
Power Rangers Zeo

#168: PRZ 356: "Mean Screen".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Ohranger, episodes 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:07;16.

Opening is about 1:00;00 by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note


Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube. There's a few slight variations of his looking left or right more, but who cares?

Number of uses: 4.


Zordon in his Power Chamber plasma tube superimposed above Alpha, who interacts with him.

Number of uses: 3.

Source Description Edit Note
MMPR 229.

Slow pan right across the front entry gateway path of Angel Grove High School, as traffic passes at bottom of screen.

Recycled; fades in from black.

OH #10.

As a Gearship rises up in front of the screen, push forth and pan up along the orangey surface of the moon, stopping on a far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding.


OH #12.

Stepping in from our right, facing our left in front of Earth cut-out, King Mondo talks, turning more forward as he motions left hand about, briefly lifting staff.

Recycled, but runs fully for first time.

OH #10.

Klank & Queen Machina watch footage of Raymond on the viewscreen which soon fades. As they do, they take turns talking to our right, the Queen agitated, Klank defensive.

US footage inserted briefly, covering shot of Zeo Megazord.

OH #10.

Close on Prince Sprocket, in front of Royal House of Gadgetry crest, talking with motioning of both hands.

Recycled, but runs fully for first time.

OH #10.

Orbus talks in foreground at the others, King Mondo turns to Prince Sprocket, bending down and talking to him for a moment, the Prince Queen Machina, Klank (holding something)all react.

OH #14 & #10.

Footage of Mean Screen stepping forth plays on Machine Empire Skybase video screen.

Recycled footage with new insert.

OH #12.

Closer on King Mondo talking, very slowly zooming in, as he keeps facing our slight left, moving about in place a lot.

Recycled, trimmed, fades to black.

MMPR 151.

Static image of Angel Grove High School crest sign, tilted angle, high on building exterior.

Recycled; fades in from black.

OH #01.

Exterior shot of a very modern, if not futuristic-looking, building.

Transitions in. UAF headquarters in source.

OH #10.

Mean Screen approaches bank of computers, Klank with Orbus joining him, talking to him and motioning to comps.

OH #10.

Mean Screen extends cables from forearms, which attach into computer.

OH #10.

Close-up on Mean Screen's face, as it switches into that of a video monitor, which begins to display schematics for the Zeozords.

Seamless combination effect added.

OH #10.

As Mean Screen flexes his hands, Klank watches, pointing toward him while talking.

OH #10.

Orbus talks on Klank's shoulder, as Klank gestures hand in front of Mean Screen's video images of Zord info.

OH #10.

Orbus continues talking, Klank listening, then nodding to Mean Screen, who responds.

OH #10.

Mean Screen's screen shuts off, prompting Klank to point gently at it.

Cuts follow-up sequence of images on his screen.

OH #10.

Footage of Mean Screen appears in ATM screen.

Sentai footage played on-set in US footage; notice the time-code box at the bottom left.

OH #01.

Close-up on Zeonizer, the golden disc thing already popped up, releasing a shimmering green light.


PRZ 345 & OH #13.

Kat calls for Zeo Ranger 1, Pink, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on her body. Briefly, we cut to an outstretched arm morphing into a gloved Zeo Ranger hand. Cut back to Kat, as the rising energy covers her completely, becoming the Pink Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #05.

Rocky calls for Zeo Ranger 3, Blue, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Blue Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


PRZ 345 & OH #06.

Adam calls for Zeo Ranger 4, Green, as said color energy flashes about, a green grid overlaying on his body. The rising energy covers him completely, becoming the Green Zeo Ranger, visor and costume circuits shimmering with power.


OH #10.

Track left as Red & Yellow make their way through computer control room, keeping a sharp eye out around them.


OH #10.

Klank talks and points, turning to Mean Screen, who rushes forth when Klank shuts up.

OH #10.

