
Power Rangers Wild Force

#449: PRWF 1232: "Taming of the Zords".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Gaoranger, episodes 18, 27, 35, & 38.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:22;15.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
GAO #18.

The Animarium turns, the "head" of it ending up almost straight on with us.

Recycled, trimmed, fades in from black.

GAO #38.

Princess Shayla & Merrick perform a song for the Deerzord.

Recycled, per source; Counterparts erased, US versions superimposed in; This is technically recycled from PRWF 1230; End of footage is altered to fit Viewing Pond.

GAO #38.

Deerzord sways her head to the music.

Recycled, per source; altered to fit Viewing Pond.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org lands in front of the Rangers, who pose, he talks, Red talks, then the Org talks again, finally Black say something.

Cuts follow-up individual Ranger posings, then a fancy new group pose.

GAO #38.

White scratches the ground and then charges forth, Lion Tamer Org's eyes flash, a flaming hoop materializes, she runs at the Org, he talks then cracks his whip, causing the Ranger to suddenly jump through the hoop, then landing an acting like a tamed animal on her knees, until Lion Tamer Org comes over and pets her. The Rangers react, Blue especially talking, which breaks White out of it, snapping away from the Org, and her teammates regroup around her, they all talk to her, and she responds in a bit of a panic.

US replaces follow-up of Jindrax & Toxica joining LTO.

GAO #38.

The Rangers cease chatting and face front, Yellow talking before rushing forth.

US replaces follow-up. I should note, all Jindrax/Toxica shots are replaced this episode. Is it because Jindrax has an arm sling in source? Or is it just to be consistent with the use of Toxica? I dunno.

GAO #38.

The whip cracks before the Rangers, causing them to stop and get on the ground like their respective animals.

US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org grows gigantic, causing the Rangers to snap out of it and look upward, the Org then talking.

US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

The Rangers cease looking upward, looking forth instead.

US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

The Rangers talk amongst themselves, then pull out their Sabers and summon to the sky.

GAO #38.

The Red Crystal Saber turns and glows.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

The five Wildzords cease glowing as they race down a translucent bridge made of rainbow light.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

The five Wildzords race through the city.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org talks and holds his whip, Red Lion approaches, the Org's eyes flash and a flaming hoop materializes, before cracking his whip, causing Red Lion to jump up through the hoop, the Rangers reacting.

Some of the Red Lion shots are recycled, per source; US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

Red Lion lands and roars, Lion Tamer Org talks and whips, so Red Lion roars again and goes to sleep, Red reacting and reaching out, the Org then leaning down and petting the napping Wildzord.

Cuts before he rubs under his jaw; US replaces follow-up; Shot 5 is recycled, but mirror-flipped, per source.

GAO #38.

Red Lion wakes up, scaring Lion Tamer Org back.

Shot 1 is recycled, but trimmed and mirror-flipped, all per source. There's a lot of that this ep, so forgive me if I fail to note them all.

GAO #38.

Red Lion turns his head and roars.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org talks across the city to Red Lion, Red talks up to him, he responds, then cracks the whip.

GAO #38.

Red Lion's eyes flash, then the other four Wildzords' eyes flash.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org pops up in the corner and talks while the Wild Force Megazord formation sequence plays.

Recycled background footage, per source; Cuts follow-up of Megazord posing in the sky.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord lands in the city, poses battle ready, and the Rangers react.

US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org talks and walks in front of the posed Wild Force Megazord, the Rangers react, Blue talking upward, then the Org talks some more and cracks the whip. The Megazord turns and looks at the Rangers, then marches toward them, they react, as it begins to slash its Fin Blade downward.

Fades to black, thus cutting off the end of the last shot.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord slashes its Fin Blade downward at the Rangers explosively.

Shot 1 is partially recycled, but runs fully; altered to fit Viewing Pond.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org talks a bit, and ca-racks that whip.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org's whip cracks against the pavement.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord passes its Fin Blade over its face, changing to a fierce expression.

Recycled, mirror-flipped, per source.

GAO #38.

Red gets up and rushes over to the Wild Force Megazord, talking to it passionately, as it raises its Fin Blade high, but it then pauses.

GAO #38.

Red Lion furrows his brow.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Red talks some more, Wild Force Megazord begins to lower its Saber, and the Rangers regroup.

