#147: MMPR 335: "Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part II".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Kakuranger, episodes 12 & 13.
The complete program, from "Last Time On" to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 20:39;16.
"Last Time On" segment is about :30; by itself.
Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
Zordon Face 1. |
Medium shot. |
Number of uses this episode: 6. |
Zordon Face 2. |
Close shot. |
Number of uses this episode: 7. |
Source | Description | Edit Note |
KAKU #12. |
Five golden glowing balls streak across battlefield, and in a flash, form into the five Battle Borgs. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
KAKU #13. |
The five Battle Borgs face our smoky left, shifting out of poses, into lowering their arms victoriously. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
MMPR 102. |
Command Center's alarm light spins. |
Recycled. |
MMPR 302. |
Downward close shot of Alpha's hand pressing multicolored lighted buttons, then twists knob below it a few times. |
Recycled, runs a little longer. |
MMPR 334. |
The watery world of Aquitar slowly spins in space. |
Recycled, but first without beam added. Transitions in, fades out. |
MMPR 244. |
Photo of a galaxy cluster in space slowly zooms out as five Aquitian teleportation pods pass to our left. |
Photo use is recycled, but effects added. |
MMPR 302. |
Close on Alpha as he steps over to our left into middle of console area, leans in, watching off-frame Viewing Globe, then talking as he motions arms up and down. |
Recycled; altered to fit in Viewing Disc. |
MMPR 246. |
Angle tilted right, Alpha motions arms, talking, then turns around. |
Recycled; altered to fit in Viewing Disc. |
MMPR 329. |
Zoom out from shrubs on left, and pan right to very close Command Center exterior on ground level angle. |
Recycled, but runs fully and unaltered for first time. Transitions in. |
MMPR 102. |
Command Center's alarm light spins. |
Recycled. |
KAKU #12. |
Slight zoom in, close on Professor Longnose, as he raises his left hand and gives a wide gestured thumbs down. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. Trims most of zoom in due to Blue Putties visible to our right. |
KAKU #12. |
Garbage Mouth, Parrot Top, Brick Bully, See Monster, and Crabby Cabbie, all with added weapons and armor, stand facing our right. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
KAKU #12. |
Garbage Mouth, Parrot Top, Brick Bully, See Monster, and Crabby Cabbie, all with added weapons and armor, stand facing our left. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. Cuts additional close-up shots of their new additions. |
KAKU #12. |
Garbage Mouth, Parrot Top, Brick Bully, See Monster, and Crabby Cabbie, all with added weapons and armor, stand facing our right. |
Recycled already; Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Parrot Top, raising his big metal claw. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Crabby Cabbie, raising his hands, while sporting a helmet and a new metal armored weapon cab-top. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Garbage Mouth, motioning his arms, including his new metal right laser blaster arm. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on See Monster, motioning his arms, including his new metal right sword-poker arm. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Brick Bully, raising his arms, including his new metal right claw arm. |
Altered to fit in Viewing Globe; fades to black. |
Original stock. |
Complete morphing sequence, all five Aquitar Rangers. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Red Aquitar Ranger's right hand, held up into the air, index & middle finger raised, other bent, as he gestures hand down to in front of him, then suddenly motions left arm, bent, across in front of him, fingers on his left hand also held the same way. |
KAKU #12. |
The five Alien Rangers, facing our left, raise their arms up, connecting their own hands together into a combined gesture, lower them, and motion them to their left shoulder. |
KAKU #12. |
The five Alien Rangers, in unison, step forth with their left foot, turn to their right sides, then slide their right feet in while gripping each end of their back-sheathed sabers, adjusting them forward in a pose |
KAKU #12. |