Continued from two shots ago, Red & Yellow cease heading left when noticing Mean Screen appearing on monitor.


OH #10.

Red & Yellow react to the TV.

OH #10.

On video monitor, Mean Screen rushes forth and reaches at the screen, releasing electricity from it.

OH #10.

Red & Yellow get zapped by electricity coming from TV.

OH #10.

Zoom out as Mean Screen rushes at monitor screen, then teleports forth into computer room before us.

OH #10.

With flashing lights off-frame, Mean Screen stands in his armored mode, then fires bolts from antennae.

Recycled from ATM earlier, but first unaltered.

OH #10.

Red & Yellow get spark bursted, then rush off to our left.

OH #10.

Close on Mean Screen, turning and watching them go.

OH #10.

Mean Screen's POV, of Pink, Green & Blue raising their Zeo Laser Pistols to fire at him. He zooms in on their weapons, identifying their weapons with schematics and pop-up writing.

OH #10.

Zoom out from Mean Screen as he lifts his forearm blades.

OH #10.

The three Rangers point their Laser Pistols to our left and fire.

OH #10.

A bluish energy shield deflects the three pinkish lasers away from Mean Screen.

OH #10.

The three Rangers react both frustrated and confused by their Pistols' failure to hit their mark.

OH #10.

Zoom in on Mean Screen and his armored face.

OH #10.

Pink, Green, & Blue are now joined by Red & Yellow.

OH #10.

Close-up on Mean Screen, lifting armblades as flashing occurs off-frame.

OH #10.

Mean Screen unleashes electricity from his antennae, spark bursting the five Rangers.

OH #10.

Repeat, closer, on five Rangers spark bursting.

Fades to black.

OH #10.

Mean Screen's POV, approaching the Rangers, firing lasers at them, as they dodge and scramble away from him.

Fades in from black.

OH #10.

Zoom out as Mean Screen slashes down and strikes a table ablaze, before armblade smacking Red & Blue.

OH #10.

Blue & Pink fall over together, Green rushing to their side.

OH #10.

Red & Yellow now wield their Zeo Laser Pistols in extended mode.

OH #10.

Green, Blue, & Pink now whip out their own.

OH #10.

Close on Mean Screen, no longer armored, glancing about.

OH #10.

Mean Screen POV, the five Rangers pointing extended Zeo Laser Pistols forth. Once again, he scans their weapons, pulls up schematics and info on them.

OH #10.

Mean Screen is again protected by a bluish energy shield that deflects the laser beams away harmlessly.

OH #10.

The Rangers appear confused by their weapons, zoom in on Red.

PRZ 345.

Really far upward angle on the Command Center exterior, as if seen from way down at the base of the mountain beneath.


PRZ 346.

The Power Chamber's four-light alarm turns on and spins around, clockwise.


OH #10.

Zoom in over the Rangers onto Mean Screen, armored again, motioning arms while talking, then powering up armblades.

Effects added.

OH #10.

The Rangers flail about as lights flash, spark bursting knocking them off.

OH #10.

Red & Yellow tumble to our left.

OH #10.

Blue, Green, & Pink collapse over to our right.

OH #10.

Close on Mean Screen, glancing over to our right.

OH #10.

Crouched and weary with Yellow, Red motions and talks over to our right.

OH #10.

Blue, Green & Pink nod, get up and rush off to our right.

OH #10.

No longer armored, Mean Screen turns and heads off.

OH #10.

Green, Blue, and Pink race down the stairs for their lives.

OH #10.

Reverse angle on Green, Blue, and Pink dashing down the stairs, Mean Screen about to follow, when he heads off on the upper level.

OH #10.

Upward shot of Green, Blue, and Pink passing over us, brief upskirt shot of the Pink Ranger! (I wonder how many site hits that remark will get me?)

OH #10.

Mean Screen POV, as he charges at the fleeing trio, firing lasers that they barely avoid while heading down tight corridor.

OH #10.

