
Power Rangers Zeo

#158: PRZ 346: "The Shooting Star".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Ohranger, episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 20.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:08;03.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note


Zordon in his new Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares?

Number of uses: 12.

Source Description Edit Note
OH #01.

A pair of fighter jets streak across the sunny sky to our left in close formation.

Fades in from black.

OH #01.

Close, side angle, on the fighter jets, one coming up alongside the other and keeping an exact pace, the pilots visibly moving about within.

Cuts all follow-up pilot close-ups due to Japanese text & Japanese eyes.

OH #01.

POV from back of a fighter jet, as it flies tilted to our left, then straightens up level after the sun passes to our right.

OH #01.

Upward angle of the two jets passing overhead, the sun flaring out to our left.

OH #01.

POV from back of wing side of jet, as it levels out, only to see three Quadrafighters flying just ahead in the clouds.

OH #03.

A trio of Quadrafighters fly in formation through the sky, turning to our right together.

Recycled, but first time unaltered.

OH #01.

A pair of fighter jets streak across the sunny sky to our left in close formation.

Recycled already.

OH #01.

Upward angle of the two jets passing overhead, the sun flaring out to our left.

Recycled already.

OH #01.

Upward angle, pan up as Quadrafighters soars through the sky right above and over us.

OH #01.

Upward angle, pan up as fighter jet soars through the sky right above and over us, passing over the Quadrafighter going the opposite direction.

OH #01.

The pair of fighter jets have their cloudy flight path strafed by the trio of Quadrafighters.

OH #01.

Cockpit view, of co-pilot turned away from us, looking out the window as Quadrafighter passes by.

Cuts start to hide the fact it's the unmorphed Pink Ohranger.

OH #01.

POV from back of a fighter jet, as it flies tilted to our right, then straightens up level after the sun passes to our left.

Recycled; mirror-flipped.

OH #01.

Fighter jet soars off into a cloud, while turning to its right.

Mirror-flipped from source.

OH #01.

Fighter jet soars off into a cloud, while turning to its left.

Recycled already, but unaltered.

OH #01.

POV from back of a fighter jet, as it flies tilted to our left, then straightens up level after the sun passes to our right.

Recycled again.

OH #01.

A pair of fighter jets streak across the sunny sky to our left in close formation.

Recycled again, transitions out. Additional usable footage of the aerial dogfight is cut.

MMPR 332.

Distant exterior front entry gateway path of Angel Grove High School, lots of students bustling about.

Recycled; transitions in.

OH #20.

Close on Prince Sprocket, in front of Royal House of Gadgetry crest, talking to our upper right with arm motioning.

Transitions in.

OH #11.

Close on King Mondo, by Earth cut-out's edge, talking at us, giving an arm spread and lean back briefly.

Start is trimmed down to reduce dialogue.

OH #10.

Close on Prince Sprocket, in front of Royal House of Gadgetry crest, talking with motioning of both hands.


OH #14.

Zoom in on King Mondo, beside Earth cut-out, talking to our slight right, his staff passing in our way several times.

OH #14.

Zoom out from Queen Machina, talking to our slight right, folding up her fan and motioning arms, Sprocket visible by her side at end.

Cuts before zoom out ends, trimmed heavily.

OH #12.

Beside the viewscreen, King Mondo talks, motioning hand and staff. Then slow zoom in on King Mondo's face, still talking, rising up and down and motioning arm and staff out of frame while doing so.

Recycled, but runs fully at start for the first time; transitions out.

OH #01.

Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing pops up, releasing a shimmering green light.

Recycled, but runs longer at start.

PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Tanya calls for Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. The rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Yellow Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


OH #01.

Close-up on Cog's face as its eye region slides up, exposing clockwork eyes. Cut to extreme close-up of its eyes as they flash with energy being released.

Different smoke in background than previous use.

OH #02.

Two rows of rotating Gearships hover just on the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, the moon in the distant upper left.