GAO #38.

Red Lion steps forth slightly and roars.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord raises its Fin Blade again, and begins to slash downward, the Rangers react and brace for impact, until Predazord Gator Staff-blocks the Blade sparkily, the Rangers react, Predazord shoves the Megazord's weapon aside, and Red nod-talks upward.

Cuts before transition out; then US replaces follow-up Jindrax/Toxica scene, of course.

GAO #27.

Lunar Wolf points and talks in his cockpit.

GAO #38.

Zoom out from Toxica & Jindrax on a rooftop, as Predazord & Wild Force Megazord sparkily clash blades, then break off, while Lunar Wolf then talks and gestures a fist.

Trims start to reduce visibility of Jindrax & Toxica.

GAO #38.

Drilling its Gator tailed arm forth, Predazord begins to perform the Revolver Phantom attack.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord is struck sparkily in the chest and falls over.

Altered to fit Viewing Pond.

GAO #38.

Predazord turns its attentions to Lion Tamer Org, approaching him as he talks then cracks his whip.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org's whip cracks against the pavement.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Predazord punches Lion Tamer Org with its Wolf fist, knocking him across the city, where he falls and rolls.

Shot 1 is recycled, but lacks lightning effects, per source; US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org recovers, and talks at Predazord, while Lunar Wolf responds from within.

Cuts follow-up of Predazord posing.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org talks, then cracks the whip.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org's whip cracks against the city road.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord gets up and poses battle ready as Predazord reacts.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord punches its Shark fist forth again.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Predazord is sparkily punched by the Shark fist.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord punches its White Tiger fist forth again.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Predazord is sparkily punched by the White Tiger fist, shaking up the cockpit, Red then talking upward.

GAO #38.

Red talks, then turns and leads the team in raising Sabers and summoning.

Cuts follow-up of Gorilla roaring.

GAO #38.

Gorillazord races through the forest.

Cuts follow-up of Armadillo hopping off Rhino.

GAO #38.

Armadillozord runs alongside Rhinozord.

Recycled, trimmed, per source.

GAO #38.

The Bearzords run alongside each other in the forest.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord breaks out of a lock with Predazord and sparkily punches it back.

Trims start.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord fires colored energy beams forth.

Recycled, trimmed, per source.

GAO #38.

Struck by the five colored beams, Predazord spark bursts.

Cuts before it explodes; cuts follow-up explosion.

GAO #38.

The Predazord cockpit crackles and tilts.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord turns sharply, as the Bearzords charge.

Trims start; US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org talks and cracks his whip, Wild Force Megazord turns and raises its arms.

GAO #38.

The Bear Wildzords fire energy beams.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord's fists are sparkily struck by the Bears' beams.

GAO #38.

Gorillazord readies some bananas.

Recycled, per source; US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

Gorillazord tosses bananas.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord spark bursts from the banana rain.

GAO #38.

Gorillazord tosses more bananas at Wild Force Megazord sparkily.

Shot 1 is recycled but mirror-flipped, per source; US replaces follow-up.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord staggers back, Red readies Saber, the Rangers point their Sabers in a circle, then they all look up and gesture while talking.

GAO #38.

Zoom out from Red in the cockpit, then we zoom out from the Wild Force Kongazord Striker Mode, who sets its foot down on the Armadillozord amid the stadium.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord faces off tensely with Kongazord Striker for a bit, before both pose battle ready and march forth, Red talking.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord & Kongazord Striker lock arms, holding each other in place, until Red talks and Wild Force Megazord sparkily kicks Kongazord Striker in the groin, before grabbing its arm and flipping it over, but luckily, it lands perfectly across the city.

Trims start; cuts follow-up of Megazords facing each other.

GAO #38.

Black talks to White, who kinda freaks out, then talks to Blue.

Cuts before Blue talks to Red; cuts follow-up of WFM posing.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord sparkily beats on Kongazord Striker, Predazord nearby, Lunar Wolf reaching out while talking, when Lion Tamer Org extends his whip, wrapping it around Predazord.

Cuts follow-ups of LTO attacking Predazord.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org cracks his whip.

Trims start heavily to reduce dialogue.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org's whip cracks against the city road.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord turns its attention then poses battle ready, then zoom in on the Red Lion roaring.

