
Power Rangers in Space

#257: PRiS 607: "A Ranger Among Thieves".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Megaranger, episodes 2, 3, 6, 12, 13, & 21.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:18;11.

Last Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 0:30; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
MEGA #02.

Astro Megaship floats away from planet, close to camera, semi-side angle.

Fades in from black.

MEGA #02.

In the SimuDeck dimension, the five Rangers face Manta Menace.

Cuts prior sequence where he attacks the team, then fights Black.

MEGA #02.

Red readies fists, his Lightstar helmet mode lights up, then we see his POV of Manta Menace, then the POV of his internal display, as he selects his weapon.

Last three shots are recycled, per source.

MEGA #02.

Each of the Rangers poses with their Special Weapons.

MEGA #02.

Manta Menace fires eyebeams at the Rangers, they spark burst before them, but the team just rushes through the lingering smoke.

MEGA #02.

Pink leaps up and fires pink energy waves from her Satellite Stunner at Manta Menace, who repeatedly spark bursts.

Manta bursting shots recycled, but first in context.

MEGA #02.

Blue holds out his Astro Axe and does a heel-spinning attack on Manta Menace.

Recycled, but first in context.

MEGA #02.

Black leaps forth and sparkily jabs Manta Menace with his Lunar Lance, using it to lift the monster up into the air, as Yellow readies her Star Slinger, then fires it forth at Manta, spark bursting him.

Shot of Yellow firing weapon recycled, but first in context. Cuts pair of shots between shots 2 & 3 of Black jabbing monster some more.

MEGA #02.

Red readies Spiral Saber, rushing at the smoking Manta Menace.

MEGA #02.

Against a black backdrop, his body trailing, Red slashes his Spiral Saber across the screen, leading to him holding it back behind his head, a flash of energy and he slashes once more downward as shot zooms in.

MEGA #02.

Struck by the pair of energy slashes, Manta Menace crackles with electricity. Red turns around and poses as the monster spark bursts explosively.

MEGA #02.

Zoom out from Red as the five Space Rangers pose with their weapons.

Cuts before "Megaranger Win!" appears onscreen.

MEGA #21.

Dark Fortress spins in space beside a planet.

Recycled, but first time unaltered, though still trimmed to remove warping in.

MEGA #06.

Close-up of Astro Morpher being opened, then a female finger pressing 3-3-5-Enter.


MEGA #03.

Red Space Ranger spins around, text & displays appear, including "MORPHING COMPLETE".

Recycled; cuts helmet shot.

MEGA #06.

Close-up of Astro Morpher being opened, then a female finger pressing 3-3-5-Enter.

Recycled again. Are they saying Andros has girly hands?

MEGA #03.

Red Space Ranger spins around, text & displays appear, including "MORPHING COMPLETE".

Recycled again, fully this time.

MEGA #13.

Unnatural electricity flows through the power lines, crackling together to form Voltage Hog, who uses his tentacles to sap the electricity from the lines, causing his eyes to flash.

Cuts a monitor shot of the monster between shots 1 & 2.

MEGA #13.

Voltage Hog turns and sees Red Ranger diving fist-first his way, prompting the monster to dodge, sending Red tumbling down, but quickly getting up and posing battle ready.

MEGA #13.

Red rushes at Voltage Hog, only to be cut off by a barrage of green energy beams that spark burst around him until he falls rolling down a hillside.

MEGA #13.

Through the haze, Ecliptor slowly marches forth.

Recycled, but first in context.

MEGA #13.

Red gets up and looks annoyed, until he turns to our right suddenly.

Pushed back by one shot from source.

MEGA #13.

Ecliptor slowly marches forth in three different angles.

2nd & 3rd shots are recycled, but first in context.

MEGA #13.

Ecliptor finishes his approach by stopping a few yards away from Red, who gets up. They exchange dialogue for a bit.

MEGA #13.

The talking ceases, Red and Ecliptor get in attack stances and pace to their sides, before Red rushes up and strikes, getting his punch blocked and getting sparkily bopped on the back, causing him to fall over. Red gets back up, only to get sparkily beaten back down.

MEGA #13.

Red whips out his Astro Blaster and fires at Ecliptor ineffectively, leaving himself open when the general fires eyebeams back, bursting him off his feet, where he writhes, recovers, and talks, to which Ecliptor soon responds.

MEGA #13.

Red gets up and dashes forth, so Ecliptor flings a green electric beam around his body, ensnaring him within. This allows Ecliptor to drag the Ranger along the ground, eventually releasing him with a burst of sparks.