Recycled; transitions in.

OH #11.

Queen Machina talks, facing our slight right, angrily swatting folded fan forth, then smacking the side of her head three times quickly, and slamming both arms down in a huff.

OH #12.

Closer on King Mondo talking, very slowly zooming in, as he keeps facing our slight left, moving about in place a lot.

OH #06.

Queen Machina walks right around King Mondo, talking and closing her fan. When she reaches the viewing pendulum, she quickly turns around to face our left.

Both ends trimmed to reduce dialogue.

OH #12.

Close-up on King Mondo talking, as he keeps facing our slight left, moving about in place a lot.

Recycled, trimmed to end.

OH #04.

Prince Sprocket talks while waddling to our right, King Mondo faces our left and soon turns toward him, and Queen Machina spends the whole time watching her son.

Partially recycled; Trimmed to end of section, but runs longer than prior use; fades to black.

OH #02.

Two rows of rotating Gearships hover just on the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, the moon in the distant upper left.

Recycled; transitions in.

OH #12.

Close on Klank, holding Orbus while talking to our slight left, gesturing his right hand up.

Trimmed heavily.

OH #12.

Closer on King Mondo talking, very slowly zooming in, as he keeps facing our slight left, moving about in place a lot.

Recycled already.

OH #09.

Close on Queen Machina, talking at us, holding her closed fan's end, then releasing.

Trims start to reduce dialogue.

OH #12.

Beside the viewscreen, King Mondo talks, motioning hand and staff. Then slow zoom in on King Mondo's face, still talking, rising up and down and motioning arm and staff out of frame while doing so.

Recycled again; transitions out.

Original stock.

Exterior of Youth Center, as woman in pink and girl in blue head inside, guy from red car heads that way, glancing over at two girls approaching from our right.

Continues from shot in 104; Transitions in.

OH #01.

Gearship lowers down and hovers over city, releasing Quadrafighters by the zillions.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #01.

Close on a few Quadrafighters floating toward the screen, the Cogs pilots punching a fist in the air, as a huge Gearship spins in the distance.

Recycled; Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #01.

Downward angle on four Quadrafighters flying over the city, with a Gearship lagging behind them.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #01.

Gearship begins to float in from our left over a building.

Cuts before it stops and hovers due to Japanese citizens below; Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Inside hangar, Zeozord One raises its plunger stick and its sides pop open to reveal missiles within.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Zeozord Two drives to our slight left.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Close-up on one of Zeozord One's opened missile slots as said missiles begin to fire off to our left.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Zeozord One fires a bright blast from its plunger stick cannon to our slight upper left.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Zeozord Two fires several energy blasts from its various cannons to our upper slight left.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Upward, close, side angle on Zeozord Three, stationary in the holding hangar.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Close-up, side angle on Zeozord Three, in the hangar, as it suddenly roars to life.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Side angle as Zeozord Three begins to charge past us, to our left.

Cuts before we can see Zeozord One; Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord Three, firing energy bolts from its forehead cannons to our slight left.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Side angle, follow-along, as Zeozord Four charges along, hauling Zeozord Two, while explosions burst about near them.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Side angle as Zeozord Four charges along to our slight left.

Cuts before we can see Zeozord Two; Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five soars through the clouds toward our very slight left.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five jets across the sky to our left, as an explosion erupts just behind it.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five glides right at us as a massive fireball explosion grows right on its tail, barely outracing it.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five soars to our slight left, several explosions popping up near its flight path.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #07.

Downward close shot on Zeozord Five, flying to our left as it shifts wings in its sides.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

The giant Staroid monster, in the middle of the city, gestures arms out, glows briefly, and unleashes a flurry of energy blasts from its body, spark bursting the buildings around it.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Close on upper roof area of building, as the antenna at the top spark bursts, quickly causing the rooftop structure below it to explode into debris.

Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #06.

