
Power Rangers SPD

#544: PRSPD 1510 "Stakeout".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Dekaranger, episodes 3, 9, & 10.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:35;10.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
DEKA #09.

Spacecrafts fly about around an asteroid in orbit of a ringed planet we're told is KO-35.

Shortened; fades in from black; Japanese textless unlike source; title appears.

DEKA #09.

Spacecrafts fly about on the prison atop the KO-35 asteroid.

Cuts before shot lingers; EP credit appears.

DEKA #09.

Four Krybots place explosives on a prison door under the command of a Bluehead, who presses a control button and ignites them, bursting the door open, allowing Sinuku to exit it, where he pauses, talks, clenches fists, and talks some more up close. A green-energy spacecraft takes off from the asteroid, which then explodes massively to bits.

EP credits fade out, Writer & Director credits appear; shot 5 is Japanese textless, unlike source.

DEKA #09.

Sinuku walks into a cave, stops, looks at some rocks, fires eyeblasts forth, shattering the rocks. He then goes over and finds a box in the debris, opening it to find six tubes.A quick shot of the ocean, then Sinuku exits the cave with the box in hand, rubbing it lovingly, until beams burst sparks around him, halting him.

Shot 13 has blue beams added.

DEKA #09.

Sinuku steps forth while reacting.

DEKA #09.

Sinuku pulls out a silver sphere, talks, then tosses it forth, where, upon landing on the ground, it blinks and a group of Krybots appears.

DEKA #09.

Sinuku gestures, and the Krybots charge forth.

DEKA #09.

Blue dives in and tackles down a Krybot, kicks and chops down another, and finally sparkile back kicks another. Green leaps through the air, landing on a mountainside, where he sparkily bashes a pair of Krybots with his saber until one falls into the water. Yellow leaps up and fires her blaster on the Krybots, then lands and alternates between fighting and firing on them. The final one falls, Sinuku reacts, the Ranger trio regroups, Yellow talks, Sinuku replies and forehead blasts them, spark bursting around the three.

Cuts follow-up of Sinuku vanishing.

DEKA #09.

As the smoke clears, the Rangers recover and look on, Green talking at the missing villain, then Blue raising a fist.

Shot 2 is a freeze-framed still from the end of the Sinuku vanishing shot cut prior.

DEKA #09.

At night, Sinuku looks out over the city on a rooftop as Broodwing talks to him. He turns to him, Broodwing talks and points, Sinuku responds, Broodwing looks, as Sinuku spreads open his cape, revealing the six tubes attached. Broodwing taps his wings together, Sinuku talks, then turns around and gestures to the city skyline, talking at it.

Shot 10 cuts before Broodwing spreads his wings; final shot fades to black.

DEKA #09.

A giant unnamed robot with a lot of sharp edges we'll call Sinuku's Robot (since that's what it is) surfaces from underground in the middle of the city.

DEKA #09.

A green energy enters Sinuku's Robot, materializing into Sinuku inside the cockpit. The Rangers race in to face the giant robot in the city below.

Cuts final shot before we can see two humans with them.

DEKA #09.

Sinuku's Robot towers over the five Rangers.

US Rangers superimposed over footage.

DEKA #09.

Zoom in on Sinuku in his cockpit.

Cuts before he talks more and raises a fist; cuts follow-ups of his Robot destroying buildings.

DEKA #09.

A Ranger opens their Delta Morpher.

Yellow in source, Red in show.

DEKA #09.

Delta Runner 1 rolls out from the hangar, with the other four following in order.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #09.

The Delta Runners all exit the Delta Base.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #09.

The Delta Runners drive along together.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #09.

The five SPD Rangers race forth, Red's boots leaping up.

DEKA #08.

Red is the only one shown hopping into his Delta Runner.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #09.

Red nod-talks as all five Rangers' cockpits appear side by side and they respond in unison.

Recycled, per source; Comic panel lines added between each cockpit again.

DEKA #09.

The five Delta Runners come together to form the Delta Squad Megazord.

Recycled, per source; cuts prior formation bit; cuts follow-ups of Megazord posing with blaster and Robot posing.

DEKA #09.

Delta Squad Megazord fires on Sinuku's Robot, which dives and rolls, then leaps up and kicks into the Megazord, causing it to spark and stagger back. Sinuku's Robot lands, poses, the Megazord recovers and looks on, as Yellow talks in her cockpit. Sinuku's Robot does a ninja hand gesture, Sinuku speaks, then Sinuku's Robot duplicates itself to four in total, Red reacting, as they all are stationed around the confused Megazord.

DEKA #09.

Four of the Rangers glance about in their cockpits confusedly.

Recycled (but first time in context), right down to the comic panel lines added between each one; cuts follow-up of Megazord surrounded by four Robots.

DEKA #09.

Four split shot of Sinuku's Robots posing, then leaping up, each one passing over the dumbfounded Delta Squad Megazord, save for the fina lone, which does a flying punch as it passes by.