Slow zoom in on Professor Longnose, gesturing left hand into a fist. |
Trims most of zoom in to hide Japanese Dr. Forrester to his left. |
KAKU #12. |
The five monsters ready their weapons and rush forth to our right. |
KAKU #12. |
Sharp zoom in on Red Alien Ranger, springing up into the air in a squatting pose. |
KAKU #12. |
Sharp zoom in on Parrot Top, leaping forth and motioning his head forward. |
KAKU #12. |
Side angle on Parrot Top butting his head into Red Alien Ranger's stomach, knocking him back. |
Cuts follow-up shots of their fighting due to Blue Putties. |
KAKU #12. |
Parrot Top blocks Red Alien Ranger's sword with his claw, then reaches over, grabs him by the collar, pulls him aside, then throws him upward. |
Blue Putties are partially visible in the background (shh!) |
KAKU #12. |
Red Alien Ranger is hurtled over Parrot Top's head, through the air. |
KAKU #12. |
Zoom out as Red Alien Ranger flips over and lands at the top of a steep, gravely hill. |
KAKU #12. |
Side angle follow along as Red Alien Ranger tumbles sideways down the hill, unable to stop. |
Cuts follow-up rolling due to Blue Putties; cuts follow-up White vs Blue Putties; and cuts follow-up See Monster boulder dumping on White. |
KAKU #12. |
See Monster stands on the top edge of a cliff just ahead of us, then teleports down in a streak of light, his coat spread open, exposing his numerous eyes, sparkling with bluish energy. |
KAKU #12. |
The giant image of See Monster's many eyes covers the scene, overwhelming White Alien Ranger as she stands up, and shields her face. |
Cuts follow-up spark-bursting of White; cuts follow-up Crabby Cabbie with Blue Putties; then follow-up of Black fighting Blue Putties. |
KAKU #12. |
Crabby Cabbie speeds to our left, passing right up against Black Alien Ranger, causing him to flip over onto his back in slow motion. |
KAKU #12. |
Crabby Cabbie quickly drives right toward the camera. |
Cuts follow-up of him hitting Black due to Blue Putties. |
KAKU #12. |
Black Alien Ranger is thrown through the air. |
Cuts his landing due to Blue Putties. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Crabby Cabbie, firing a smoky burst from his top-strapped cannon. |
KAKU #12. |
A pair of dusty bursts erupt around Black Alien Ranger, first behind, then in front of him. |
KAKU #12. |
Repeat, closer on Crabby Cabbie's top-strapped cannon as it fires a smoky burst. |
KAKU #12. |
Repeat, closer on Black Alien Ranger as a pair of dusty bursts erupt around him, first behind, then in front. |
KAKU #12. |
Pan up, close on Garbage Mouth, as he rushes forth, readying his gun arm. |
KAKU #12. |
Pan up, close on Yellow Alien Ranger, as he rushes forth, readying his sword. |
KAKU #12. |
Zoom out across the quarry, as Yellow Alien Ranger slashes at Garbage Mouth, who hops over his sword, prompting Yellow to raise and slash his sword again. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on the pair, as Yellow Alien Ranger slashes at Garbage Mouth, who blocks it with his gun arm, then again, before using it to smack the sword away. Both then thrust their respective weapons forth, knocking each other back. |
KAKU #12. |
Sharp zoom out as Garbage Mouth hops back, then begins to punch his gun arm ahead. |
KAKU #12. |
Garbage Mouth fires several energy bolts from his gun arm at Yellow Alien Ranger, who dives away from them as they spark burst harmlessly against the ground. Garbage Mouth shifts to our left and fires again, this time his bolts sparkily striking all around Yellow. |
KAKU #12. |
The cameraman appears to have a hard time finding what he's supposed to be filming, as sparks and smoke burst about, Yellow Alien Ranger diving and rolling from within the chaos, reaching to his left side. |
KAKU #12. |
Close-up on Yellow Alien Ranger's belt holster, as he pulls out his golden Blaster. |
KAKU #12. |
Yellow Alien Ranger holds his Blaster up, then fires a pair of energy bolts at Garbage Mouth, who lowers his metal-lid head, causing the blasts to reflect off, sparking onto the ground around him. He then begins to fire back. |
Cuts before the monster's bolts hit Yellow, also cuts follow-up of Yellow spark bursting; and cuts follow-up of Blue fighting Blue Putties. |
KAKU #12. |
Blue Alien Ranger leaps up and kicks into Brick Bully. |
KAKU #12. |
Close, side angle, of Blue Alien Ranger kicking his right foot into Brick Bully, three times quickly, without hurting him. |