Zoom out from Staroid, facing our left, gesturing arms to head, and firing off bluish-white energy beam.

Cuts surrounding shots of fighter jet; Altered to fit into Viewing Screen.

OH #01.

Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing pops up, releasing a shimmering green light.


PRZ 345 & OH #13.

Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Tanya calls for Zeo Ranger 2, Yellow, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. The rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Yellow Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #05.

Rocky calls for Zeo Ranger 3, Blue, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Blue Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Adam calls for Zeo Ranger 4, Green, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Green Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #01.

Tommy calls for Zeo Ranger 5, Red, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


OH #08.

Track left, upward angle, as Red Zeo Ranger lowers from the ceiling of the hangar in his escalator chair.

Fades in from red.

OH #08.

Side angle shot of Red Zeo Ranger riding his escalator chair down into Zeozord Five.

OH #08.

Side angle shot of Green & Blue Zeo Rangers riding their escalator chairs down into Zeozords Four & Three.

OH #08.

Side angle shot of Yellow & Pink Zeo Rangers riding their escalator chairs down into Zeozords Two & One.

OH #08.

Zoom out from Pink Zeo Ranger in her cockpit, nod-talking, then working controls with her left arm.

Order of these sequences is entirely different from source. They had Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, then Pink.

OH #08.

Zeozord One raises its plunger stick and its sides pop open to reveal missiles within.

Recycled per source, but unaltered.

OH #08.

Zoom in on Yellow Zeo Ranger in her cockpit, nod-talking, then working controls with her right arm.

OH #08.

Close, slightly upward angle on Zeozord Two, as its cannons raise and its side guns pop out.

OH #08.

Zoom in on Blue Zeo Ranger in his cockpit, nod-talking, then working controls with both arms at once.

OH #06.

Close-up, side angle on Zeozord Three, as it suddenly roars to life.

Recycled per source, but unaltered.

OH #08.

Zoom out from Green Zeo Ranger in his cockpit, nod-talking, then working controls with both arms at once.

OH #08.

Close-up on Zeozord Four, as it raises and lowers head, snorting steam from its bullish nostrils.

OH #08.

Zoom out from Red Zeo Ranger in his cockpit, nod-talking.

OH #08.

Upward, side angle, on Zeozord Five, perched on its hangar scaffolding, wings sliding out and exhaust being released from engines.

OH #08.

Zords' POV, of the hangar's U.A.O.H runway as the doors slide open, revealing the blizzardy mountain conditions outside.

OH #08.

Close, downward shot of Zeozord Three's back paw, coming to life and pushing off of its ramp as mist sprays about.

OH #08.

Close side angle on Zeozords Two & One, as their chains are pulled taut in front of them.

OH #08.

Close back side angle on Zeozord One's wheels as they begin to roll to our left.

OH #08.

Upward angle shot of Zeozord Four dragging Zeozord Two, perfectly alongside Zeozord Three pulling Zeozord One, all heading out of the hangar to our upper left.

OH #08.

Zeozord Five takes flight from its scaffold perch.

Follow-up of Zords passing through snow is cut due to Japanese title onscreen.

OH #07.

Close-up, side angle follow-along on the heads of Zeozords Four & Three, the latter roaring.

OH #07.

Close-up, side angle follow-along on the wheels of Zeozords One & Two, rolling along, each one vying for the lead.

OH #07.

Far, side angle follow-along, of the whole fleet of five Zeozords making their way to our left along a desolate, dusty terrain.

Cuts follow-up Green cockpit scene.

OH #07.

Zoom in on cockpit, as Red Zeo Ranger raises his right fist briefly, then nod-talks.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five soars through the clouds toward our very slight left.

Recycled, but unaltered.

OH #07.

Zoom out from cockpit, as Green Zeo Ranger does some nod-talking.

OH #07.

Quick zoom in on cockpit, as Pink Zeo Ranger nods and works control with her left arm.

OH #07.