Red & Yellow regroup with the other three Rangers, as Mean Screen sparks his way through machinery toward them.

OH #10.

Mean Screen slashes armblade at Red, but sparkily misses.

OH #10.

Pink & Yellow rush at Mean Screen, getting pounded against his armblade both at the same time.

OH #10.

Pink & Yellow are thrown down, the guys regrouping defensively around them, as Mean Screen approaches.

OH #10.

All five Rangers charge at Mean Screen together, shoving him back. Red trips and falls, the girls help him up, then all the Rangers rush off together.

Cuts prior sequence of MS using chainsaw face.

OH #10.

Close-up on Mean Screen's face screen, as the image switches to several rows of cartoony icons. The bomb one is selected, causing it to expand outward toward us.

Cuts brief Japanese writing on-screen.

OH #10.

Spark bursts erupt against lockers as Rangers race away from us.

OH #10.

Explosions rip through the building, shattering the structure around the Rangers and shattering the doors and windows.

OH #10.

As the windows explode behind him, Red leaps from the building.

OH #10.

Repeat, different angle, of Red leaping from the bursting building.

OH #10.

Stationary shot of Red, then Pink & Green, then Blue & Yellow, plummeting down.

Smoke added.

OH #10.

The five Rangers crash roughly against the cement together.

Smoke added.

OH #10.

Upward shot of Mean Screen leaping from the smoking window.

OH #10.

Zoom out as Mean Screen lands, prompting the Rangers to get up.

OH #10.

Close on Red, standing up, now holding the Zeo Blaster, nod-talking and shifting it to ready position.

OH #10.

Close on Pink & Green standing up, and bracing against Red.

OH #10.

Close on Blue & Yellow standing up, and bracing against Red.

OH #10.

His teammates braced against him, zoom in as Red aims Zeo Blaster forth.

OH #10.

Close on Red's boots as he shifts position of his feet.

OH #10.

Against black back-drop, Red, with his teammates holding on him in twos behind, holds Zeo Blaster forth, Ranger-colored energy crackling and flashing, before releasing a golden sphere of energy to our slight left.


OH #10.

Mean Screen crosses armblades, slashing golden sphere of energy into nothingness.

OH #10.

Zoom out from the confused Rangers, Red looking at Zeo Blaster like, "WTH, Billy?!"

OH #10.

Zoom out as Mean Screen points armblades forth, firing electricity from them.

OH #10.

Electricity strikes down around the five Rangers, explosively.

Electricity effects added.

OH #10.

The Rangers fall to the ground, agonized.

OH #10.

Zoom in close on Mean Screen, standing unchallenged.

OH #10.

Zoom in sharply on the pile of downed Rangers, Red up in a crouch, talking into his left wrist.

OH #10.

The five Rangers stand before the Defender Wheel, Red then rushing into it.

Cuts prior summoning sequence.

OH #10.

Zoom out, as Red Ranger stands inside the Defender Wheel, facing our left, readied.


OH #10.

Red flips a few switches, pan up as he salutes us through the glass hubcap.

OH #10.

The other four salute in return.

OH #10.

Red faces forward, zoom in as he raises fist and reaches forth.

OH #10.

Close-up on Red pushing the button.

OH #10.

With his teammates standing to either side, Red remains in Defender Wheel as said wheel part revs up.

Recycled, but runs fully for first time.

OH #10.

Close-up on Defender Wheel spinning in place, then taking off from its device base.


OH #10.

Zoom in on Defender Wheel, speeding down a dusty, desolate terrain.

OH #10.

Sharp zoom in on Mean Screen, reacting.

OH #10.

Defender Wheel burns rubber to our direct left.

OH #10.

Close on Mean Screen, typing away at his own personal keyboard.

OH #10.

Mean Screen POV of Defender Wheel, schematics and info on it appearing onscreen.

Cuts brief Japanese text.

OH #10.

Inside Defender Wheel, Red glances down.

