
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

#334: PRLG 926: "Raise the Titanisaur".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Gingaman, episodes 37, 38, 41, 42, & 50.

The complete program, from opening to end of Saban logo, lasts roughly 21:20;29.

Previously On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
GINGA #41.

Waves crash against the shore.

GINGA #41.

Swabbies leap over the camera.

GINGA #41.

Red unsheathes his Quasar Saber and sparkily slashes a Swabbie in midair, his teammates doing the same.

GINGA #41.

Red lands and sparkily slashes a few more Swabbies, then impales his Quasar Saber in the sand.

Cuts before pan up; cuts follow-up sequence of each Ranger posing.

GINGA #41.

Barbarax points his axe forth and talks.

GINGA #41.

Red grabs his Quasar Saber, then leads the team in Lights of Orion activation.

GINGA #41.

The Orion Armor gleams golden as it appears upon Red's body and Quasar Saber.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

The Orion Armored Rangers pose then charge forth at the approaching Swabbies.

GINGA #41.

Each of the Rangers sparkily slashes or claws down a Swabbie.

GINGA #41.

Barbarax turns around and reacts as the Rangers charge at him.

Cuts follow-ups of each Ranger running forth.

GINGA #41.

The Rangers are rushing, when energy bolts crash down in front of them, spark bursting them down.

GINGA #41.

Yellow sits up and reacts.

GINGA #41.

Deviot joins Barbarax's side, talking, his gauntlet smoking.

GINGA #41.

Yellow gets up more, and nod-talks.

GINGA #41.

Deviot talks to the Rangers, and Barbarax, and when they react, he fires another energy blast at them, spark bursting them back down.

GINGA #41.

Barbarax slams his axe down, sending a bursting charge across the ground, into the Rangers, throwing them into the air and down again.

Trims start to reduce dialogue.

GINGA #41.

Pan across the weary Rangers, as a quake starts up, emanating from offshore, ending just as quickly as it began. Red nod-talks, and recovers back onto his feet.

GINGA #41.

Another brief quake, and Deviot & Barbarax exchange some dialogue about it.

Cuts follow-up sequence of Titanisaur glowing and coming to life, already used a few eps ago.

GINGA #41.

The Rangers look out to sea, and see an energy wave coming their way, so they dive down, the wave knocking over Deviot & Barbarax.

Cuts follow-up shots of Titanisaur in water.

GINGA #41.

Yellow sits up and reacts.


GINGA #41.

A quake emanating from offshore, ends just as quickly as it began. Red nod-talks, and recovers back onto his feet.


GINGA #41.

Yellow gets up more, and nod-talks.


GINGA #41.

The Rangers continue watching the ocean, Green, Blue, then Red talking, all turn around as Deviot & Barbarax talk at them excitedly. Pink responds, then the Rangers turn back around as Titanisaur surfaces before the shore.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur's rocky side flakes off, revealing the pulsating flesh beneath.

Pushed way back from source position.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur stomps down before the Rangers, knocking them down. Red looks up, talking as Titanisaur merely steps over them and continues on.

GINGA #41.

Zoom out as Barbarax talks a lot, before he and Deviot depart.

GINGA #41.

Zoom in on Green as he talks and points upward, Red nodding then summoning.

GINGA #41.

Lion Galactabeast rises from within the heat of a volcano.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Condor Galactabeast flies over the forest, looking quite blue.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Gorilla Galactabeast makes his way through the woods.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Wolf Galactabeast races through the mountainous terrain.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Wild Cat Galactabeast pounces through the air.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Red lands atop Lion, then raises his Transdagger high.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

The five Galactabeasts begin to race to our left, they then glow and transform into Galactazords.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Red teleports into his cockpit, then reaches forth at his Transdagger.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

The Lion, then the Gorilla, then Condor, transform into component parts.The head and horns pop out of the Lion section as it floats up, Wild Cat & Lion becoming arms, as all five Zords come together to form the Galaxy Megazord, with its saber forming in a crackle of electricity.

Recycled, per source. Cuts zoom in at start.

GINGA #41.

In his cockpit, Red nod-talks, reaching out, then holding his left arm forth.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Red's armband gem gleams green.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

In brief flashes of energy and zoom outs, Galaxy Megazord gains Orion Armor.

Recycled, per source. Cuts follow-up Zenith stuff.

GINGA #41.

Zenith Carrierzord shifts into an upright position.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Zenith Carrierzord's sides pop open.

Recycled, per source. Cuts head popping up, cuts Centaurus Zords launching.

GINGA #41.

Zenith Carrierzord's indicator light flashes blue.

Recycled, per source. Cuts Zords getting excited.

GINGA #41.

The Stratoforce Zords fly forth from Zenith Carrierzord's open mouth, swooping about.

Recycled, per source. Cuts Centaurus formation.

GINGA #41.

The body of the Centaurus Megazord begins to rise up, finishing formation, while in motion.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Centaurus Megazord skates forth, its Rhino Galactabeast form briefly visible.

Recycled, per source. Cuts rest of Stratoforce formation.

GINGA #41.

Stratoforce Megazord flies forth through the sky, its Phoenix Galactabeast form briefly visible.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

All three Megazords face Titanisaur.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur roars, so Stratoforce & Centaurus march forth, and get sparkily tail swiped down by him.

GINGA #41.

Galaxy Megazord readies Saber and charges at Titanisaur.

GINGA #41.

In his cockpit, Red motions arms about, then points hand like a gun forth as shot zooms in.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

The Orion Armored Galaxy Megazord raises its charged Saber up and back, then slices an energy slash forth.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur chomps down on the Saber, gripping it tightly between his teeth, Galaxy Megazord unable to get it free, and soon gets electricity breath blasted.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur horn jabs Galaxy Megazord.