Upward close side angle, as Zeozord Three charges to our slight left past us, pulling Zeozord One behind it.

OH #07.

Zoom out from cockpit as Green Ranger nod-talks and works controls with both arms.

OH #07.

Zoom in on cockpit as Yellow Ranger works control with her right arm.

OH #07.

Close side angle, as Zeozord Four charges past us to our slight left, hauling Zeozord Two behind it.

OH #07.

A trio of Quadrafighters soar in tight formation, turning to our left while firing their beams of energy rings.

Recycled, but unaltered.

OH #07.

As beams of energy rings shoot through the air around it, Zeozord Five strafes through the sky, passing the camera and narrowly avoiding being struck.

OH #07.

Close on Quadrafighter, flying to our right, two middle bent-legs glowing and then releasing energy-ring beam.

Recycled, but unaltered.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five jets across the sky to our left, as an explosion erupts just behind it.

Recycled, but unaltered.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five glides right at us as a massive fireball explosion grows right on its tail, barely outracing it.

Recycled, but unaltered. Cuts follow-up sequence of Red getting on roof and cutting Quadrafighter in half with sword.

OH #07.

Close brief zoom in on Green Zeo Ranger in cockpit, nod-talking.

Start of zoom in is trimmed.

OH #07.

Zoom in on Zeozord Four as it charges right at us.

OH #07.

Side angle on Zeozord Four ramming its bull horns right into an oncoming armada of flying Quadrafighters, spark bursting them to bits.

OH #07.

Forward angle on Zeozord Four ramming its bull horns right into an oncoming armada of flying Quadrafighters, spark bursting them to bits.

OH #07.

Close side angle on Zeozord Four ramming its bull horns right through some more Quadrafighters explosively.

Cuts follow-up of Cog abandoning cockpit.

OH #07.

A walking Quadrafighter is minding its own business when Zeozord Four's hoof slams down and smashes it to explosive bits!

Cuts follow-up of Cog in cockpit reacting and steering.

OH #07.

About a half dozen Quadrafighters turn quickly around, spinning slightly as they try to return to our left en masse.

OH #07.

Zoom in on Blue Zeo Ranger in cockpit, leaning forth and touching console, nod-talking, then leaning back into seat.

OH #07.

Close, upward angle on Zeozord Three as a Quadrafighter flies into its mouth, biting hold of the craft.

Cuts follow-up of Cog in cockpit freaking out.

OH #07.

Forward close angle on Zeozord Three as it finishes biting down on Quadrafighter, causing it spark burst to pieces.

OH #07.

Near some power lines, Staroid begins to rush forth near us.

OH #07.

Zoom in on Yellow Zeo Ranger, nod-talking in cockpit.

Cuts follow-up Pink cockpit shot.

OH #07.

Zeozord Two fires several energy blasts from its various cannons to our upper slight left.

Recycled, but unaltered.

OH #06.

Zeozord One fires a bright blast from its plunger stick cannon to our slight upper left.

Recycled, but unaltered.

OH #06.

Close-up on one of Zeozord One's opened missile slots as said missiles begin to fire off to our left.

Recycled, but unaltered.

OH #07.

Zeozord Three pulls One to our slight left, as both fire energy blasts ahead of them.

OH #07.

Close on Staroid, spark bursting near power lines.

OH #07.

Repeat, farther away, as Staroid spark bursts behind some power lines.

Cuts follow-up shot of super Quadrafighter.

OH #07.

Close on Zeozord Five swooping down to our slight left.

OH #07.

As the horizon spins in the window of his cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger glances down to our right.

Cuts follow-up sequence of Zord vs super Quadrafighter.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five strafes through the sky, passing the camera.

Recycled, trimmed to middle section to ignore all beams.

OH #06.

A trio of Quadrafighters soar in tight formation, turning to our left while firing their beams of energy rings.


OH #01.

Close on bright explosion bursting into thick smoke covering the screen.