KAKU #12. |
Blue Alien Ranger falls to the ground, having failed to put a dent in Brick Bully. |
KAKU #12. |
Zoom out as Blue Alien Ranger crashes onto his side on the quarry floor. |
Cuts follow-ups of walls encasing Blue, Blue Putties tossing spears into it, then the walls exploding with Blue flung out. Also cuts follow-up of six monsters watching Rangers fight Blue Putties. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Professor Longnose, motioning hands about as he appears to be talking through his Alan Moore-ish beard. |
KAKU #12. |
Thundercloud crackles with bluish electricity, and erupts with a downpour, not of rain, but of multiple bolts of unnatural lightning. |
Recycled, per source. |
KAKU #12. |
Bluish lightning crashes down upon Longnose on the cliff and the five monsters below, crackling about them all until they glow with a golden energy and grow massively. |
KAKU #12. |
The six monsters grow gigantically, now standing in the middle of the battlefield, all side by side, their golden glows and electricity fading as they react excitedly. |
Lengthy follow-up sequence of Alien Rangers summoning Shogunzords, fighting each monster, then getting defeated, is cut. |
KAKU #12. |
Five golden glows balls streak across battlefield, and in a flash of swirling energy, form into the five Battle Borgs. |
Recycled, but unaltered and in context. Cuts follow-up zoom in on Longnose between Red's legs, and cuts Shogunzords joining their counterpart Borgs' sides. |
KAKU #12. |
The six monsters all react to this development with their own method of panic. |
Cuts follow-up zoom in on Red Shogun talking. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Professor Longnose, pointing his fan weapon forth while his troops appear worried around him. |
Cuts follow-up individual Shogun & Borg pose due to Japanese writing; also cuts zoom out from Red Shogun talking, then motioning, then close on Longnose, then the Shoguns pointing forth and the Borgs rushing into action. |
KAKU #12. |
Close pan-up on Red Battle Borg, rushing forth and doing all kinds of ape-like mannerisms with its hands. |
Cuts follow-up close on Longnose lunging. |
KAKU #12. |
Zoom out across the battlefield, as Red Battle Borg takes on Prof. Longnose, Black Battle Borg fights Parrot Top, Yellow Battle Borg beats on See Monster, Blue Battle Borg scuffles with Bricky Bully, White Battle Borg tangles with Garbage Mouth, and Crabby Cabbie drives around in the background without a partner. |
KAKU #12. |
The same shot as before, with the Battle Borgs fighting the monsters. |
Recycled already; zoom out trimmed; Altered to fit in Viewing Globe. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Red Battle Borg, squatting down, posing, then slapping the ground with both hands and jumping forth. |
Cuts Borg's flip over at start to that position. |
KAKU #12. |
Red Battle Borg hurtles over Professor Longnose to our left, then quickly back to our right, confusing the monster. |
KAKU #12. |
Real quick shot of Red Battle Borg having just punched Professor Longnose just beneath his long nose. |
Trims initial punching in at start, likely due to film damage. |
KAKU #12. |
Just as Professor Longnose is turning around, Red Battle Borg flips over his right shoulder to our left, leaving him puzzled. |
KAKU #12. |
Real quick shot of Red Battle Borg's fist having just gut-punched Professor Longnose. |
Trims initial punching in at start again. |
KAKU #12. |
Red Battle Borg flips over behind Professor Longnose to our right, prompting him to turn around sharply. |
KAKU #12. |
Real quick shot of Red Battle Borg's hand having just come from groping Professor Longnose's crotch. |
Initial crotch grabbing cut most likely per censors. |
KAKU #12. |
Another real quick shot, of Red Battle Borg having just punched Professor Longnose in his mustache. |
Initial punching in is cut at start, yadda yadda. |
KAKU #12. |
Red Battle Borg leaps over Professor Longnose to our left one last time. |
KAKU #12. |
Red Battle Borg hops up into the air, legs splayed as it slaps its right hand forth. |
KAKU #12. |
Repeat, different take, of Red Battle Borg hopping up into the air, legs splayed as it slaps its right hand forth. |
KAKU #12. |
Professor Longnose spark bursts away, after being chest-smacked by Red Battle Borg. |
