#518: PRDT 1422 "Triassic Triumph".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Abaranger, episodes 30 & 31.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:27;00.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening Credits (version 2 debuts)
Source | Description | Edit Note |
ABA #30. |
Evil White Ranger in Super Dino Mode raises his armblade. |
Shortened; Altered to fit viewscreen. |
ABA #30. |
Evil White Ranger extends his golden energy armblades forth and slashes them at Horn-Rimmed Monster, Megalador, and the unnamed monster we'll call RhinoBlunder. |
Altered to fit viewscreen. |
ABA #30. |
Evil White Ranger poses as Horn-Rimmed Monster, Megalador, and RhinoBlunder crackle and glow golden behind him. |
Cuts before monsters disintegrate; Altered to fit viewscreen. |
PRDT 1402. |
The three Dino Rangers morphing sequences: Blue, Red, Yellow. |
Recycled montage from 1403. |
ABA #30. |
Red fires his Thundermax Blaster at Zeltrax, who blocks it with his shield, then reaches out and fires bluish energy at him, bursting him down as his two teammates regroup around him. Zeltrax dashes forth, Blue & Yellow fire blasters at him, he shields them, then leaps up and lunges into the fray, slashing the pair sparkily repeatedly. |
Cuts prior shot of Red & Zeltrax facing each other; US replaces follow-ups due to neck grab. |
ABA #30. |
Zeltrax flings Red overhead, he falls, but recovers as Blue & Yellow regroup around him. |
Cuts follow-ups of Ranger firing Blasters at Zeltrax, who deflects the lasers into a nearby building that explodes. |
ABA #30. |
Zeltrax reaches out and blasts the Rangers down, Red's Thundermax Blaster flies into the air and lands out of his reach. Zeltrax readies his saber and charges at the trio, so Blue & Yellow toss their Blasters. |
Cuts follow-ups of Red getting up slightly and Zeltrax running more. |
ABA #30. |
Red grabs the Blasters tossed to him by his teammates, then jumps up and fires both at Zeltrax, bursting him. |
US replaces follow-up close-up of Zeltrax bursting due to his turning into a ball at the end. |
ABA #30. |
Upward push in on White Terrorsaurus. |
Trims start; altered to fit viewscreen. |
PRDT 1402. |
The three Dino Rangers morphing sequences: Blue, Red, Yellow. |
Recycled montage from 1403. |
ABA #30. |
Thundersaurus Megazord walks into the wilderness and turns to look at the flashing sky as stormclouds suddenly appear and lightning crashes down to the ground below, dirt bursting it. |
Cuts prior shots of Megazord formation, and Megazord traveling underwater to island; Cuts follow-up repeat closer of the dirt bursting. |
ABA #30. |
Thundersaurus gawks as Cephalazord & Dimetrozord step out of the smoke, Red reacting. |
Cuts follow-ups of Blue reacting, then Cephala & Dimetro attacking Megazord. |
ABA #30. |
Cephalazord & Dimetrozord are scooped up by a pair of bubbles, which float over into the chest spike of White Terrorsaurus, who materializes giant size near Thundersaurus, who turns and reacts. |
Shot 2 is pushed back from source position; cuts follow-up side angle of Megazord facing monster. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus dashes into a blur, sparkily striking Thundersaurus repeatedly. |
Cuts follow-up of Red talking in cockpit, then each Ranger talking to their Morpher as their Zords crackle. |
ABA #30. |
Thundersaurus crackles and spark bursts. |
Cuts before explosion erupts over the screen; cuts follow-up crackling cockpit shot. |
ABA #30. |
Thundersaurus crackles and staggers, then reverts into component Zords and Rangers, the latter of which fall to the ground, and the former which also collapse nearby. White Terrorsaurus charges up bubbles and flings them at the three Dinozords. The three Rangers recover in time to witness their bubbled Zords being absorbed by White Terrorsaurus, each one reacting quickly in close-ups. |
Final shot is pushed back by two from source position. |
ABA #30. |
In a crimson fog, a Styracosaurus morphs into a silhouetted Triassic Ranger, holding a glowing shield. |
Fades in from prior shot. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus shrinks down and drops into the quarry before the three Rangers, Red speaks while stepping forth, White Terrorsaurus seems to reply, as we see within his chest horn is a hell full of Dinozords suffering in bubbles. |
Shot 3 is recycled, but unaltered and first time in context. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus' eyes flash. |
