#258: PRiS 608: "When Push Comes to Shove".
Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Megaranger, episodes 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, & 21.
The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:20;13.
Last Time On is about 0:30; by itself.
Opening is about 0:30; by itself.
Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
MEGA #06. |
Imaginary scene of skyscraper toppling over onto the city, causing a disintegrating explosion. |
Edges are heavily flashback smudged. |
MMPR 133. |
Angel Grove High School walkway, group of four students walk away from us, one runs behind them, two more walk to our right, while a pair of girls stand loitering. |
Recycled; fades in from black; title appears and fades out. |
MEGA #02. |
Astro Megaship floats away from planet, close to camera, semi-side angle. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #06. |
Two images of the city-parked MegaTank appear on the view screen. |
Freeze frames from footage; altered to fit in viewing screen. |
MEGA #06. |
Exterior of the tall glass skyscraper. |
MEGA #06. |
Miku and... uhh, I mean, Cassie & Lenny ride up the elevator. |
Transitions in; trims start to remove close-up of the pair. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan spreads arms and scrapes foot against the ground like a bull. |
Cuts prior shot of monster teleporting in. |
MEGA #06. |
Exterior of the tall glass skyscraper. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan charges into the wall at the base of the skyscraper, slamming into it and pushing with all his might, causing the foundation to begin to crack and the building to begin to wobble. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan charges once more into the now-cracked wall, causing the slightly-tilted building to spark burst. |
Used way ahead of source position. |
MEGA #06. |
Close-up of Astro Morpher being opened, then a female finger pressing 3-3-5-Enter. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #06. |
Red Space Ranger spins around, text & displays appear, including "MORPHING COMPLETE". |
Recycled. |
MEGA #03. |
Blue Space Ranger spins around, text & displays appear, including "MORPHING COMPLETE". |
Recycled. |
MEGA #04. |
Black Space Ranger spins around, text & displays appear, including "MORPHING COMPLETE". |
Recycled. |
MEGA #07. |
Yellow Space Ranger spins around, text & displays appear, including "MORPHING COMPLETE". |
Recycled. |
MEGA #06. |
The four Rangers rush up, pause, Red nod-talks with a raised fist, they respond the same, and quickly press on together. |
Split. |
MEGA #06. |
A transmission of Ecliptor appears in the sky beside the tilted skyscraper, talking profusely. |
Pushed back from source position. |
MEGA #06. |
Continued from three shots ago, Yellow stops suddenly, and alerts the guys to something, which leads to her activating her Lightstar helmet mode. |
First shot is split. |
MEGA #06. |
POV of Yellow's internal display shows the skyscraper turning to a green grid, with a red target being pinpointed on an upper floor. |
MEGA #06. |
POV of Yellow's internal display shows the skyscraper turning to a green grid, with a red target being pinpointed on an upper floor. |
Recycled already. |
MEGA #06. |
Yellow reacts to this revelation, as the guys turn and look up at the floor where their teammate is. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan charges once more into the now-cracked wall, causing the slightly-tilted building to spark burst. |
Recycled, but first in original context. |
MEGA #06. |
Exterior of the tall glass skyscraper. |
Recycled; fades in from black. |
MEGA #06. |
The four Rangers continue looking upward, zoom in on Red nod-talking. Next, Black says something, followed by a bit of dialogue from Blue. |
Start is slightly trimmed. |
MEGA #06. |
In the atmosphere, the Astro Megaship passes through a cloud. |
MEGA #06. |
The Astro Megaship opens its docking bay, and the MegaTank rolls out from it, landing perfectly in the city below while still driving itself, eventually pulling to a park. |
MEGA #06. |
The four Rangers approach the MegaTank, Red getting in, followed by Yellow. |
Start is trimmed to avoid Japanese text onscreen; cuts follow-up of monster appearing with Craterites. |
MEGA #06. |
Blue & Black turn their backs to Yellow, the latter talking with an arm gesture. Blue turns to Yellow, talking, she gives him a thumbs up and shuts the door. |
MEGA #06. |
Red nod-talks, grips control, then drives the MegaTank away, prompting Blue & Black to head off together. |
MEGA #06. |
The MegaTank drives on, while inside, Yellow talks, Red responds, while steering. |
MEGA #06. |
The MegaTank smashes through the bottom floor of the skyscraper, sparks and smoke erupting as it drives through the perilous building. |
MEGA #06. |
Blue & Black grab Elephantitan, who shrugs them off, sending them flipping over away. |
Cuts prior shots of the pair finishing off Craterites. |
MEGA #06. |
Red deploys the MegaTank's MegaClaw, using it to clear some debris ahead of it. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan flips over Black. |
MEGA #06. |
The plutonium reactor crackles with electricity. |
Pushed back from source position. |
MEGA #06. |
The MegaTank continues driving, finally reaching the stairs, which it drives up. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan slams and pins Blue against the wall. |
MEGA #06. |
The MegaTank continues driving up the stairs, sparks bursting, as Red steers wildly. |
MEGA #06. |
The MegaTank stills drives up the explosive stairs, before Red talks and presses a button. |
