
Power Rangers DinoThunder

#516: PRDT 1420 "It's a Mad Mad Mackerel".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Abaranger, episodes 3, 4, & 26.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:27;00.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
ABA #26.

White lowers his arm, talking and gesturing at Zeltrax across the beach.

Cuts before Zeltrax replies; cuts follow-ups of quick close-ups of both.

ABA #26.

Zeltrax unsheathes his blade, as does White with his Drago Sword, the two then holding their weapons forth at one another, push in on White remaining still with his sword out.

Shot 1 is mirror-flipped; cuts follow-ups of Zeltrax & White posing, then rushing at one another; US replaces it, in fact, with something more actiony.

ABA #26.

Zeltrax rolls, recovers, and poses, as White races at him, then streaks past him repeatedly, sparkily striking him several times. White then leaps up and slashes, only to have his sword grabbed by Zeltrax, who then sparkily slashes him back.

Cuts additional streaking and close-up strikes between shots 4 & 5.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel pulls out a fishing pole, and sits on the edge of a building, talking.

Altered to fit viewscreen; immediately repeats on smaller viewscreen in background of following shot.

ABA #26.

Devin & Cassidy are pulled through the air by the fishing line and glow.

Cassidy & Devin added to Sentai footage.

ABA #26.

Balls of light drop into Mad Mackerel's cup.

Start repeats briefly so as to make it two balls.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel reaches down and pats his cup of catches.

Cuts before shot finishes panning up, where he talks a whole bunch.

PRDT 1402.

The three Dino Rangers morphing sequences: Blue, Red, Yellow.

Recycled montage from 1403.

ABA #26.

The four Rangers step forth to face Mad Mackerel on the rooftop, where he replies. Blue points and talks, Mad Mackerel responding by patting his belly mouth. Yellow speaks then pan over to Red speaking. Mad Mackerel speaks and fires explosive tuna from his belly mouth, bursting the Rangers. Red dives forth, whips out his Thundermax Blaster and fires at the monster, who dodges and fires back with more tuna, only for Red to drop down and fire, blasting Mad Mackerel. Red then gets up, twirls his blaster, then reholsters it.

Cuts final shot before Red puts his hand on top of the holster; cuts follow-up of Rangers regrouping.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel casts his rod forth, sharp zoom in on Yellow posing.

Trims start to remove monster talking; Cuts follow-up of hook snagging onto back of Yellow's helmet.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel jerks his rod up, and the line yanks Yellow into the air, Blue grabbing onto her legs, getting pulled off the ground, Red grabbing his legs, Red's legs wrapping around Black's neck, and Black's feet hooking onto a ledge. The chain of Rangers wobbles in midair.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel continues working his rod, until the chain of Rangers collapse on the roof. The monster then pulls Yellow once more up by the line, Blue grasps her bosom, Red snatches his foot with one hand and Black's with another, while Black grabs hold of the ledge. The renewed chain of Rangers is pulled taut.

Fades in from black; cuts follow-ups of Blue & Yellow talking.

ABA #26.

Red speaks, as does Black shaking his head, Mad Mackerel keeps pulling until his rod visibly cracks, and all the Rangers collapse onto the roof again.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel talks during zoom in, Blue turns and speaks, as the monster takes his cup of catches and gestures them.

Trims start of Yellow slapping Blue off her chest (US replaces it, in fact, with something less risque); splits final shot to include a US shot between.

ABA #26.

Continued, Mad Mackerel teleports away.

Split from before, with a little bit of talking missing between.

ABA #26.

Zeltrax sparkily slashes White some more, then kicks him away. He backflips onto a cliff and fires laser arrows down at the general explosively. Zeltrax proceeds to reach out and zap him with bluish electricity, bursting White off his perch, where he lands perfectly on the ground, rises up from a crouch, then begins to crackle with electricity and agonize while spark bursting, then collapsing.

US replaces follow-ups of White prone on the ground and talking, with footage of Trent demorphing, then fighting Zeltrax.

ABA #26.

Zeltrax grips his sword and talks.

Cuts follow-ups of White recovering and rushing into battle.

PRDT 1402.

The three Dino Rangers morphing sequences: Blue, Red, Yellow.

Recycled montage from 1403, but missing final shot.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel pulls his rod, and yanks a Japanese fellow into a glowing ball, into his cup, and proceeds to gesture his rod and talk.

ABA #26.

Zoom out as the four Rangers stand and face Mad Mackerel, who gasps with his belly mouth.

Cuts follow-ups of Rangers doing their roll call.

ABA #26.

Red readies his Thundermax Saber, leaps up, Mad Mackerel also jumping, the two clashing saber to rod in midair, then flipping back, landing, where Red hops in and slashes at the same time as his three teammates. Mad Mackerel shrugs off the blows by blocking, then spinning around and sparkily slashing all four down. Red then looks up.