Shot 2 is recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Giraffezord & Elephantzord roar.

GAO #38.

Elephantzord trumpets while charging through the city.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Zoom in on White, reacting.

Pushed up from source position.

GAO #38.

Giraffezord charges through the city.

GAO #38.

Zoom in on Blue, reacting.

Cuts follow-ups of Giraffe & Elephant attacking Kongazord.

GAO #38.

While holding Predazord captive, Lion Tamer Org talks then cracks his whip.

GAO #38.

Elephantzord breaks apart into the Elephant Armor parts, which are then already attached to Wild Force Megazord, making up the Sword & Shield Mode.

Recycled, shot 1 sped up, per source; cuts follow-up of Megazords facing each other.

GAO #38.

The Rangers react, as Wild Force Megazord Sword & Shield begins spinning around, sparkily slashing Kongazord Striker repeatedly.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Kongazord being struck.

GAO #38.

The Rangers get shaken up, as Wild Force Megazord Sword & Shield ceases spinning, leaving Kongazord Striker in a daze.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Predazord spark bursting.

GAO #38.

As Predazord spark bursts, Lion Tamer Org cracks his other whip.

GAO #38.

In a red energy tunnel, Giraffezord transforms into Spear Mode.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

The right Giraffezord Arm attaches to Wild Force Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord Spear & Shield Mode poses completed, the Rangers reacting.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord Spear & Shield Mode readies spear arm, and fires it forth, as the Giraffe Spear ignites with flames.

Recycled, shot 1 cropped, per source.

GAO #38.

Kongazord Striker is struck sparkily by the Giraffe spear.

Final shot is split.

GAO #38.

Kongazord Striker sparks and crackles as it staggers backward, the cockpit getting crackled as a result.

Altered to fit Viewing Pond. First shot is split.

GAO #38.

Red nod-talks to White, who raises her Saber and summons.

Trims start.

GAO #38.

Deerzord hops from rooftop to rooftop.

Recycled, mirror-flipped, per source.

GAO #38.

White crosses her arms and nod-talks.

GAO #38.

In a purple energy tunnel, Deerzord transforms into Clutcher Mode.

Recycled, split, per source.

GAO #38.

Deerzord connects, forming the Wild Force Kongazord Striker Mode Clutcher Mode... or something like that.

US replaces follow-up; then cuts follow-up zoom in on Kongazord.

GAO #38.

Kongazord Striker waves its glowing-antler Clutcher arm around, when Sharkzord leaps in and chomps down sparkily, Blue reacting, as Giraffe spear inserts within the Clutcher, pulls the arm around, then allows Wild Force Megazord to sparkily punch its Elephant Shield into Kongazord.

GAO #38.

Kongazord Striker staggers back, and Wild Force Megazord jabs its Giraffe Spear arm forth.

GAO #38.

The whip-wrapped Predazord falls down beside Lion Tamer Org.

Cuts before Org sparkily strikes Predazord.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org talks and whips.

Trims start; Shot 2 is recycled, mirror-flipped, per source.

GAO #38.

The Black Bear Wildzord roars up close.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

The Black Bear Wildzord arm connects to Wild Force Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord Spear & Knuckle Mode poses, zoom in on Yellow reacting, then zoom in on Kongazord Striker's White Bear arm, roaring.

Final shot is recycled, per source; Cuts follow-ups of White Tiger leaping in and slashing Kongazord.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord Spear & Knuckle Mode fires its Bear Blaster arm forth, sparkily striking Kongazord Striker, causing crackling.

Cuts follow-up of Kongazord exploding massively.

GAO #38.

The Soul Birded cockpit crackles, agonizing the Rangers.

Cuts follow-ups of WFM approaching Kongazord.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord Spear & Knuckle charges up its Black Bear arm, and slashes it explosively at Kongazord Striker, crackling the cockpit until it goes white, Kongazord falling over, and the Rangers fall onto the ground.

US replaces follow-up; then cuts follow-up of Red recovering, and shot of Megazords.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org walks over to Wild Force Megazord Spear & Knuckle, pats Red Lion on the chest, then cracks his whip.

