
Power Rangers Mystic Force

#603: PRMF 1631 "Mystic Fate".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Magiranger, episodes 41, 47, & 48.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:37;00.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
MAGI #47.

Exterior shot of a random spot in the Underworld.

Recycled, per source; cuts follow-ups of Itassis talking to Sculpin and Black Lance.

MAGI #47.

Black Lance, Sculpin, and Itassis bow before the glowing red stone monolith, as Octomus appears in the etching of his head, talking. Itassis responds, then Octomus talks some more before fading away.

Each shot shortened to reduce dialogue; Cuts follow-up Itassis reaction shot; NZ adds Terrors scene, then NZ replaces brief Itassis vs Megazords and ground fight with a long original ground fight.

MAGI #47.

Black Lance, Sculpin, and Necrolai approach Itassis in a curtainy room. She talks to them a lot.

Transitions in; each shot shortened to reduce dialogue; NZ replaces follow-up zoom in on Necrolai due to breasteses.

MAGI #47.

Black Lance energy slashes Itassis, bursting her into falling down. As she lies on the ground, Sculpin walks around her, and speaks. Itassis recovers, talking to the two of them. Black Lance turns away, Sculpin talks.

NZ replaces follow-ups of Sculpin trident-slashing Itassis, with both Black Lance and Sculpin taking her out.

MAGI #47.

Itassis' glasses go flying.

MAGI #47.

Zoom out from the stone monolith as it crackles and glows, then suddenly explodes, giving birth to Octomus, landing on the ground and standing there for a moment in physical form again.

Cuts prior Black Lance & Sculpin talking shots; pushed back from source position; transitions out.

MAGI #48.

Static shot of the Mystic castle or whatever the hell you wanna call it.

Freeze-framed; fades in from white; textless, unlike source.

MAGI #48.

Pan up from Snow Prince to Mystic Mother, talking on her throne.

Gatekeeper erased from initial shot and Snow Prince NZ-added.

MAGI #48.

Octomus materializes before Mystic Mother, talking. Mystic Mother rises from her throne, speaking, as shot pushes in on her. The pair talk to one another, then Octomus talks up close. Mystic Mother talks some more, then summons up a yellow ball of energy, that she traps Octomus in.

A few shots cut short to reduce dialogue, especially shot 6; close-up of Mystic Mother cut between shots 5 & 6.

MAGI #48.

Octomus breaks out of the golden ball of power.

MAGI #48.

Sharp zoom in on Mystic Mother, reacting. Zoom out from Octomus as he fires off a whirlwind of energy, which bursts all around Mystic Mother's throne area.

Trims start to remove pan up from Gatekeeper (who you can partially see in shot 3).

MAGI #48.

Mystic Mother speaks urgently to the side of her throne, then gestures her opera glasses, which glow.

Trimmed to reduce dialogue.

MAGI #48.

Zoom out from Octomus as he fires off a whirlwind of energy.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #48.

Mystic Mother is overwhelmed by magic.

Sparkles added to make it less menacing to the Disney censors, I guess.

MAGI #48.

Snow Prince floats away to safety as Mystic Mother and her throneroom as seemingly destroyed by Octomus.

Snow Prince NZ-added in place of Gatekeeper; fades to white.

MAGI #48.

Black Lance rides his chariot through the city.

Cuts some prior building destruction; cuts follow-ups of Rangers reacting.

MAGI #48.

Manticore Megazord poses battle ready.

Pushed back from source position.

MAGI #41.

Close on Red in the cockpit, slowly lowering his staff.

Recycled, but cuts before zoom out.

MAGI #48.

Manticore Megazord's flame wings ignite, which wrap around the staff's blade tip, which the Megazord whips around and thrusts forth, sending the whirlind of flames forth.

Recycled, per source.

MAGI #48.

The beam of flames fires right at Black Lance, exploding his chariot, but he leaps out of the fire and energy slashes Manticore Megazord, shaking up the Rangers in the cockpit.

Cuts follow-up side angle of Megazord staggering back across the city.

MAGI #48.

Manticore Megazord staggers back but recovers.

Cuts follow-up shot of Black Lance talking across the destroyed city.

MAGI #48.

Black Lance aims his sword forth, at the Manticore Megazord, while inside, Red reacts.

Cuts follow-ups of Red flashing back to Black Lance fighting Koragg in a previous episode, then the Megazord standing ready.

MAGI #48.

Black Lance energy slashes his sword from several angles, spark bursting Manticore Megazord each time. The Megazord backs away from Black Lance, while below, Sculpin observes. White walks in behind him, speaking.

Splits final shot.

MAGI #48.

White speaks up close.

Cuts surrounding talking shots between her and Sculpin.

MAGI #48.

Continued, White talks, as Sculpin responds, cocking his head to the side.

Split from two shots ago.

MAGI #48.

Sculpin continues talking with his back to White, as they converse. Finally, Sculpin turns around and readies his trident for battle, rushing at her.

Cuts follow-up of White readying her wand and rushing in.

MAGI #48.

Solar Streak Train flies toward a bunch of destroyed lumps of land in the sky, with Wolf Warrior and Solaris Knight in the cockpit, reacting to this. The pair then rush toward the destroyed palace of the Mystic Mother.

NZ replaces most stuff in this sequence following. To make less open fires lying about? To waste budget? I dunno!

MAGI #48.

Octomus lands, then shrinks down to human size, and speaks.

NZ replaces follow-ups again, for reasons I'm unsure about (they're usable!). Similarly, White vs Sculpin is NZ replaced entirely.

MAGI #48.

Black Lance flings his sword at Manticore Megazord, causing it to boomerang around them, spark bursting with each pass. Inside, Pink talks as she wobbles about.

Cuts final shot before pan over to Green; cuts follow-ups of Blue & Yellow talking, then Megazord bursting, falling over, Red flashing back, the Megazord recovering, then Black Lance readying his lance.

MAGI #48.

Black Lance leaps up.

Cuts follow-up of him aiming lance forth.

MAGI #48.

Black Lance spins around rapidly, drilling as he passes through Manticore Megazord sparkily.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Megazord crackling.

MAGI #48.

Manticore Megazord crackles and writhes, as do the Rangers in the cockpit inside, until it all fades to white.

MAGI #48.

Solaris Knight & Wolf Warrior summon up balls of power, they fling them at Octomus, who grabs the pair, stopping them in midair.

NZ replaces follow-up reaction shot of the two heroes.

MAGI #48.

Octomus throws the power balls back at Solaris Knight & Wolf Warrior, exploding them.

Magic sparkles and extra-energy flaring added to explosion.

MAGI #48.

Extreme close-up of Octomus opening his mouth and tentacles slithering out.

Cuts follow-ups of Solaris Knight tossing saber bolts at Octomus, who swallows them.

MAGI #48.

Zoom out from Octomus, as his mouth tentacles wrap around Solaris Knight & Wolf Warrior, yanking from them their Rangery powers which he proceeds to consume, demorphing both to Ancient Mystic Warrior modes.

NZ replaces follow-up reaction of the pair.

MAGI #48.

Octomus speaks, then lashes red energy whips forth.

NZ replaces follow-ups with pratically the same thing.

Ending Credits