Follow-up sequence of Black Battle Borg fighting Parrot Top, was likely cut due to excessive head-blows. |
KAKU #12. |
A rapid series of shots of White Battle Borg hopping about, before finally bouncing off of some shrubs. |
KAKU #12. |
Upward shot, of White Battle Borg flipping over the camera. |
KAKU #12. |
Zoom in as White Battle Borg dives through the air at us, crossing its hands out ahead of it. |
KAKU #12. |
Garbage Mouth gets sparkily struck away by White Battle Borg's crossed hands. |
KAKU #12. |
Close pan-up on Yellow Battle Borg, twirling around in place, clockwise, while holding See Monster over its head. |
KAKU #12. |
Close pan-up on Blue Battle Borg, twirling around in place, counterclockwise, while holding Brick Bully over its head. |
KAKU #12. |
Far shot of Blue & Yellow Battle Borgs, twirling their respective monsters around just across from each other. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Blue Battle Borg, finishing its twirl by tossing Brick Bully to our left. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Yellow Battle Borg, finishing its twirl by tossing See Monster to our right. |
KAKU #12. |
See Monster & Brick Bully collide in mid-air. |
KAKU #12. |
Zoom out from Prof. Longnose, wearily getting off his knees, his defeated monsters regrouping around him, See Monster & Brick Bully falling and rolling toward them. |
Cuts follow-up of Red Shogun rushing forth. |
KAKU #12. |
Five streaks of Ranger color fire in and materialize into the five Shogunzords, three atop the mountain, two in front, as they motion arms out in unison, then lock hands in front of chests, then turn back into energy, coming together into Red, forming, in a series of flashes, into the Shogun Megazord, lowering arms amid huge bolts of lightning. |
Recycled, but runs fully for the first time! |
KAKU #12. |
Zoom out as Shogun Megazord spreads arms out at sides, prompting the five Battle Borgs to rush in and pose before it, all facing their enemies. |
KAKU #12. |
Close side angle on Professor Longnose, gesturing fan weapon about angrily, then rushing forth. |
KAKU #12. |
Zoom in on Professor Longnose as he charges into action, leaving his fellow monsters behind. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Shogun Megazord, zoom in on its face as it tilts head forward, lightning flashing off-frame. |
Recycled. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Shogun Megazord's right shoulder symbol of the golden fish thing, shimmering, zoom out as in a flash of golden light, the hilt of its Saber materializes in its right hand. |
Recycled. |
KAKU #12. |
Close-up on Shogun Megazord's Saber, as a blade of flames spews out from the fish's fanged mouth. |
Recycled. |
KAKU #12. |
Close on Shogun Megazord, as it slowly points its Saber's blade of flames into the camera, engulfing it. |
Recycled. |
KAKU #12. |
As Shogun Megazord motions flaming saber around in a circle, bracing it against side with both hands, before a flaring of power, the backdrop turns into a long POV push in across an old style Japanese village onto a castle that resembles the Shogun Megazord. |
Recycled. |
KAKU #12. |
A flash, flare and shimmer of energy, as Shogun Megazord, Saber raised high, slowly steps forth and slashes flaming blade diagonally downward. |
Recycled. |
KAKU #12. |
Repeat, closer, on Shogun Megazord slashing flaming blade of its Saber diagonally downward through the screen. |
Recycled. Cuts follow-up of flames cutting off Longnose's long nose, and also cuts Shogun's nodding gesture. |
KAKU #12. |
As Shogun Megazord & the five Battle Borgs watch still and silent in the background, the swath of bladed flames finish ripping through Professor Longnose, causing him to turn around, a glowing, shimmering slice cut through him. He collapses, his pimp hat flying off just as he explodes massively. |
All energy effects, and the hat toss, are US additions. |
KAKU #12. |
Through the flames where the nosey Professor once stood, the remaining five monsters writhe about in agony, before finally turning into warped globs of green energy, all of which dissipate into nothingness. |
Energy effects are US additions. |
KAKU #12. |
Shogun Megazord and the five Battle Borgs lower their guard, standing together, triumphantly. |
MMPR 335. |
30 second montage of random shots from the ep. |
Altered to fit in end credits. |