Cuts before we see Quadrafighter passing through unscathed.

OH #07.

Close on Red Zeo Ranger in shaky cockpit, glancing down at each side.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five has become ensnared in the power lines, which pop with sparks randomly around it.

OH #07.

Staroid completely turns around to show off his star-shaped back, then spreads arms.

OH #07.

Close, side angle, on Staroid, as he bends over, causing the top star-fin to glow with a bluish light, before turning into an energy boomerang and firing off to our right, prompting the monster to stand upright, motioning arms.

OH #07.

Zeozord Four continues marching along with Zeozord Two hanging behind, as the blue energy boomerang twirls in and twice strikes behind Two, causing a growing explosion to erupt.

OH #07.

As his cockpit erupts with a huge burst of sparks and smoke, Green Zeo Ranger shields his head.

OH #07.

As her cockpit erupts with a huge burst of sparks and smoke, Yellow Zeo Ranger shields her head.

OH #07.

Close, side angle, on Staroid, as he motions arms, bends over, energy boomerang returning to his back, reverting to the top star-fin and prompting the monster to stand upright again.

Recycled, plays in reverse, both per source.

OH #07.

Staroid finishes standing upright, zoom in as he raises his left hand forth and fires energy beams to our right.

OH #07.

Zeozord Three is strolling along, dragging Zeozord One, when several energy beams shoot in, blasting explosions all around the pair.

OH #07.

As his cockpit erupts with a huge burst of sparks and smoke, Blue Zeo Ranger shields his head.

OH #07.

As her cockpit erupts with a huge burst of sparks and smoke, Pink Zeo Ranger shields her head.

OH #07.

Zoom out from Staroid, as he spreads his arms, his body glows and turns to energy, shrinking then growing into a giant floating silver ball, which then drops to the ground.

OH #07.

The steel Staroid ball bounces off of the ground to our right.

OH #07.

The steel Staroid ball rolls to our right, smashing sparkily past the electricity tower.

OH #07.

Repeat, closer on the steel Staroid ball rolling sparkily past the electricity tower.

OH #07.

Zeozord Three is racing along when the giant steel Staroid ball rolls past it, causing a bright spark burst.

OH #07.

In his cockpit, Blue Zeo Ranger looks down at his console from side to side, gripping controls with both arms.

OH #07.

Zeozord Four is racing along when the giant steel Staroid ball rolls past it, causing a bright spark burst.

OH #07.

Zoom in on his cockpit, as Green Zeo Ranger is jolted, his arm crossed briefly, then nod-talks.

OH #07.

Slow zoom in on her cockpit, as Yellow Zeo Ranger looks down and across her console, nod-talking.

OH #07.

Quick zoom in on her cockpit, as Pink Zeo Ranger nod-talks to our left, then looks ahead.

OH #07.

The steel Staroid ball beings to spin as it rolls across the battlefield.

OH #07.

As Zeozords Four & Two sit smoking in the background, and Zeozords Three & One do the same in the foreground, the steel Staroid ball spins to our left between them.

OH #07.

Green Zeo Ranger is jerked about his shaky cockpit.

OH #07.

As her cockpit shakes about, Yellow Zeo Ranger lifts and lowers her head, holding steady.

OH #07.

As his cockpit shakes about, Blue Zeo Ranger looks to our left and nod-talks that way.

OH #07.

As her cockpit shakes about, Pink Zeo Ranger jerks her head forth and down to our right.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five remains hung up in the power lines in the background, as the steel Staroid ball spins to our left.

OH #07.

Close on Zeozord Five, hung up in the power lines, shaking up and down, while a cloud of dust wafts in from off-screen, causing the lines to start spark bursting again.

OH #07.

Slow zoom in on his smoky left-tilted cockpit, as Red Zeo Ranger looks down at console, talking as he works controls frantically with both arms.

OH #07.

Close downward shot of the steel Staroid ball, spinning in place, as it slowly begins to rise up off the ground.