Shot 1 has comic panel lines added between each one; cuts follow-ups of Robot doing another flying punch pass on the Megazord.

DEKA #09.

Sinuku's Robot lands down the street, posing. Blue nod-talks in his cockpit. The Delta Squad Megazord opens its leg compartment, revealing its Saber, which it then wields. Sinuku's Robot gestures and runs forth, the Megazord energy slashing the fake Robot into disintegrating. Red reacts in his cockpit. The Megazord turns and fires on two more Sinuku's Robots, dissolving them. The last one poses, Red speaks, then the Megazord leaps straight into the sky with its saber overhead, Sinuku's Robot reaching out in protest.

DEKA #09.

Delta Squad Megazord energy slashes its saber downward three times.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #09.

Sinuku's Robot, struck with an energy slash, dissolves. Delta Squad Megazord lowers its saber, Green nod-talks, Yellow does also, and finally Red does, slapping his hand against his steering wheel.

Final shot shifts the picture off to our left before shot completes (prior picture shifting of three shots was done in source).

DEKA #03.

A silver sphere flies into the air, suddenly springing out into an army of Krybots.


DEKA #10.

Sinuku raises a fist, as Krybots scramble forth, Red whips out his pair of Blasters and races at them, firing lasers, bursting each one down.

Lasers added to shots 5-8; Cuts follow-ups of Red fighting Krybots.

DEKA #10.

Red poses with his Blasters, then a pair of Krybots kicks at him at once, so he spins between them and falls on his back, firing up at both sparkily. Red recovers, then turns and talks to Sinuku, who pulls out a saber, they stand there for a moment, then rush at one another. Red dives over Sinuku's blade, then gets back up and blocks his kicks.

Shots 5-7 have lasers added; cuts final shot before Red footsweeps Sinuku; cuts follow-ups of Red firing on Sinuku.

DEKA #10.

Red goes to hit Sinuku with his Blaster, but he blocks it with his saber, locked they talk for a moment.

Cuts follow-ups of Sinuku pushing Red against a wall, slashing him sparkily.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku raises his saber high, sending Red flipping over past him. Sinuku turns and whips his cape about (with something pink and fuzzy in hand).

Cuts follow-ups of Sinuku leaping over and sparkily slashing Red back down again.

DEKA #10.

Red recovers to his feet, Sinuku forehead crackle energy blasts forth.

US replaces follow-up explosion to move blast behind Red.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku opens his cape, removes a tube, injects it with a small syringe, before putting it away and attaching the tube to his forearm.

Glowing contact point added to shot 3.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku aims his forearm tube forth.

DEKA #10.

Zoom in on Sinuku's aimed forearm tube.

DEKA #10.

Red stands battle ready, then races forth.


DEKA #10.

Energy crackles cause explosions behind the running Red, as he pulls out his Blasters, then leaps up and does a flying kick.

Cuts shot 2 before smoke engulfs him temporarily; US replaces follow-up kick impact due to lady in shot.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku recovers and reacts, as Red fires upon him

Lasers added to shot 2; cuts follow-up of bursting around Sinuku who dives out of the way.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku leaps up onto a structure. Red follows, the two fighting for a moment, before Red shoves Sinuku off, taking his cape from him and firing on him as he falls to the ground.

Trims start; lasers added to shots 8 & 9; cuts additional Red firing shot between shots 8 & 9.

DEKA #10.

Red tosses his cape aside, then leaps down and aims his Blasters forth.

Cuts follow-ups of Red firing on Sinuku's forearm tube.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku whips out his saber and charges forth, Red following suit, both then sparkily striking each other when they meet.

Cuts follow-up of Red beating on Sinuku.

DEKA #10.

Red kicks Sinuku sparkily, sending him flying.

Cuts follow-ups of Red firing on Sinuku, who bursts in midair.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku smashes into some carefully stacked trash.

DEKA #10.

Red nod-talks, then his four teammates arrive on the scene.

Cuts follow-up of them talking.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku crawls out of the garbage angrily, the Rangers turn and face him, Red gesturing his way.

DEKA #10.

Each Ranger does their individual pose, then one as a team. Their helmets flash, then they hold their Delta Morphers forth, Red opening his.

Recycled, per source; cuts prior individual posings.

DEKA #10.

The five Rangers pose with their Delta Morphers held out as they stand in front of a giant SPD Badge.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

Zoom in on the smoking Sinuku talking and raising his arms, the Rangers pose, Sinuku eyebeam blasts forth, bursting around the team, Yellow & Pink diving through the smoke, then leaping up and kicking forth.

Cuts follow-up impact of their kicks due to neck strike.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku bursts.

Trimmed; used ahead of source.

DEKA #10.

Blue & Green leap up and slash their blades sparkily as Sinuku, Red then scissor kicking him down. Red points as his teammates regroup. Sinuku recovers, pulls out a device from behind his back, and turns the knob which glows. Sinuku's Robot surfaces in the middle of the city. Sinuku turns another knob and he turns to green energy.

