
Power Rangers SPD

#546: PRSPD 1512 "Shadow, Part 2".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Dekaranger, episodes 9 & 13.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:35;25.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Previously On is about 0:28;20 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
DEKA #13.

Drillbit Robot walks over to one of the drill towers, grabs it, then flips it over and impales it into the street.

Recycled; Altered to fit in mini-screen.

DEKA #13.

Drillbit Robot impales another drill tower into the ground.

Recycled, the quick shot of Pink is previously unused; Altered to fit in mini-screen.

DEKA #13.

Drillbit Robot impales one more drill tower into the ground.

Recycled; Altered to fit in mini-screen.

DEKA #13.

A drill tower stands in the middle of an airport.

Recycled; Altered to fit in mini-screen.

DEKA #13.

Shots of Drillbit Robot impaling drill towers.

Recycled again; Altered to fit in mini-screens.

DEKA #13.

Drill towers stand in the city.

Recycled, freeze-framed; Altered to fit in mini-screens.

DEKA #09.

Delta Runner 1 rolls out from the hangar, with the other four following in order.


DEKA #09.

The Delta Runners all exit the Delta Base.


DEKA #09.

The Delta Runners drive along together.


DEKA #09.

The five Delta Runners come together to form the Delta Squad Megazord.


DEKA #13.

Pan across the city to Delta Squad Megazord, aiming its Mega Blaster at the ground, zoom in on Red talking, then quick extreme close-ups of each Ranger nodding. The Megazord braces its weapon, as dust sprays upward from the ground before it and another drill tower rises up.

Cuts follow-up Megazord reaction shot.

DEKA #13.

Drillbit Robot rises up from underground.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #13.

Blue reacts, as Drillbit Robot faces the drill tower, walking toward it, until Delta Squad Megazord fires its Blaster, shooting yellow police tape at the Robot, wrapping around it. As the Robot struggles with its binds, the Megazord gets between it and the tower.

Cuts quick reactions of each Ranger between shots 1 & 2; cuts follow-ups of Megazord pulling out Saber and sparkily slashing the Robot.

DEKA #13.

Pointing its Blaster at the bound Drillbit Robot, Delta Squad Megazord pulls out its cuffs and goes to attach them, when the Robot's drill tail slips out and sparkily strikes, knocking the cuffs into the air.

Cuts follow-ups of drill tail sparkily stabbing the Megazord.

DEKA #13.

Each Ranger writhes in their cockpits, Drillbit Robot breaks out of its binds, then sparkily strikes Delta Squad Megazord until it topples over onto the ground.

Comic panel borders added to shot 1; cuts follow-ups of Blaster falling to ground, then the downed Megazord firing its Delta Runner 2 leg blasters at the Robot before pulling out its saber and recovering.

DEKA #13.

Extreme close-up of General Benaag's teeth.

DEKA #13.

Extreme close-up of General Benaag's claw.

DEKA #13.

Extreme close-up of General Benaag's gauntlet hand unclenching.

DEKA #13.

Extreme close-up of General Benaag's eye, then Doggie Cruger's feet coming to a halt.

DEKA #13.

The wheels of the bus go round and round.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag pinches his claw, then clenches his fist, while talking.

DEKA #13.

Push in on General Benaag talking and gesturing, Krybots leap over the camera, the dozens of them landing between Benaag and Doggie, spreading out into a wall of Krybots.

DEKA #13.

Pan across the massive rows of Krybots.

DEKA #13.

As Doggie stands in the quarry below, surrounded by Krybots on two levels, atop the cliff zoom in on Broodwing.

Doggy Kruger is digitally replaced by Doggie Cruger.

DEKA #13.

Close on Broodwing talking.

DEKA #13.

Side angle on General Benaag, talking and motioning arm.

Shortened; pushed back from source position.

DEKA #13.