OH #07.

Right behind the power line-snagged Zeozord Five, the steel Staroid ball spins and rises up into the air.

OH #07.

Close on the steel Staroid ball, spinning and rising up, before glowing with flame energy and turning into a falling ball of fire.

OH #07.

The flaming Staroid ball very slowly descends over the battlefield, above Zeozords One to Four, turning the scene red from the gas giant lighting cast from it.

Cuts follow-up shot of zoom in on Zeozord Five.

OH #07.

In his tilted cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger nod-talking as he looks upward, briefly raising his right fist, as a red light begins to grow over the scene.

Cuts a bunch of follow-up cockpit shots of other Rangers, nature footage, fire explosions and lava shots.

OH #07.

In his tilted, red-tinted cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger, holding his Zeonizer Crystal in his right hand, looks straight up. Zoom out, he looks to our left, raises his left fist that way, then holds up his right hand again, nod-talks, and reaches forth to set down crystal on console.

Start is trimmed a little.

OH #07.

Close-up of Zeo Ranger's gloved hand placing Zeonizer Crystal into round space on control console, releasing it and it begins to discharge golden beams of light straight up.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five, tilted onto its right wing, swoops past the screen, heading off into the clouds.

OH #07.

In his red-tinted cockpit, Green Zeo Ranger holds up Zeonizer Crystal, then reaches forward and sticks it onto console.

OH #07.

Close-up of Zeo Ranger's gloved hand placing Zeonizer Crystal into round space on control console, releasing it and it begins to discharge golden beams of light straight up.

Recycled, per source.

OH #07.

In his red-tinted cockpit, Blue Zeo Ranger holds up Zeonizer Crystal, nod-talks, then reaches forward with it.

OH #07.

Close-up of Zeo Ranger's gloved hand placing Zeonizer Crystal into round space on control console, releasing it and it begins to discharge golden beams of light straight up.

Recycled, per source.

OH #07.

In his red-tinted cockpit, Yellow Zeo Ranger holds up Zeonizer Crystal, nod-talks, then reaches forward with it.

OH #07.

Close-up of Zeo Ranger's gloved hand placing Zeonizer Crystal into round space on control console, releasing it and it begins to discharge golden beams of light straight up.

Recycled, per source.

OH #07.

In his red-tinted cockpit, Pink Zeo Ranger holds up Zeonizer Crystal, nod-talks, then reaches forward with it.

OH #07.

Close-up of Zeo Ranger's gloved hand placing Zeonizer Crystal into round space on control console, releasing it and it begins to discharge golden beams of light straight up.

Recycled, per source.

OH #07.

Close on the flaming Staroid ball, dropping straight down from the sky.

This shot was pushed back from before Green's crystal shot.

OH #07.

Close, side angle, on the five Zeozords charging together to our slight left, the ground briefly quaking.

OH #07.

The flaming Staroid ball smashes down onto the battlefield, causing a massive fireball explosion.

OH #07.

As the sparks and smoke clear, Staroid, now back in monster form, falls down onto his side, lying there, defeatedly.

OH #07.

In his cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger holds his right hand out, palm spread, then raises it into a fist as shot zooms out slightly, then he grips controls.

OH #07.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord Three as the chain attached to its back snaps off.

OH #07.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord One, driving along as the chain before it retracts into its front bumper.

OH #07.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord Four as the chain attached to its back snaps off.

OH #07.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord Two, driving along as the chain before it retracts into its front bumper.

OH #07.

Slow zoom in on his cockpit, as Red Zeo Ranger nod-talks, glancing slightly down for a moment, then back up.

OH #07.

In cockpit, Yellow Zeo Ranger raises her right hand, then gestures it high up and forth.

OH #07.

In cockpit, Pink Zeo Ranger raises her right hand, then gestures it high up and forth.

OH #07.