MEGA #13.

Red gets up again, appearing peeved, whips out his Spiral Saber, leaps up and forth at Ecliptor, landing with a sparking impact on his body, but unfazing him. Ecliptor uses the close contact to grip the Spiral Saber's blade, jerk it down and snap off its tip.

MEGA #13.

Ecliptor smacks Red away, where he falls into a mud puddle, which the general then stomps his helmeted head deeper into.

MEGA #13.

Ecliptor turns to see the approaching other four Rangers, but doesn't cease his mudhole stomping of Red, merely firing some green eyebeams off at the team, spark bursting them down.

Green beams added to 4th shot.

MEGA #13.

The Rangers recover, Pink talking to Black, who responds, then activates his Lightstar helmet mode.

MEGA #13.

POV of Black's internal display as he puts together the Quadroblaster.

Uncensored original weapon names!

MEGA #13.

Black holds the Quadroblaster, crouches down, his three teammates brace behind him, and he fires a charge ball of crackling energy at Ecliptor, smokily spark bursting him away from Red.

MEGA #13.

Ecliptor is flung into the air, turning to green energy, shattering and teleporting back to the Dark Fortress.

MEGA #13.

Red wearily reaches out for the escaping villain, as his teammates regroup around him. He then quickly turns their attention back behind them.

MEGA #13.

Voltage Hog turns around to face the approaching Rangers, Blue leading the team in unholstering their Astro Blasters and firing upon him, only to have their energy blasts reflected off by his force field. He then unleashes electricity from his tentacles at them, exploding around the team.

MEGA #13.

Black gets up, nod-talking, Blue looks on, then Red also reacts to something.

MEGA #13.

Red waves arm and nod-talks.

Cuts follow-up of monster firing on woman, then team rushing to her side.

MEGA #13.

Voltage Hog continues hogging some voltage.

MEGA #13.

Pink, Red, and Black dash forth, Voltage Hog fires eyebeams at them, bursting around the trio, who dive out of the way.

Start is trimmed to remove other two helping woman.

MEGA #13.

Black nod-talks to Pink, who responds, then pulls out her Satellite Stunner, and fires a sonic disruption at Voltage Hog, causing him to spark burst.

MEGA #13.

Red & Black talk to each other while facing ahead, Red then pulling out his Astro Blaster, and Black the Quadroblaster. They both fire their weapons at Voltage Hog, several times, with sparkily results, leading to the monster's tentacle tassel falling off, before the team regroups together.

MEGA #21.

Dark Fortress fires Satellasers at the planet beside it.


MEGA #13.

As beam rains down and electricity crackles, Voltage Hog rises up gigantically.

Green beam and additional electric effects added.

MEGA #13.

Zoom in on Red, summoning into his left wrist.

MEGA #13.

In the atmosphere, Astro Megaship crackles with electricity and begins to transform.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #13.

In the atmosphere, Astro Megazord finishes transforming in a crackle of electricity.

Recycled, per source.

MEGA #13.

Voltage Hog turns and looks as Astro Megazord lands in the city and poses battle ready

MEGA #13.

Voltage Hog's remaining tentacle extends and wraps around Astro Megazord's neck, ensnaring it.

MEGA #13.

Zoom in on the cockpit as Red talks, then pulls back on the right control stick, causing Astro Megazord to use its right arm to pull on the tentacle, yanking Voltage Hog across the city roughly smashing to the ground. It likes this move so much, it does it a second time, causing the tentacle to release its hold.

MEGA #13.

Zoom out from Red in the cockpit as he nod-talks.

MEGA #13.

Astro Megazord pitches its glowing yellow Saber at Voltage Hog, impaling in his shoulder with electric crackling and a spark bursting.

MEGA #13.

In the cockpit, Red gestures right hand widely, then grips the controls and presses the trigger.

MEGA #13.

The Saber ignites another spark burst in Voltage Hog, causing him to fall backwards and explode massively.

Yellow energy effects are added to the Saber here.

MEGA #13.

The Saber flies through the air and lands in Astro Megazord's hand perfectly.

MEGA #12.

Upward semi-circle push in on Astro Megazord, slowly lowering its Saber victoriously.

Fades to black; start is slightly trimmed; replaces MEGA #13's shot which mostly has "Megaranger Win!" over it.

MEGA #13.

Dark Fortress distorts into place in its warp dimension.


PRiS 607.

30 second montage of bloopers from the episode.

Altered to fit in end credits.