Fades in from black.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org's whip cracks against the pavement.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Kongazord Striker Clutcher's eyes flash, Red reacts, as it rises up off the ground on its own.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord Spear & Knuckle steps in and stands by Kongazord Striker Clutcher's side. Predazord breaks out of its bonds, Lion Tamer Org talks, and the two Megazords face the Predazord, then pose battle ready, and charge in, each striking Predazord sparkily, Red reaches out, as Kongazord beats on it.

Trims start; cuts follow-ups of Lunar Wolf crackling, and WFM slashing Predazord.

GAO #38.

White talks upward, Wild Force Megazord sparkily slashes Predazord back, then both Wild Force Megazord & Kongazord Striker fire their Bear Blasters at Predazord explosively, knocking it into its individual Wildzord parts, and Lunar Wolf falls to the ground, where the Rangers regroup around him, as the Megazords lower their Bear arms.

US replaces follow-up Jindrax/Toxica stuff. Which should go without saying at this point.

GAO #38.

Sword & Shield Mode arms connect to Wild Force Megazord, and Black Bear connects to Kongazord Striker, the two Megazords begin to march forth as Kite races toward them below. Wild Force Megazord Sword & Shield slashes down at the Rangers, knocking them down. Kongazord fires its shoulder cannons down at them explosively.

GAO #38.

The two Megazords lower their weapons.

GAO #38.

The two Megazords kind of react as Kite stands before them.

Kite superimposed over counterpart.

GAO #38.

The two Megazords raise their weapons.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord begins to slash down its Elephant Sword, as Kite stands there, wind swirling about around him.

Kite superimposed over counterpart; cuts follow-ups of each Ranger reacting.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord is just about to strike the wind-swirled Kite.

Kite superimposed over counterpart.

GAO #38.

Quick shots of Kongazord Striker & Wild Force Megazord.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord raises its Elephant Sword back up.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org talks and cracks his whip, the Megazords turn their attentions toward him. He reacts, nervously.

GAO #38.

Kongazord charges up and slashes its Polar Bear arm.

Recycled, cropped, per source.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org gets struck by the white energy slash.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord in Sword & Shield Mode performs the Pachyderm Crusher Attack.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org gets explosively struck by the energy slash, causing him to drop his whip, and fall down, where he talks.

GAO #38.

Wild Force Megazord turns, and lowers its weapons, zoom in on its chest., Red Lion roaring.

Shot 2 is recycled, per source; US replaces follow-up shot of Red for no reason.

GAO #38.

Red loads his Saber into the Falcon Summoner, and prepares to fire.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #35.

Red fires a red ball of energy skyward from the Falcon Summoner.

Replaces GAO #38's stock version.

GAO #35.

Falconzord rises explosively through within a volcano.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Falconzord flaps off the flames, and soars through the sky toward the city.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

The Rangers aim their Sabers into a circle.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

The Rangers all look up and summon.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up Falcon shrieking.

GAO #38.

The five Wildzords come together upon the Falconzord.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

The fully formed Isis Megazord flies up and poses.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

The Rangers motion arms in the Soul Birded cockpit.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org gets up and trembles.

GAO #38.

Zoom in on Red as he raises his fist.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Isis Megazord dives down, punching its Giraffe fist forth.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Lion Tamer Org gets struck by the Giraffe spear and spark bursts, he reacts, then Isis Megazord lifts him up by the spear and flings him skyward, before Isis Megazord then leaps up and flies into the air.

GAO #38.

Red leads the team in a group gesturing in the cockpit.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #38.

Isis Megazord kicks Armadillozord into the air, then flips over and performs the Final Strike on Armadillozord, kicking his glowing, flaming body forth.

New rendering.

GAO #38.

Struck by the flaming ball of energy, Lion Tamer Org explodes massively, as Isis Megazord lowers down and poses victoriously.

GAO #38.

Isis Megazord looks downward.

US replaces follow-up, of course. The Jindrax/Toxica commentary stuff was unusable, due to the Japanese signs in front of them. Also cuts follow-up shot of Mandilok talking.

GAO #38.

Predazord, Isis Megazord, Wild Force Megazord Sword & Shield, Gorillazord, and the Bearzords stand in the background as we push in on the Rangers looking forth.

Rangers and buildings superimposed over counterparts; fades to black.

Ending Credits