moon emblem of the coffin, then whips his cape, cleaning off the coffin of its leaves.

GAO #15.

Now with an axe attachment, Vacuum Cleaner Org gets piled on by all five Rangers at once, but shrugs their attack off and sparkily spins them away.

Last shot removes Japanese text frames in middle.

GAO #15.

Yellow recovers, then leaps up and sword slashes Vacuum Cleaner Org, who blocks the blade, then whips out a new zapper attachment, and fries her, before smacking her aside, where her teammates regroup around her, where the Org then zaps all five sparkily down at once.

GAO #15.

Vacuum Cleaner Org talks, Yellow responds and slowly gets back up.

Cuts follow-up of Red recovering.

GAO #15.

Red pulls out the Lion Blaster, aims it at Vacuum Cleaner Org, and they tensely face off.

Cuts follow-up close-ups of Red & Org.

GAO #15.

After pacing to their lefts, Vacuum Cleaner Org fires first, Red dodging twice and firing back successfully, before readying his Lion Fang.

GAO #15.

The Rangers' weapons are combined into the Jungle Sword.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Push in on Red raising the Jungle Sword as his teammates back him up.

GAO #15.

As the Jungle Sword glows and shimmers, Red rotates it.

Recycled, per source; Cuts before Japanese text appears.

GAO #15.

Vacuum Cleaner Org reacts, then Red turns the blade and speaks.

GAO #15.

Energy rises to the tip of the Jungle Sword, Red Savage Slashes the energy slice forth.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Struck by the Savage Slash, Vacuum Cleaner Org collapses and explodes, the Rangers pose with the Jungle Sword, then Toxica & Jindrax pop up behind the puddle of Org.

Shot 1 is textless, unlike source; US replaces follow-up Toxica shot.

GAO #15.

Toxica's wand fires five seeds out, which drop into the green Org goop, then suddenly grow into tall twirling vines, reforming a giant body in a flash.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Vacuum Cleaner Org towers gigantically, as the Rangers pull out their Sabers and summon.

Cuts follow-up of Wildzords leaping off Animarium.

GAO #15.

The five Wildzords cease glowing as they race down a translucent bridge made of rainbow light, then all five drop to the ground and race along a desert.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

All five Crystal Sabers are pointed in a circle.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Red gestures while looking upward.

GAO #15.

Red Lion jumps forth with ignited back thrusters, he then shifts about, Shark, White Tiger, and Eagle doing the same, all connecting together atop Bison.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Red Lion roars, Bison's back shifts around into legs, Eagle locks in her wings behind Red Lion's chest head, causing the Wild Force Megazord's head to pop up out of her, eyes glowing.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Soul Bird zooms across the sky, twisting and twirling.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Red poses then leaps up.

GAO #15.

The five Rangers land in their very own spots upon Soul Bird.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Red raises a thumb and presses down, before Soul Bird flies around, and merges into Wild Force Megazord's back.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Red inserts his Crystal Saber into his station

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Zoom out from Red, as the Rangers talk and gesture in unison in the Soul Birded cockpit.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Wild Force Megazord stands completed in front of a shimmering buckle symbol.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up shot of sunset.

GAO #15.

Wild Force Megazord faces Vacuum Cleaner Org, who extends his suction arm forth, and begins to vacuum the city, sucking up trees and drawing the Megazord closer.

This whole Megazord battle, for the record, is retinted to be less dark than source.

GAO #15.

The Rangers are shaken up in the cockpit, Red talking, then White removes her Saber, inserts her Elephant Crystal into it, and summons.

GAO #15.

Elephantzord trumpets while charging through the city.

GAO #15.

Vacuum Cleaner Org turns and gets sparkily headbutted by Elephantzord, knocking him down. White takes her Tiger Crystal out, inserts her Saber, then gestures while talking.

GAO #15.

Elephantzord breaks apart into the Elephant Armor parts, which are then already attached to Wild Force Megazord, making up the Sword & Shield Mode.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Vacuum Cleaner Org reacts, Wild Force Megazord Sword & Shield poses battle ready, and the Rangers motion their arms.

GAO #15.

Wild Force Megazord in Sword & Shield Mode performs the Pachyderm Crusher Attack.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #15.

