#545: PRSPD 1511 "Shadow, Part 1".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Dekaranger, episodes 1, 4, 7, & 13.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:35;25.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
DEKA #01. |
Pan up as an unnamed alien we'll call Debugger stands holding a bus overhead as dozens of cops watch. |
Altered to fit in mini-screen. |
DEKA #01. |
Delta Runner 3 rolls down the street over parked traffic which is narrowly avoided being crushed as its between the wheels. |
DEKA #01. |
Delta Runners 3 and 4 race down the windy street, while Delta Runner 2 flies over some buildings, the three along with Delta Runner 5 arriving at the scene of Debugger's hostage crisis. |
First three shots are textless, unlike source; shot 2 is recycled, per source. |
DEKA #01. |
Pink leaps up into the air. |
DEKA #04. |
Pink leaps into Delta Runner 5. |
DEKA #01. |
Pink lands in her cockpit, nod-talking while driving. |
DEKA #01. |
Delta Runner 5's display screen lists SPD on it, as it rolls close to traffic. |
"Only" is matted out of each shot; shot 2 is textless, unlike source; pushed back from source position. |
DEKA #01. |
Delta Runner 3 races in during zoom in. |
Cuts prior stuff of Delta Runner 4 blinding Debugger, Pink firing from bus, and Green gesturing in his cockpit. |
DEKA #01. |
The Mega Blaster slides out Delta Runner 3's side compartment and fires a yellow rope. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #01. |
Yellow crime scene tape wraps around Debugger so tight, he loses hold on the bus. |
Cuts follow-up of Pink on bus. |
DEKA #01. |
The bus goes falling, so Delta Runner 2 swoops in, Blue speaks, drops his magnet hook, it snags the top of the bus, and Delta Runner 2 safely sets it down on the ground. |
DEKA #01. |
Red connects his two Delta Blasters into Combo Mode. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #01. |
Red's Delta Blaster Combo Mode charges to life with energy. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #01. |
Red nod-talks in a red room, then pulls the trigger. |
DEKA #01. |
Red fires Delta Blaster Combo Mode forth, the blast shooting across the SPD-tiled area and striking Orangehead explosively. |
Recycled, but shot 2 is digitally altered to feature Orangehead instead of Bluehead. |
DEKA #01. |
Delta Runner 2 detatches its wing-cuffs, which connect and land around Debugger, locking him next to a building. Blue speaks, then Debugger, cuffed and tape-wrapped, openly weeps. |
Cuts prior shots of Pink talking to Blue; cuts follow-ups of Zords returning to hangar. |
DEKA #01. |
Debugger, cuffed and tape-wrapped, openly weeps. |
Recycled; altered to fit Gruumm's viewscreen. |
DEKA #13. |
General Benaag walks into a dark, smokey alley, Broodwing opening his three eyes, as they approach one another and talk a bit. Benaag points his spiked gauntlet forth at Broodwing, talking to him, pacing to the side, then firing lasers at Broodwing, bursting around him, as he doesn't so much as blink, responding afterward. |
Shots 1 & 2 are textless, unlike source. |
DEKA #13. |
A drill tower rises up amid scrambling Japanese citizens, raising skyward. |
DEKA #04. |
The five Delta Runners roll out from the hangar. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #04. |
The Delta Runners all exit the Delta Base. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #07. |
The five Delta Runners race along, side by side, away from the Delta Base. |
Recycled; altered to fit mini-display screen. |
DEKA #13. |
A drill-tail pops out of the ground beside one of the drill towers, as an unnamed giant robot with drills all over its body we'll call the Drillbit Robot (not to be confused with the Drill Robot from a few shows ago). He's piloted by a Bluehead, who walks the Robot over to one of the drill towers, grabs it, then flips it over and impales it into the street, causing it to light up. |
DEKA #13. |
A drill tower rises up, Drillbit Robot appears and approaches. |
This and the next few shots are pushed up from source position; Cuts follow-up of Delta Runner 5 on the river. |
DEKA #13. |
Drillbit Robot grabs the drill tower. |
Recycled. |
DEKA #13. |
Drillbit Robot impales the drill tower into the ground. |
Cuts follow-ups of Pink talking. |
DEKA #13. |
Drillbit Robot impales another drill tower into the ground. |
Cuts follow-ups of Delta Runner 4 failing tp blind Robot and Delta Runner 3 failing to bind Robot. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 1 swerves around a corner, as Red talks in the cockpit. Drillbit Robot protect the drill tower. |
Cuts follow-ups of Delta Runner 5's display taunting Robot with monster-emoji. |
DEKA #13. |
Yellow nod-talks in her cockpit, raising her fist forth. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 4 plows through debris. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 4 slams sparkily into Drillbit Robot's foot, before it kicks it aside, shaking up Yellow. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 4 rolls over. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #13. |
Green watches and responds. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 3's side compartment opens and fires the Mega Blaster. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #13. |
Drillbit Robot spark bursts. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 1 drives on its right two wheels, aiming the Saber-side upward. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #13. |
Drillbit Robot waits for the approaching Saber to be close enough to grab, shaking up Red, as it then punches the blade away. Drillbit Robot drops to the ground. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 2 keeps firing. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #13. |
Sparks burst at the scene of where Drillbit Robot just was. |
DEKA #13. |
The Saber-armed Delta Runner 1 spins to a stop. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #13. |
Red reacts, as the smoke clears and there's still no sign of Drillbit Robot. Zoom in on Blue talking in his cockpit. |
Cuts follow-up of Pink talking. |
DEKA #13. |
A drill tower stands in the middle of an airport. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 2 flies through the sky. |
Recycled, per source. |
DEKA #13. |
Blue nod-talks in his cockpit. |
DEKA #13. |
Delta Runner 2 drops its magnet hook. |
Recycled, per source; altered to fit mini-display. |
DEKA #13. |
Close on Blue nod-talking in his cockpit. |
Altered to fit mini-display. |
DEKA #13. |
General Benaag lurks in the bushes. |
DEKA #13. |
RIC dashes to our left. |
Recycled, mirror-flipped, both per source. |
DEKA #13. |
Close on RIC turning to look. |
DEKA #13. |
RIC lunges, quick extreme close-up of Benaag's red eye. |