Trims start to remove fade in; cuts follow-up of Red posing. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus expands his wings, then leaps off the ground and flies forth, the Rangers whipping out Blasters and firing on him, he bursts but doesn't cease progression. |
Cuts follow-ups of more firing on monster. |
ABA #30. |
Red reacts, as White Terrorsaurus flies sparkily through the Ranger trio. Blue begins to recover, when White Terrorsaurus flies back at him and grabs him. |
Cuts end before he makes full contact; US replaces it, in fact, to make it less strangley. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus carries Blue through the air as he struggles. |
Trims start; cuts follow-ups of monster sparkily clawing him. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus releases Blue, who falls into the muddy waters below, his teammates regrouping around and helping him back up, Red then speaking, as White Terrorsaurus lands before them. |
Trims start to remove spark bursting of Blue. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus stands imposingly, the Rangers react, Red talks to his teammates, they reply. Blue readies his Thundermax Saber, then they all rush forth at White Terrorsaurus from different angles with their Sabers prepared, attacking him all at once, but he streaks out of the way just as they strike, slashing each other sparkily as a result. |
Cuts follow-ups of Red on ground, then monster flying in and bursting the team. |
ABA #30. |
An explosion erupts behind the Rangers, sending them flying then falling, each one recovers slightly and speaks quickly, as White Terrorsaurus slowly marches toward them. |
Cuts prior bit of monster fighting Rangers and Zord bubbles burning in hell some more; cuts follow-ups of each Ranger talking as monster continues to approach. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus fires eyebeams at the trio, dirt bursting them until they sparkily fly off the side of a cliff and into the water below. |
ABA #31. |
White Terrorsaurus approaches the cliff's edge, seeing no sign of the Rangers in the waters below. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus stands imposingly. |
Recycled. |
ABA #30. |
White Terrorsaurus leaps off the ground and flies forth. |
Recycled. |
ABA #30. |
In the scarlet mist, Triassic Ranger holds his glowing shield forth. |
ABA #31. |
As the five Dinozords float in bubbles above the city, White Terrorsaurus stands on a rooftop gesturing a hand. |
Cuts prior close-ups of the Zords; cuts final shot before he motions hand. |
ABA #31. |
White Terrorsaurus turns sharply on the roof. |
Trimmed. |
ABA #31. |
The Rangers ready Sabers and rush forth, so White Terrorsaurus superspeed streaks through them sparkily a few times. |
Cuts prior roll call; cuts follow-ups of Ranbger attacking monster and failing, then he uses Blue to sparkily bash the others. |
ABA #31. |
Blue falls on his back, but gets back up when his teammates regroup. White Terrorsaurus fires energy at the trio, bursting them. |
Cuts final shot before they fall down; cuts follow-ups of monster imposing, the Rangers recovering, then getting knocked off roof. |
ABA #31. |
The three Rangers plummet off the side of the roof, but land safely in a plaza. |
Cuts follow-up of Red raising Saber. |
ABA #31. |
White Terrorsaurus leaps down to face them, so Red pulls out his Tyranno Staff and leaps at him, sparkily strikes him a few times, but the monster grabs the staff. |
Cuts follow-ups of monster breaking Tyranno Staff's head into pieces and Red reacting. |
ABA #31. |
White Terrorsaurus jerks the staff back then sparkily claws Red a few times, sending him flying back into a pillar. White Terrorsaurus turns and sees Blue leaping past him with his Triassic Shield out, dodging him with a side smack. |
Cuts follow-ups of Blue landing, then monster smashing hand through shield, and flinging Blue aside. |
ABA #31. |
Blue falls through the air, into a tree trunk roughly. White Terrorsaurus turns, seeing Yellow rolling up and firing her Blaster at him. He sparks, but doesn't stop, approaching and kicking at her. |
US replaces follow-up due to headblow. |
ABA #31. |
Yellow flies through the air, and lands where her teammates regroup. White Terrorsaurus fires energy at the trio, bursting them down. They lie and writhe, as the camera approaches Red. |
Cuts follow-up close-up of Red, then each bubbled Zord, then Yellow & Blue looking upward. |