OH #10.

Mean Screen is targeted and locked on, on Defender Wheel's video monitor.

OH #10.

Inside Defender Wheel, Red crosses arms at wrists, then reaches right arm forth.


OH #10.

Close on Red pushing button with thumb inside Defender Wheel.


OH #10.

Zoom in on Defender Wheel as it rolls swiftly to our left, energizing into red energy.


OH #10.

The red glowing energy-based Defender Wheel slams into Mean Screen, exploding brightly, before firing off red beam.

OH #10.

Red beam materializes into Red Ranger, his teammates regrouping around, watching.

Cuts before triumphant posing.

OH #10.

Zoom in close on Mean Screen, standing unchallenged.


OH #08.

Two rows of rotating Gearships hover just on the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, the moon in the distant upper left.


OH #10.

Close on King Mondo, talking at us, pointing with left hand, lifting wand about, briefly turning left, then forth again.

OH #11.

Close on Klank, hands clamped, he then winds his arms around, and quickly exits, stage left, leaving Orbus hovering in place.

Recycled, but first unaltered.

OH #10.

Zoom in on Klank, talking to Orbus, clearing eyes and pointing, while hidden in alleyway behind bushes.

Recycled, but first in context.

OH #10.

Close on Mean Screen, motioning arms in reaction.

OH #10.

Klank points, spreads arms, and talks while repeatedly leaning down toward Orbus, who is also speaking, still behind bushes in alley.

Recycled, but runs fully and in context.

OH #10.

Close-up on Orbus, talking and turning to our upper left.

Recycled, but first in context.

OH #10.

Zoom out as Klank whips Orbus around and around and tosses him away.

Recycled, but first in context.

OH #10.

Orbus lands on and attaches himself to the downed body of Mean Screen.

Recycled, but first in context.

OH #10.

Close on Orbus, extending his neck then his robo-proboscis, spewing greenish energy upon Mean Screen.

Recycled, but first in context.

OH #10.

The Rangers cease posing, zoom in quickly upon Red.

OH #10.

Mean Screen stands up, and in a flash, an expanding series of blue-energy shapes cause him to grow gigantically above us.

Partially recycled.

OH #10.

Giant Mean Screen looms over the tiny Rangers, who scramble about.

OH #10.

Gigantic Mean Screen looms over us.

Recycled, trimmed to end; altered to fit in Viewing Screen.

OH #10.

Gigantic Mean Screen looms over us.

Recycled, trimmed to end.

OH #10.

The five Rangers, against a cloudy background, leap up together, teleporting into streaks of their respective color.


OH #10.

The full fleet of five Zeozords charge along the desolate terrain together, when five streaks of Ranger-colored energy beam in, one onto each Zord.


OH #10.

Inside the Zeozord Five cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger materializes into his seat.


OH #10.

As the horizon spins in the window of his cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger glances down to our right.


OH #10.

Close on Zeozord Five, soaring through the clouds, tilting from its right to its left.

OH #10.

Zoom in on Green in his Zord cockpit, silent and unmoving.

OH #10.

Close, as Zeozord Four charges toward our slight left, hauling Zeozord Two behind it.

OH #10.

Zoom in on Yellow in her Zord cockpit, silent and unmoving.

OH #10.

Zeozord Two rolls along to our slight left.

OH #10.

Zoom in on Blue in his Zord cockpit, silent and unmoving.

OH #10.

Close on Zeozord Three, as it charges to our slight left, pulling Zeozord One behind it..

OH #10.

Zoom in on Pink in her Zord cockpit, silent and unmoving.

OH #10.

Zeozord One rolls along to our slight left.

OH #10.

Downward angle, zoom out, of Red in cockpit, holding up his Zeonizer Crystal with his right hand, nod-talking, then then reaching forth with it.


OH #10.

Close-up of Zeo Ranger's gloved hand placing Zeonizer Crystal into round space on control console, releasing it and it begins to discharge golden beams of light straight up.