Vacuum Cleaner Org spark bursts, collapses and explodes massively, the Megazord watching, as the Rangers gesture triumphantly.

Cuts final shot a little early.

GAO #05.

White raises a fist and nod-talks.

Recycled; freeze frames at end; fades to black.

GAO #15.

Shot of the coffin.

Altered to fit viewing pond; Pushed way back from source position.

GAO #15.

Red nod-talks in the Soul Birded cockpit.

GAO #15.

Shots of the coffin and its lock.

Altered to fit viewing pond; pushed up from source position.

GAO #15.

Red points, talks, and exits the cockpit.

GAO #15.

Nayzor places a mirror upon the stone structure, then takes a place overlooking the scene from nearby.

Retinted lighter than source.

GAO #15.

The Rangers race along like animals and pass through a green tunnel, while Jindrax & Toxica try and fail to keep up.

Retinted lighter than source.

GAO #15.

Nayzor fans himself and watches the full moon.

GAO #15.

Quick shots of the coffin and the stuff around it.

Altered to fit viewing pond; first shot has added smoke effects; pushed back from source position.

GAO #15.

The moonlight shines through the stone lantern, reflects off the moon emblem, bounces off the mirror, and reflects back on the second emblem, causing energy to surge across the coffin, breaking the lock, dropping the chains, and unsealing the smokey interior.

Pushed up from source position.

GAO #15.

The Rangers arrive on a bridge, and glance about, Yellow pointing to our left.

GAO #15.

Nayzor turns around and looks.

Mirror-flipped; pushed up from source position.

GAO #15.

The Rangers continue looking upward, as White & Blue switch places.

Pushed up from source position.

GAO #15.

Zoom in on Nayzor in the distance.

Pushed back from source position. Or up. Or... Look, they move this whole sequence around a lot!

GAO #15.

Red talks at Nayzor, who responds, causing the Rangers to react.

GAO #15.

Jindrax & Toxica arrive and watch from behind the trees.

Pushed back from source position. I think...

GAO #15.

The coffin lid falls off the smokey tomb, the Rangers continue gawking, as Zen-Aku rises from within, Nayzor talking to him, then Red speaks.

GAO #15.

Zen-Aku leaps up in front of the moon, the Rangers jolt in surprise, and he converts into a purple streak of energy, ripping sparkily through the team repeatedly.

GAO #15.

Zen-Aku grabs Blue, who spark bursts while being dropped from above.

GAO #15.

Black and Zen-Aku dash at each other, but the Wolf Org grabs the Ranger, and flings him into a rocky wall.

GAO #15.

Winged Yellow leaps up, as does Zen-Aku, the two turning to colored streaks in front of the moon, clashing, until they revert to normal, where Zen-Aku sparkily punches the Ranger in the chest.

GAO #15.

White & Red post readily, Zen-Aku purple streaks through them sparkily till they fall, the Rangers then talking while lying on the ground, Zen-Aku standing nearby, slowly rising, as Red talks.

GAO #15.

Zen-Aku walks a few steps into the moonlight, revealing himself more fully.

Textless, unlike source.

GAO #15.

Red & White watch, as close-ups show off Zen-Aku's bodily details and he talks, White getting up, just in time for him to kick her sparkily into a tree.

GAO #15.

The Elephant Crystal rolls to Zen-Aku's feet.

GAO #15.

Zen-Aku picks up the Elephant Crystal.

GAO #15.

Elephantzord trumpets in the darkness, the Crystal gleams, so Zen-Aku clutches it in his palm, causing it to soon frost over, turning the Elephantzord to stone before black smoke rises and she vanishes from the Animarium.

GAO #15.

Red crawls over and grabs Zen-Aku's leg, to which he turns and looks down.

US replaces follow-up due to him gripping Red's neck.

GAO #15.

Zen-Aku takes the Elephant Crystal, tosses it playfully in his hand, then turns and leaves, Nayzor talking and gesturing while fanning nearby.

US replaces follow-up of Jindrax & Toxica.

GAO #15.

Zen-Aku walks off into the woods.

Fades out; cuts before Japanese text appears.

Ending Credits