ABA #31. |
Red slowly gets up, his teammates joining him slowly, as he quickly poses, and rushes forth. |
Trims start to reduce dialogue. |
ABA #31. |
Red flies through the air, falling roughly beside his downed teammates. He quickly gets back up, and spreads his arms. |
Cuts prior shot close-up of monster's fist hitting Red. |
ABA #31. |
Yellow, Red, and Blue morph into Super Dino Mode. |
Recycled, per source. |
ABA #31. |
The Rangers pose in Super Dino Mode, White Terrorsaurus pauses, as they charge at him. |
Cuts follow-ups of each Ranger rushing forth, then a close-up of the monster. |
ABA #31. |
Red leads the others in leaping up, only to get sparkily bursted down in midair by White Terrorsaurus's eyebeams. The Rangers lie on the ground, Red looking and talking at the monster. |
Cuts follow-up close-ups of monster's face. |
ABA #31. |
Red slowly gets back up, and White Terrorsaurus stands there, his mouth region light flashing. |
ABA #31. |
White Terrorsaurus fires electricity from his left arm at Red, wrapping around him and pulling him over. |
Trims start; US replaces follow-ups due to neck grabbing, then cuts the rest of Red grabbing monster and running him through items until he smashes into a car window, then the monster blasts him away. |
ABA #31. |
Red hits a wall and falls to the ground, where Yellow & Blue regroup around him as White Terrorsaurus slowly approaches. Suddenly, leaves and wind burst up at the monster, stopping him in his tracks. Black makes the scene, holding the blank Shield of Triumph. White Terrorsaurus fires beams at the shield, which absorbs the electricity, Black bracing behind it, then finaly giving a shove back, sending the energy back at the monster as a burst of golden electricity that bursts him. Black collapses, the Rangers comfort him, as he hands Red the shield and talks. Red takes it, then rushes forth with his two teammates, where he talks to them. Yellow replies with a fist clenching, then Blue responds. Blue & Yellow pulse their energies into the Shield of Triumph, causing it come to life in full red & gold, as Red morphs into the Triassic Ranger, Black reacting. |
Some shots are trimmed to reduce dialogue; shots 20 & 21 are flipped from source position (I guess they wanted Yellow to speak first). |
ABA #31. |
Triassic Ranger steps forth. |
Surrounding shots US replaced due to unmorphed counterparts, duh. |
ABA #31. |
Triassic Ranger walks forward, White Terrorsaurus reacts, Triassic stops, speaks, then holds his Shield of Triumph forth, causing electricity to crackle outward, teleporting both him and the monster elsewhere. |
ABA #31. |
White Terrorsaurus falls into the Triassic Dimension, landing and looking about. |
Cuts final shot before he looks around more; cuts follow-ups of him hopping on asteroids, then looking around again. |
ABA #31. |
Triassic Ranger enters the Triassic Dimension, White Terrorsaurus sees him and leaps up, firing at him, but he blocks it with his shield, then pulls out his Blaster and fires on the monster, bursting him until he falls to a lower region of the dimension. Triassic extends the blade in the Shield of Triumph, charging up the Sword of Triumph, flying down and slashing at the monster a few times. |
Cuts follow-ups of Triassic stabbing sword forth. |
ABA #31. |
Triassic Ranger slashes the Sword of Triumph. |
Used ahead of source; US replaces follow-up headblow. |
ABA #31. |
White Terrorsaurus floats off through the dimension and Triassic follows, the monster then landing on a crystaline platform. |
Cuts before Triassic swoops in and strikes a few times. |
ABA #31. |
Triassic jumps down and begins to sparkily slash White Terrorsaurus a few times, then begins to punch the shield forth. |
US replaces follow-up due to headblow. |
ABA #31. |
White Terrorsaurus is flung off into the dimension, ending up snared on a giant spiderweb. |
Cuts follow-up side close-up of Triassic. |
ABA #31. |
Triassic slashes his energerized saber horizontally at White Terrorsaurus, causing him to crackle. Triassic then slashes it diagonally, crackling White Terrorsaurus until the dimension transitions back to reality. Triassic lands on the ground, and watches as White Terrorsaurus crackles, then collapses and explodes brightly and massively. The camera pushes in on the triumphant Triassic. |
Shot 3 is recycled, but first time in context; fades to black; cuts follow-ups of Triassic reverting to Red. |