OH #10.

Zoom in on Red in his cockpit, holding out right hand, palm spread, nod-talking, then gripping controls.

OH #10.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord Three as the chain attached to its back snaps off.


OH #10.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord One, driving along as the chain before it retracts into its front bumper.


OH #10.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord Four as the chain attached to its back snaps off.


OH #10.

Close-up, side angle, on Zeozord Two, driving along as the chain before it retracts into its front bumper.


OH #10.

Track around to the left, as Zeozord Five passes over Zeozords One & Two, causing their Battle Helmets to slide forth off of their now-stationary forms.


OH #10.

Zeozord Five hovers above, while Zeozord Three shifts into Megazord torso mode, sliding back sides out into shoulders, before dropping its arms down.


OH #10.

Track around left, as Zeozord Four slides its rear end into its front, legs together, forming the Megazord hips and thighs formation,just before Zeozord Five soars past above.


OH #10.

Downward close shot on Zeozord Five, flying to our left as it shifts wings in its sides.


OH #10.

Close side angle in cockpit, Red Zeo Ranger briefly glancing out window at Zeozords Three & Four connecting in mid-air, before turning his attention back to his console work, nod-talking.


OH #10.

Close on Zeozords Three & Four, finishing their connection in the middle of the sky, releasing steam upon linking up.


OH #10.

The combined Zeozords Three & Four lower down from above onto the Zeozords One & Two legs, reddish electricity connecting them, while Zeozord Five approaches in the sky behind them.


OH #10.

Zeozord Five POV, an aerial approaching shot through the front window of the cockpit, electronic target sightings glowing red when they lock on to the slot in the back of Zeozord Three in the formation below.


OH #10.

Track left around the front of Zeozord Three, as Zeozord Five shifts around behind it, revealing the Megazord head, connecting with steam releasing.


OH #10.

Inside the dark void of the Megazord interior, the five Zeo Rangers ride down to a common point on their escalator chairs.


OH #10.

Zoom out from Red in Megazord cockpit, nod-talking, as his teammates work their controls.

OH #10.

Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeozord Five Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame.


OH #10.

Zoom out from Red in Megazord cockpit, all together, the five Zeo Rangers cross their wrists, spread arms around in a circle and raise their right arms forth and up for a moment, before grabbing controls.

OH #10.

Upward close on Zeo Megazord, posing battle ready under cloudy sky.

OH #10.

Upward close on Mean Screen, rapidly slamming his hands against his keyboard, then posing.

OH #10.

Upward close on Mean Screen & Zeo Megazord, locking arms.

OH #10.

Extreme close-up, side angle, on Mean Screen's abdomen as he fires off his twin cables.

OH #10.

The monster's cables wrap around Zeo Megazord.

OH #10.

Close on cables ensnaring Zeo Megazord's left wrist.

OH #10.

Mean Screen releases electricity, zapping the cable-binded Zeo Megazord into spark bursting.

OH #10.

Mean Screen releases electricity, zapping the cable-binded Zeo Megazord into spark bursting.

Recycled, per source.

OH #10.

Megazord cockpit spark bursts, shaking the Rangers, zoom in on Red, nod-talking through the smoke, then pushing button.

OH #10.

Upward close on Mean Screen, still sending bluish electricity through the cables into Zeo Megazord. When suddenly, the Megazord reverses the polarity of the neutron flow, sending its own golden electricity back into the monster!

OH #10.

Zoom out as Zeo Megazord throws off its cables, punching Mean Screen.

OH #10.

Close on Megazord punching Mean Screen in his mean screen.

OH #10.

In Megazord cockpit, zoom out as Green nod-talks while sitting in the pilot seat, working controls.


OH #10.

Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeo Four Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame.


OH #10.

Zoom in on Green in pilot seat of Megazord cockpit, nodding sternly.

OH #10.