Track around to the left, as Zeozord Five passes over Zeozords One & Two, causing their Battle Helmets to slide forth off of their now-stationary forms.

OH #07.

Zoom in on cockpit, as Red Zeo Ranger looks down, slightly to our left, nod-talking.

OH #07.

In cockpit, Green Zeo Ranger raises his right hand, then gestures it high up and forth.

OH #07.

Close zoom in on cockpit, as Red Zeo Ranger looks down, slightly to our left, nod-talking.

OH #07.

In cockpit, Blue Zeo Ranger raises his right hand, then gestures it high up and forth.

OH #07.

Track around left, as Zeozord Four slides its rear end into its front, legs together, forming the Megazord hips and thighs formation,just before Zeozord Five soars past above.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five hovers above, while Zeozord Three shifts into Megazord torso mode, sliding back sides out into shoulders, before dropping its arms down.

OH #07.

Zoom in close in cockpit, as Red Zeo Ranger nod-talks at us.

OH #07.

Downward close shot on Zeozord Five, flying to our left as it shifts wings in its sides.

Recycled, but unaltered.

OH #07.

Close side angle in cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger briefly glancing out window at Zeozords Three & Four connecting in mid-air, before turning his attention back to his console work, nod-talking.

OH #07.

Close on Zeozords Three & Four, finishing their connection in the middle of the sky, releasing steam upon linking up.

OH #07.

The combined Zeozords Three & Four lower down from above onto the Zeozords One & Two legs, reddish electricity connecting them, while Zeozord Five approaches in the sky behind them.

OH #07.

Zeozord Five POV, an aerial approaching shot through the front window of the cockpit, electronic target sightings glowing red when they lock on to the slot in the back of Zeozord Three in the formation below.

OH #07.

Zoom in on Red Zeo Ranger in his cockpit, lowering head slightly, nod-talking, then raising it back up.

OH #07.

Track left around the front of Zeozord Three, as Zeozord Five shifts around behind it, revealing the Megazord head, connecting with steam releasing.

OH #07.

Inside the dark void of the Megazord interior, the five Zeo Rangers ride down to a common point on their escalator chairs.

OH #07.

Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeozord Five Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame.

OH #07.

Close on Red Zeo Ranger nod-talking, zoom out to reveal he's in the front seat of the crowded Zeo Megazord cockpit, his four teammates behind him all motioning their right hands up into the air at once.

OH #07.

Close upward angle on the completed Zeo Megazord, raising both of its arms in front of its face.

Cuts before zoom out, due to Japanese writing onscreen.

OH #07.

Staroid motions arms in reaction, zoom out as Zeo Megazord steps barely into frame to face him.

OH #07.

Reverse angle, zoom in past Staroid onto Zeo Megazord, posing battle ready.

OH #07.

Pan up as Staroid rushes forth at us.

OH #07.

Pan up as Zeo Megazord marches forth at us.

OH #08.

In an unusually dark Megazord cockpit, slow zoom in on Blue Zeo Ranger in the back left corner, nod-talking as he points forth, then pats wall.

OH #07.

Zoom out as Staroid kicks at Zeo Megazord, it blocks, they lunge at each other, lock arms, change positions, then the monster breaks off.

Cuts Staroid sparkily slashing Megazord at end.

OH #07.

Close on the pair, as Staroid punches at Zeo Megazord, it blocks the hit, holds his arm for a moment, then releases, before turning toward us and punching right fist into the screen.

Cuts Megazord sparkily kicking Staroid in side at start.

OH #07.

Close-up on Staroid's chest orb thing, as Zeo Megazord sparkily smashes it with a direct punch, knocking him back.

OH #07.

Staroid is flung back and falls onto his right side.

OH #07.

In Megazord cockpit, as his teammates work at their stations, slight zoom in on Red Zeo Ranger, raising his right thumb, then reaching down.

OH #08.

Close-up of Red Zeo Ranger's gloved hand pressing the red, jolly, candy-like button.