Cuts follow-up shot of the rotating antenna thing, and a push in on a piped wall. |
MEGA #06. |
A transmission of Cassie appears within the MegaTank's steering console.. |
US footage superimposed into Sentai. |
MEGA #06. |
Red turns to our right, talking, then grabs control and the MegaTank smashes through another wall, before finally coming to a stop. |
Final shot is split. |
MEGA #06. |
Pan across the MegaTank to Yellow, opening the door and nod-talking. |
Split. |
MEGA #06. |
Cassie & Lenny get into the MegaTank, as does Yellow, who pauses to look back. |
Start is trimmed to remove visibility of Japanese actors. |
MEGA #06. |
Red turns away, nod-talks a bit, grips control, and operates the MegaClaw, approaching the leaking reactor cautiously. |
Cuts prior shot of Red turning to our right. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan slams both Black & Blue into the wall. |
MEGA #06. |
MegaTank is knocked away from its position by a sudden shockwave. |
MEGA #06. |
Blue grips one of Elephantitan's earrings, allowing him and Black to push the monster back. |
MEGA #06. |
Red nod-talks, looks about, and presses a button, causing the MegaTank to resume its prior position, beginning to pinch the reactor fuel core again. |
Final shot is split. |
MEGA #06. |
The MegaClaw pinches the fuel core, lifting it slowly out of the reactor, Red then turns to Yellow, who presses a button, releasing a neutralizing liquid that renders the plutonium inert, before releasing it and folding the claw back into the tank. |
First shot is split; final shot is recycled in reverse per source. |
MEGA #21. |
Dark Fortress fires Satellasers at the planet beside it. |
Recycled. |
MEGA #06. |
Giant Elephantitan sparkily presses upon the tilted skyscraper, Blue & Black reacting as he shoves the building some more, shaking up Red within. |
Final shot is split; Trims start to remove monster materializing, cuts prior bit of him flipping over Blue & Black then getting bit on the butt by Bibidebi. |
MEGA #06. |
Continued, Red talks to his passengers then turns the MegaTank completely around in the explosive room. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan keeps smashing against the building, making the MegaTank's drive down the stairs just as bumpy as the ride up was. |
MEGA #06. |
Black & Blue whip out their Lunar Lance & Astro Axe in Booster Modes, firing upon giant Elephantitan sparkily, to which the monster fires eyebeams back that explosively knock the pair down. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan gives the skyscraper one last push, it begins to slowly topple. |
MEGA #06. |
The MegaTank continues plowing down the stairs, zoom in on a tense Red driving it. |
MEGA #06. |
The skyscraper continues to fall over before Elephantitan. |
Split. |
MEGA #06. |
Continued, the skyscraper finally finishes falling over, dust bursting upon Elephantitan. |
First shot is split. |
MEGA #06. |
MegaTank leaps out of the exploding remains of the building, and skids to a park, with Red getting out. |
Cuts before unmorphed Pink gets out. |
MEGA #06. |
Holding her index finger forth, Pink nods, then leads the team in motioning right arms, then reaching forth. |
Cuts before screen flashes all sorts of colors. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan slams down his tusk arm, causing the Rangers to dive away, rolling to safety together. Pink then nod-talks with a raised fist, and all rush off to our right. |
MEGA #06. |
In the atmosphere, Astro Megaship crackles with electricity and begins to transform. |
Recycled, per source. |
MEGA #06. |
As the Rangers work at their stations, zoom in on Red. |
Recycled, per source. |
MEGA #06. |
In the atmosphere, Astro Megazord finishes transforming in a crackle of electricity. |
Recycled, per source. |
MEGA #06. |
All of the Rangers reach forth with their right hands, palm out, then grab their controls. |
Recycled, per source. |
MEGA #06. |
Astro Megazord lands in the city. |
MEGA #06. |
Elephantitan charges forth, Astro Megazord poses battle ready then charges forth, both meeting in the middle, grabbing each other, before releasing, where the Megazord begins sparkily punching the monster. |
MEGA #06. |
Red nod-talks, while gripping both control sticks quickly, the Astro Megazord rapidly punching and even kicking the sparks out of Elephantitan. |
MEGA #06. |
Red raises a fist, then grabs the right control, rotating it before pressing forth, causing the the Astro Megazord to throw one last punch into Elephantitan, sparkily knocking him back. |
MEGA #06. |
Zoom into the cockpit on Red, raising a fist, then spreading open his palm, before grabbing controls. |
MEGA #06. |
Astro Megazord's Saber forms in a flash of golden light in its hand. |
MEGA #06. |
Astro Megazord's feet lift-off the ground, its Saber charges up with a yellow light, and as it descends, it slashes it forth. |
Recycled, per source. |
MEGA #06. |
A golden slash cuts into Elephantitan, crackling him with sparks and blue electricity. He turns around and spark bursts. |
Cuts before giant DNA helix appears and floats up to an explosion. |
MEGA #09. |
An explosions briefly erupts in the city, as the Astro Megazord remains still with its Saber held ready. |
Trims start to remove Batterax. |
MEGA #09. |
Track in, upward angle, on Astro Megazord raising Saber, then slowly lowering it in victory. |
Fades to black; Replaces MEGA #06's version due to its "GalaxyMega Win!" usage. |
PRiS 608. |
30 second montage of bloopers from the episode. |
Altered to fit in end credits. |