Side angle on Zeo Megazord with Zeozord Four helmet, headbutting sparkily into Mean Screen.

OH #10.

Repeat, closer, of Zeo Megazord with Zeozord Four helmet, headbutting sparkily into Mean Screen.

OH #10.

Zoom in on Green in Megazord cockpit pilot seat, raising right thumb, then pressing down.

OH #10.

Zeo Megazord motions arms about, as it fires green electricity from its golden-horned helmet.

OH #10.

Mean Screen is knocked back by a green smoke burst.

OH #10.

In Megazord cockpit, zoom out as Blue nod-talks while sitting in the pilot seat, working controls.

OH #10.

Close-up on Zeo Megazord's head as the Zeo Three Battle Helmet slides down over it, flashing happening just off-frame.


OH #10.

Zoom in on Blue in Megazord cockpit pilot seat, raising right thumb, then pressing down.

OH #10.

Close on Zeo Megazord motioning arms, and emitting multiple blue triangle energy beams from its forehead.


OH #10.

A constant blue beam from Zeo Megazord's helmet causes Mean Screen to lift up off the ground, encased in a briefly visible force field. The monster struggles futilely as he's lifted up and down repeatedly.

OH #10.

Closer, on Mean Screen slamming sparkily into the ground, still encased in blue force field.

Force field effects added.

OH #10.

Close on Zeo Megazord motioning arms, and emitting multiple blue triangle energy beams from its forehead.

Recycled again, trimmed per source.

OH #10.

Mean Screen is knocked back by a blue smoke burst. A blue smokescreen of death, perhaps?

OH #10.

Close on Mean Screen, with his screen face now shattered and smoking. He writhes about, frantically typing on his keyboard to no avail.

OH #10.

Zoom in sharply on Red in Megazord cockpit, talking somewhat.

OH #10.

Zeo Megazord raises its golden-glowing Saber up, green lightning crackling about, the backdrop turning to a flashing golden tetrahedron, then slashing the Saber down at the screen.


OH #10.

A golden energy slash cuts diagonally downward-left across the screen, striking Mean Screen, causing him to spark burst and release yellow electricity as he turns away from us.

OH #10.

Mean Screen turns from the Zeo Megazord, crackling with yellow electricity,then collapses, exploding massively. As the flames subside, the Megazord poses victoriously.

Electricity added.

OH #10.

Zoom out from King Mondo, as steam rises from the top of his crown, and a shower of sparks spews from each ear, he yells and motions arms about, eyes soon flashing.

Recycled, but first in context.

OH #10.

Prince Sprocket turns around right up against the camera, talking and hurriedly taking off to our left. Nearby, we see King Mondo swatting wand at Klank, missing sparkily, but releasing steam from pipe. With Orbus on his shoulder, Klank crawls and dodges Mondo's repeated attempts to hit him, as Queen Machina frets about in the back.

Fades to black.

PRZ 345.

Really far upward angle on the Command Center exterior, as if seen from way down at the base of the mountain beneath.


OH #09.

Far exterior of the Machine Empire Skybase against the profile of the Earth. Quadrafighters walking to our right, others flying to our left in the distance, Gearships hovering about, and a group of Cogs walking on some scaffolding.


OH #12.

Facing our left in front of Earth cut-out, King Mondo talks, turning more forward as he motions left hand about, briefly lifting staff.


OH #11.

Queen Machina talks, heavily agitated, slapping her folded fan repeatedly, and gesturing it about, Prince Sprocket, Klank with Orbus, and King Mondo watching from the right.


OH #12.

Closer on King Mondo talking, very slowly zooming in, as he keeps facing our slight left, moving about in place a lot.

Recycled; Freeze frame at end, then TBC and Executive Producer credits come and go; fades to black.

PRZ 356.

30 second montage of bloopers from the episode, including some comedic redubbing of recycled OH #10 footage.

Altered to fit in end credits.