OH #07.

Close on Zeo Megazord, its forehead emblem rapidly flashing with a golden light, before it begins to whip around its Saber, zoom out to reveal it now is armed with said blade.

OH #07.

Close side angle on Zeo Megazord, holding its Saber up.

OH #07.

Reverse angle on Zeo Megazord, holding its Saber up.

OH #07.

Upward angle on Zeo Megazord, holding its Saber up, beneath a partly cloudy sky.

OH #07.

Close-up on Zeo Megazord Saber, the emblem at the bottom gleaming gold, pan up as shimmers of energy race up and down the blade, soon causing the near-tip to sparkle.

OH #07.

Staroid reacts in a rage, raising arms, then racing forth.

OH #07.

Zeo Megazord rears Saber up and back, then slashes it forth.

OH #07.

Close, side angle, on Zeo Megazord Saber slashing down through the air.

OH #07.

Close on Zeo Megazord slashing Saber diagonally down across the screen.

OH #07.

Close on Staroid, getting sparkily slashed by quickly-passing Saber, causing him to jerk about.

OH #07.

Turning away from the Zeo Megazord, Staroid collapses and explodes.

OH #07.

Downward angle on the ground of the battlefield, as huge chunks of mechanical debris rain down in a pile.

OH #07.

Another downward angle on the ground of the battlefield, many of the same huge chunks of mechanical debris rain down together again.

OH #07.

From the smoking pile of debris, rises a small, silver, metal ball.

OH #07.

Zoom out from Zeo Megazord, as it reacts to the rising ball, which gleams with a bluish light and grows to its giant form, releasing electricity onto the ground below.

OH #07.

The smoking piles of mechanical debris begin to rise up from the ground.

OH #07.

Another smoking pile of mechanical debris begin to rise up from the ground.

OH #07.

Close zoom in on Zeo Megazord, lowering arm as it reacts to our slight left.

OH #07.

In Megazord cockpit, the Zeo Rangers all leaning forth in concern, Yellow pointing briefly. Slow zoom in on Green in the back right, as he nod-talks, points forth, and gestures fist.

OH #07.

The giant Staroid ball continues releasing electricity, causing the debris to float up against its sides.

OH #07.

Zoom out from Red in Megazord cockpit, raising his right fist, nod-talking. Then, all together, the five Zeo Rangers cross their wrists, spread arms around in a circle and raise their right arms forth and up for a moment, before grabbing controls.

OH #07.

Zeo Megazord raises its golden-glowing Saber up, green lightning crackling about, the backdrop turning to a flashing golden tetrahedron, then slashing the Saber down at the screen.

OH #07.

The steel floating Staroid ball with debris attached gets a golden slash of energy cutting diagonally across it. The debris is thrown away, the ball glows brighter, then splits in half and falls to the ground.

OH #14.

As flames lick the screen in the foreground, zoom in over the blaze, onto Zeo Megazord, as it raises saber, and slowly spreads arms, posing victoriously.

Replaces less dynamic shot from #07.

OH #02.

Two rows of rotating Gearships hover just on the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, the moon in the distant upper left.


OH #12 & #14.

King Mondo, Prince Sprocket, and Queen Machina watch Zeo Megazord posing victoriously through the flames on the viewscreen.

Insert footage is instantly recycled.

OH #12.

Queen Machina covers her face with her fan and turns around, talking to Prince Sprocket behind her, prompting Klank & Orbus and King Mondo to turn to look at her.

End is trimmed to reduce her dialogue.

OH #12.

Slow zoom in on King Mondo, talking in front of the Royal House of Gadgetry crest on the view screen, as Klank, Orbus, Prince Sprocket, and Queen Machina watch their leader.

Recycled; fades to black.

PRZ 346.

30 second deleted scene of Bulk & Skull attempting to explain their Cog encounter to Lt. Stone.

Altered to fit in end credits.