DEKA #10.

A green energy enters Sinuku's Robot.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

The Rangers look up reacting, zoom in on Red talking into his Delta Morpher.

DEKA #10.

The five Delta Runners head down the tunnel in an orderly line.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-up of more Delta Runners and Red in his cockpit talking a lot.

DEKA #09.

All five Rangers' cockpits, side by side, all respond in unison.

Recycled, trimmed; Comic panel lines added between each cockpit again.

DEKA #10.

The five Delta Runners come together to form the Delta Squad Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

Delta Squad Megazord poses as Sinuku's Robot gestures and splits into four again, the Megazord glancing about, Blue speaking in his cockpit. The Megazord spins around in place, firing its Blaster at all of Sinuku's Robots, disintegrating each one, before stopping its rotation and looking forth, Blue again talking with a clenching fist.

Cuts follow-up of Megazord looking around.

DEKA #10.

Delta Squad Megazord stands in the city, unaware that the real Sinuku's Robot lurks nearby, camouflaged Predator style. Red nod-talks in his active cockpit, the Megazord dives to the side.

DEKA #10.

Delta Squad Megazord rolls over firing its Blaster as explosions erupt behind it.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

Blasted, Sinuku's Robot ceases being invisible, as Delta Squad Megazord stands up.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku talks in his cockpit, lifting up his tiny capsule, inserting it into the console and pressing a button, causing a display to show energy at 100X. Sinuku talks, then his Robot pulls out a blowgun, preparing to hold it forth.

Shot 1 is trimmed heavily; shot 2 has added light effects to the console; shot 3 is trimmed; cuts final shot before blowgun is held over Robot's mouth.

DEKA #10.

Delta Squad Megazord reacts.

DEKA #10.

Close on Sinuku taking in his cockpit.

Trimmed heavily; cuts follow-up of Robot firing a projectile forth.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku's Robot fires a ball of energy from its blowgun.

Pushed back from source position; plays in reverse; energy ball added.

DEKA #10.

Delta Squad Megazord bursts, losing hold of its Blaster, then collapses to the ground, shaking up Red, Green talks, Blue talks with a raising of a finger at the end, and Yellow speaks with a hand shrugging. Sinuku's Robot stands across from the downed Megazord, Sinuku reaches onto his console and turns a handle, causing a display to list power as being 1000X. Sinuku talks and raises his hand. Megazord remains downed, Red talks while working controls, the Megazord gets back up, Sinuku's Robot taunts it, Sinuku speaks.

Shot 12 is trimmed; cuts follow-ups of Robot firing blowgun forth and Sinuku talking more.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku's Robot fires a ball of energy from its blowgun.

Recycled; trimmed; plays in reverse; energy ball added.

DEKA #10.

Energy ball flies at Delta Squad Megazord, Red reacting.

DEKA #10.

Energy ball is caught by Delta Squad Megazord.

Energy effects added over missile.

DEKA #10.

Pushed back down the street by the energy ball it's trying to hold back, Delta Squad Megazord slides along, Pink talking in her cockpit, until the Megazord stops sliding. Holding the pulsing orb in the Megazord's hands, Red speaks, then turns the steering wheel and spins the Megazord around.

DEKA #10.

Delta Squad Megazord flings the glowing orb back the way it came.

Energy effect added over missile.

DEKA #10.

The energy orb heads back at Sinuku's Robot. Sinuku reacts and presses a button just before impact, the Robot then bursting, and collapses, exploding massively.

Cuts follow-ups of Rangers thumbing and the Megazord holstering Blaster.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku falls to the Earth, the Rangers following by dropping down after him. As Sinuku recovers, the Rangers land, Sinuku reacts, Red points and talks.

Cuts before zoom in on Red.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku listens as Red talks, then pulls out his Delta Morpher and opens it forth.

DEKA #10.

Zoom in through the energy matrix dimensional thingy inside the Delta Morpher.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

A clockface appears over Sinuku, and an alternating X and O, zoom in on Red's Delta Morpher as it finally settles on a red X, which appears over Sinuku. The other four Rangers raise arms, Red pulls out the metal bone and tosses it skyward.

Shots 2, 4, and 6 are recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

RIC leaps in and chomps on the bite bone thing, and transforms into the Canine Cannon.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

The Canine Cannon lands in the hands of the Rangers.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku whips out his saber and prepares to attack. Red nod-talks up close, zoom out as he and the others point forth.

DEKA #10.

The Canine Cannon trigger is pulled.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

The Canine Cannon is fired forth, the blast shooting down an SPD logo corridor.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #10.

Sinuku is struck by the energy blast, causing him to burst, then collapse and explode massively, as a containment card with him in it flies away from the blast. Red lifts the Canine Cannon up in the air by himself as his teammates break off.

Shot 3 has containment card US added to shot; cuts follow-ups of Red talking with Cannon in hand.

Ending Credits