As the camera slides to our right, Shadow Ranger stands in the quarry, facing the 100 Krybots, causing his chest 100 symbol to ignite. Shadow gestures his fingers and hands, motioning them about as he talks and poses, quick beauty shots of his costume details. He unsheathes his Shadow Saber, charging it up so its blade regains its shiny complexion, then poses with it. Krybots charge forth, Shadow stances ready, then dashes into the fray. Suddenly, a counter reading "100" appears onscreen, keeping count as Shadow sparkily slashes his way through Krybot after Krybot. More Krybots pour in, and Shadow dispatches them all, eventually getting down to just 30 left.

DEKA #13.

Krybots collapse into a pile and explode massively, as Shadow leaps away from the blast, landing facing more Krybots. He rushes in a spot between them all, standing there, ready for one to make the first move, and one does as expected.

US replaces follow-up shot of him slashing 30 down to 17 to stretch things out and give Koichi something to do.

DEKA #13.

Shadow Ranger spins around, slashing 17 Krybots down to 5.

DEKA #13.

As Shadow stands posed in the center, the remaining Krybots collapse and begin to explode around him as the countdown ends.

US replaces follow-up close-up of Shadow amid explosions so they don't occur in front of him.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag pinches his claw, then clenches his fist, while talking.

Recycled; shortened a little.

DEKA #13.

Drillbit Robot punches at Delta Squad Megazord, who blocks it with its saber, but gets shoved backwards as a result. Blue & Green react as they brace the feet to prevent more shoving, Yellow & Pink react as they used the arms to knock the Robot free. Red speaks, as the Megazord sparkily slashes Drillbit Robot, knocking it back. Drillbit Robot staggers back, then pauses and charges up its chestplate.

Comic panel border added to shot 7; Cuts final shot before bullets fly from chestplate (color flares them at very end for a second to cover them).

DEKA #13.

Delta Squad Megazord spark bursts, Red speaks, zoom out as Blue & Green join him, thenb zoom out again to show Yellow & Pink also speaking. The Megazord starts walking forth, still bursting, zoom in extremely close on each Ranger speaking.

Comic panel borders added to shots 3 & 7.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag leaps in and fights Shadow Ranger, sparkily clawing him twice, then going for a third, only to miss. They keep blocking each other's blows, until Shadow sparkily slashes Benaag twice, then poses with his blade pointed behind him, right at Benaag's throat. They remain deadlocked, talking for a moment, until Benaag squeezes his fist, causing the trailer in the truck above to blow a hole in its side.

Cuts shot of Shadow & Benaag talking with blades locked between shots 4 & 5.

DEKA #13.

Shadow reacts.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag leaps in and sparkily strikes Shadow, before they resume sparring, dodging and counterstriking, as shot zooms out to show the battle from inside the hole in the trailer.

Used ahead of source position.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag sparkily strikes Shadow in the back.

DEKA #13.

Shadow rolls and recovers, General Benaag then sparkily strikes Shadow a few more times, until the Ranger backs off, clutching his shoulder.

DEKA #13.

Finishing sparkily slashing Shadow, Benaag grabs him from behind.

Cuts before Benaag can grip near his throat, US replaces it, in fact.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag releases Shadow, then sparkily strike him a few times, sending him spinning and falling. Shadow slowly recovers, Benaag pointing his claw and taunting.

Cuts shot 4 before Shadow refalls; Cuts follow-up of pair facing each other cliffside.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag back cannons ignite.

DEKA #13.

Blue energy missiles rise up from General Benaag's back cannons and fly forth.

Missiles covered by blue energy effects; US replaces follow-up of Shadow leaping off exploding cliff.

DEKA #13.

Zoom in on Broodwing, who stands atop the hill, talking to himself, then departing.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag talks and taunts, as Shadow lies on the ground, smoking. Benaag speaks, Shadow reacts.

Cuts prior sequence of Benaag stomping on Shadow, then tossing him against a cement pipe; Final two shots are flipped from source position.

DEKA #13.

Drillbit Robot charges up its chestplate.

Recycled; still cuts/ alters bullets.

DEKA #13.

Delta Squad Megazord spark bursts, shaking up the Rangers within.

Cuts shot of explosion erupting in front of Megazord between shots 2 & 3.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag points his claw and taunts.


DEKA #13.

