
Power Rangers DinoThunder

#521: PRDT 1425 "Tutenhawken's Curse".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Abaranger, episodes 32 & 35.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:27;00.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
ABA #35.

Tutenhawken rushes over to a railing next to the edge of a platform.

Shortened a little; Altered to fit monitor.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken stands in a courtyard, talking and gesturing.

Shortened considerably; Altered to fit monitor; transitions out.

PRDT 1402.

Kira's full morphing sequence.


PRDT 1402.

The two Dino Rangers morphing sequences: Blue & Red.

Recycled, but first time montage this order.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken leaps off the side of a structure, landing in a quarry.

ABA #35.

Yellow leaps forth in Super Dino Mode, and begins to sparkily strike Tutenhawken with her Ptera Grips a few times.

US replaces follow-ups due to headblow.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken is thrown back, lands, turns, and watches as Yellow flies at him with her Super Dino Wings, energy slashing him burstingly on the way by.

Cuts follow-up close-up of him bursting.

ABA #35.

Yellow flips over, no longer in Super Dino Mode, and lands on the ground posed as Tutenhawken watches from afar.

Cuts before monster explodes.

ABA #35.

Close-up of Tutenhawken exploding massively.

Follow-up of Yellow reacting is pushed up and US replaced to remove bracelet.

ABA #35.

Red & Blue rush over to Yellow's side, Red touching her shoulders and talking, as she responds and looks at something in her hands.

Cuts before she lifts head; cuts follow-ups of Rangers talking.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken emerges from the smoking ground unharmed.

Cuts follow-up close-up of him.

ABA #35.

The Rangers react, zoom in Yellow. Tutenhawken talks, then fires laser bursts at the trio, scattering them in the sparkles. Red rolls to safety, only for Tutenhawken to fly in and grab him.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken flies into a forest with Red in hand.

Cuts follow-up side angle of the pair flying.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken slams Red against a tree, then releases him from on high. He falls onto his back, Yellow & Blue regroup above him and whip out their Thundermax Blasters, firing up at the monster, who leaps from the bursting tree. Yellow lowers her blaster and reacts, as he swoops down and bursts the trio of Rangers down, then lands a few feet away. The Rangers slowly recover, Red gripping his chest. Tutenhawken readies his whip, when he suddenly is struck by a laser bolt from behind. Red reacts.

US replaces follow-ups to change Zeltrax fighting Tutenhawken to White doing it.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken leaps up and takes off into the sky.

Pushed way back from source position; altered to fit monitor.

PRDT 1402 / 1424.

The three Dino Rangers morphing sequences: White, Red, and Yellow.

Recycled, but first time montage this order.

ABA #35.

Stormclouds rain suddenly, then as they dissipate, a purple glowing mass rises up and forms into a gigantic body with a flash of light.

Recycled, per source.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken unfolds his now gigantic body.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken crouches down.

Recycled, plays in reverse.

ABA #32.

Red whips out the Shield of Triumph.


ABA #32.

Yellow & Blue infuse their energies into Red's Shield of Triumph.

Recycled. This stuff replaces 35's version which had them in the forest.

ABA #35.

Red morphs into the Triassic Ranger.

Recycled, per source, though the first shot is an original US montage of Sentai footage.

ABA #35.

Mezodon Rover rides onto the scene.

Recycled, per source.

ABA #32.

Triassic brings his feet together and jumps.

Recycled. Again, because 35's version had him in the forest.

ABA #35.

Blue, Triassic, and Yellow float up and land inside the glowing top of the Mezodon Rover, teleporting into the cockpit, where the other two stand by as Triassic places the Shield of Triumph onto a console, causing it to glow.

Last shot is the only one recycled, per source.

ABA #35.

The Mezodon Rover charges through small rock formations, smashing them to bits without missing a beat.

Recycled, per source.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken reacts, then fires off lasers. Explosions burst behind Mezodon Rover, which plows ahead unscathed.

Trims start; cuts follow-ups of Tutenhawken reacting, zoom in on Triassic, then the Rover making a sharp turn, and heading toward the monster.

ABA #35.

Triassic, Blue, then Yellow each get a quick response.

ABA #35.

The Mezodon Rover's wheels suddenly glow with flaming energy.

Recycled, per source; pushed back from source position.

ABA #35.

The Mezodon Rover races past Tutenhawken, striking him on the way by, leaving him crackling and sparkling in agony. Close on Styraco's head coming into view.

Cuts before Styraco roars; cuts follow-up of Tutenhawken bursting.

ABA #35.

Tutenhawken bursts up close.

ABA #35.

As Styraco watches, Tutenhawken explodes massively.

Trims start to remove monster bursting then collapsing.

Ending Credits