Cuts follow-ups of monster's arm being compared to fish cooking footage, then him slashing down at each Ranger, which is compared to slicing up fish via cooking footage.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel prepares a butcher knife and slashes it and his fin arm downward, Red blocking it with his saber. He breaks off and sparkily slashes the monster.

Cuts follow-up of Red kicking his belly mouth.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel is flung away, but lands safely, though smoking. The Rangers fire their Thundermax Blasters at him, bursting him repeatedly until he staggers back, and gestures to the team, causing them to lower their weapons as he pulls out his cup of catches.

Cuts follow-ups of close-up of cup, then Rangers reacting.

ABA #26.

Black reacts.

Cuts follow-up of monster talking.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel speaks, then fires more explosive tuna at the team, bursting them.

Trims start to remove Yellow talking.

ABA #26.

The bursting finishes and the team falls to the ground.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel slowly walks toward the downed Rangers, who each react in fear.

Cuts follow-up of monster talking.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel turns to our right.

Trims start of him walking forth; US replaces rest of sequence due to cartoon fisherman involvement.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel turns around and runs away.

Trims start.

ABA #26.

Red makes fingerguns.

Trims start to remove him getting up and snapping fingers.

ABA #26.

The Rangers bring their special weapons together and create the Z-Rex Blaster (now with added Brachio Staff).

Recycled, per source.

ABA #26.

The Rangers aim the Z-Rex Blaster forth and brace around it, aiming at the retreating Mad Mackerel.

Cuts follow-ups of monster running away and close-ups of each Ranger.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel runs away, turning around briefly while doing so.

Cuts surrounding shots of monster leaping.

ABA #26.

Close-up on Red.

ABA #26.

The four Rangers fire the Z-Rex Blaster.

Recycled, per source.

ABA #26.

The flaming, biting blast strikes the hopping and retreating Mad Mackerel, exploding him.

ABA #26.

A ball rises up and causes stormclouds to appear in the blue sky, raining suddenly, the purple glowing mass rises up and forms into a gigantic body with a flash of light.

Recycled, missing usual chunk shot between, per source.

ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel grows gigantically, the Rangers witness and Black summons into his Brachio Morpher.

Fades in start from white to remove pixelization effect.

ABA #26.

Brachiozord slowly marches up across a bridge.

Recycled, per source.

ABA #26.

Brachiozord opens up his compartments, revealing the main three Dinozords inside. Tyrannozord races out of the side compartment. Pterazord flies out of the front compartment, and Tricerazord marches down Brachiozord's neck.

Recycled, per source.

ABA #26.

The three Dinozords race forth in the city.

Recycled, per source.

ABA #03.

Each Ranger leaps up and merges into the forehead of their respective Dinozord.


ABA #04.

Tyrannozord transforms into the body, Tricerazord into the right arm, the head pops out, then the body leaps up and Pterazord locks on, before the helmet locks onto the head. The three cockpits merge into one, as Thundersaurus Megazord floats completed in front of an explosion.


ABA #26.

Mad Mackerel and Thundersaurus Megazord lock arms, then break off, the Megazord trying and failing to strike the monster, who in turn gets a few sparkily blows in, finally knocking the Megazord into staggering back.

Cuts follow-up of Rangers recovering in cockpit.

ABA #26.

The three Rangers speak in the cockpit.

Used ahead of source.

ABA #26.

Parasaurzord hops out of Brachio's back compartment.

Trims start to remove Brachio lowering neck and opening compartment.

ABA #26.

Parasaurzord transforms into the Thundersaurus Megazord's new left arm.

Recycled, cuts before shot ends, per source.

ABA #26.

Ankylozord crawls out of Brachio's back compartment. It then becomes Thundersaurus Megazord's new right arm, the Ankylo & Parasaur armed Megazord poses completed.

Final shot is textless, unlike source; cuts follow-ups of monster firing explosive tuna at Megazord.

ABA #26.

Ankylozord arm's tip glows, the Rangers cast their arms back gesturingly, and Thundersaurus flings a laser hook out at Mad Mackerel, snagging him and roping him into the air.

Shots 1 & 2 are flipped from source positions; cuts follow-ups of Megazord swapping out Ankylo for Tricera, then using Parasaur to chop the monster up onto a plate.

ABA #26.

Massive explosion occurs.

Trims off that plate shot I just mentioned; cuts follow-up of chunks falling in city as Megazord poses.

ABA #26.

The Ankylo & Parasaur armed Megazord poses completed.


ABA #26.

The Rangers celebrate their victory.

ABA #26.

Waves crash on a rock.

Used way behind source position.

ABA #26.

White slashes his White Drago Sword in a Z shape at Zeltrax, bursting and crackling him.

Cuts final shot before Zeltrax demorphs into Bad Red Girl; Cuts prior usable shots.

Ending Credits