Shadow slowly recovers to his feet, talking passionately, as Benaag responds, the pair having an exchange of words for a bit across the quarry.

DEKA #13.

Zoom in on Kat inside the hole in the trailer.

Kat superimposed over Swan.

DEKA #13.

Shadow readies his Saber, as Benaag morphs his claw into a blaster rifle.

Cuts follow-ups of him holding it forth, then a gunbarrel POV of Shadow.

DEKA #13.

Zoom ins and push ins on General Benaag and Shadow Ranger standing posed with their weapons ready.

DEKA #13.

Delta Squad Megazord uses its saber to help stand up, as zoom in on Red in his cockpit.

Cuts final shot before crossfade into unmorphed screaming heads (US replaces them).

DEKA #13.

Zoom out as Delta Squad Megazord poses with saber.

Crossfades in from prior unmorphed heads.

DEKA #13.

Shadow readies saber and dashes forth at General Benaag.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag talks up close.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag fires his left arm rifle forth, a golden shimmering ball of energy flies out at Shadow, who blocks it with his saber blade, then flings it aside at Kat in the trailer.

Gold energy added to cover bullet; Kat superimposed over Swan.

DEKA #13.

As Shadow keeps his saber held upward, General Benaag reacting, then talking and gripping his rifle arm, before Shadow lowers his saber and turns to him.

DEKA #13.

Delta Squad Megazord sparkily slashes Drillbit Robot a few times, before the Robot starts spinning its drill horn, and charges forth, each Ranger reacting quickly, as the Megazord stabs the saber forth, the blade poking into Drillbit's horn, shattering it. Megazord stands triumphant, then the Rangers quickly speak.

DEKA #13.

Delta Squad Megazord energy slashes its saber downward three times.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #13.

The broke-horn Drillbit Robot is energy slashed, crackles, then collapses and explodes massively as Delta Squad Megazord poses in the smoke.

DEKA #13.

Shadow races away from explosions, then begins to sparkily slash General Benaag a few times, talking as he does so. He then bops a button on the handle of his saber, and slashes Benaag again.

Cuts final shot before Shadow downslashes Benaag in the head (US replaces it).

DEKA #13.

Shadow remains with his saber held downward, nod-talking in zoom in. Benaag recovers and angrily rushes forth, so Shadow waits for him to come to him and he energy slashes him into bursting, writhing, and collapsing. Shadow poses with his saber, as the other five Rangers arrive on the scene, each one reacting to this sight. Shadow whips out his Patrol Morpher and holds it forth at Benaag, talking at him before opening it up, making it glow.

DEKA #13.

Zoom in through the energy matrix dimensional thingy inside the Delta Morpher.

Recycled, per source.

DEKA #13.

A clockface appears over General Benaag, as Shadow holds his blinking Patrol Morpher forth. Benaag talks a bit, until the Morpher gives the judgement of a red X, which appears over him.

US replaces follow-up of Shadow to include a second judgement.

DEKA #13.

Shadow raises his saber high, then motions it in a circle, as his badge appears behind him amid lightning.

DEKA #13.

Shadow finishes motioning and poses with saber as blue flames ignite around him.

Flames recolored blue.

DEKA #13.

General Benaag reacts.

DEKA #13.

Amid blue flames, Shadow slides forth and energy slashes Benaag when passing, bursting him.

Flames recolored blue; extra shot of Benaag reacting amid flames is cut between shots 2 & 3.

DEKA #13.

Shadow's feet slide to a stop in the dirt.

DEKA #13.

Shadow poses in the foreground, the Rangers watch in the background, and in the middle, General Benaag flares and sparkles, until he collapses and explodes massively.

Blue flaring added to cover sparking points for some reason; shot 1 cuts before Benaag writhes and spins about.

DEKA #13.

As the Rangers watch, a containment card with Benaag in it flies out of the fire.

Containment card added.

DEKA #13.

Shadow resheathes his saber, then grips his fist triumphantly. Each Ranger reacts, until Green talks to his teammates, everyone glances about, when Red points forth.

Ending Credits