Hyuuga & Kegler matted out.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur sparkily horn jabs each of the three Megazords.

Cuts follow-up of GM falling down.

GINGA #38.

In his tilted cockpit, Red nod-talks alertly.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur sparkily tail swipes Galaxy Megazord a few times.

First shot is recycled & mirror-flipped.

GINGA #37.

Red is shaken up in his cockpit.

Recycled, cuts before he talks.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur pushes Galaxy Megazord back, when it stops him, grabbing his horns.

Cuts follow-up Blue cockpit shot.

GINGA #41.

Red nod-talks in his cockpit while looking to our lower right.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur breaks free and sparkily horn slashes Galaxy Megazord.

Cuts before it falls down. Cuts follow-ups of MD & Red vs Captain Mutiny.

GINGA #50.

Close on Red in his cockpit, briefly shaking, then looking upward our right.


GINGA #41.

Galaxy Megazord staggers back, Centaurus & Stratoforce protect it, only for Titanisaur to fire electric breath forth, spark and fire burstings erupting around them.

GINGA #50.

Red's cockpit shakes, him included.

Recycled; Replaces GINGA #41's Blue cockpit shot. Cuts more follow-ups of Red vs Captain Mutiny.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur fires electric breath forth, directly at Galaxy Megazord, which shimmers briefly.

GINGA #41.

Galaxy Megazord spark bursts as fire burstings erupt before it.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #41.

Titanisaur roars happily, as Galaxy Megazord goes limp and collapses forth.

GINGA #42.

Centaurus punches at Titanisaur, who chomps down on his arm, sparks bursting, as he soon rips his arm off of him and drops it.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur jauntily walks forth.

Pushed back from source position.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur fires electric breath forth, directly at Galaxy Megazord, which shimmers briefly.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

As crackling and glows subsides, the five Galactabeasts fall down together.

GINGA #42.

Barbarax excitedly jerks his arms about, then stomps against the floorboards, which begin to steam up. He looks down at them as they begin to heat up, turning red, Deviot also reacts to this. Barbarax then walks forth, talking.

Cuts before we see villainess.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur chomps down sparkily on Stratoforce's right arm, which Mutiny's Castle heats up on his back.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur, glowing red, rips off Stratoforce's arm, drops it, then takes off, leaving the two disarmed Megazords lying side by side.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur flies away, steaming hot, Castle included.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur keeps flying, roars, then dives under the ocean.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur sits in the ocean, roaring, no longer steaming.

GINGA #42.

In a lower room, Swabbies push the descrewing wheel around slowly, as Barbarax comes down the stairs, Deviot talks to him, he talks back then walks forth, the Swabbies saluting.

GINGA #42.

The giant screw is released, so Barbarax goes over and talks into a pipe, Captain Mutiny talks back from his end, so then Barbarax goes over and yells at the Swabbies.

GINGA #42.

A Swabbie pulls lever, gears begin turning, the room around Barbarax quakes, as Castle Mutiny slides off of Titanisaur's back and splashes down in the ocean.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur roars and dives under the waves, leaving Castle Mutiny behind.

Recycled, but first in context.

GINGA #42.

Captain Mutiny talks through mist-sprayed glass.

Trims start to remove pan over from villainess.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur swims beneath the ocean.

Fades to black.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur swims beneath the ocean.

Recycled already; fades in from black.

GINGA #42.

Condor Galactabeast flies over the forest, looking quite blue.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Gorilla Galactabeast makes his way through the woods.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Wolf Galactabeast races through the mountainous terrain.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Wild Cat Galactabeast pounces through the air.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur swims beneath the ocean some more.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur stomps down in the city, sending cars flying up.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur fires his electric breath at a building, decimating it.

GINGA #42.

A close group of identical apartment buildings erupt and explode brightly.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Closer angle on top floor of multi-story building, dust & debris bursting outward, ripping the place in half.

Recycled, per source. Cuts follow-up shot of Titanisaur in city.

GINGA #42.

A pillar spark bursts and crumbles in half.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

As dark-haired citizens flee, pan up to Titanisaur, firing his electric breath forth.

GINGA #42.

Grey, drab multi-layered building complex explodes.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur walks to our right, tail bouncing against the ground.

GINGA #42.

Flames consume an entire city block.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur is walking along when he spots Lion Galactabeast, roaring at him, soon joined by the others, each with a Ranger atop, except Lion.

GINGA #42.

Yellow, then Green, talk atop their Galactabeasts.

GINGA #42.

Wolf leaps forth, Titanisaur tail swipes her sparkily down.

GINGA #42.

Pan up as Titanisaur approaches, roaring.

GINGA #42.

Sparks suddenly burst around Wild Cat & Lion.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur is roaring away, when he turns, Condor comes swooping in and crashing into him, Green is shaken up as he talks.

GINGA #42.

While Titanisaur is busy with Condor, Gorilla approaches him from behind, only to get sparkily tail-snapped down, before Condor is tossed down too.

GINGA #42.

Mega Defender comes riding on atop Torozord.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Pink steps into frame, talking to our right.

GINGA #42.

Torozord transforms into a standing-upright, humanoid body.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Mega Defender poses and leaps up, Torozord opens up, he drops in, it seals up.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Zoom out as Defender Torozord twirls around its Defender Axe.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Defender Torozord jets up into the air, then slashes its axe at Titanisaur's back, but it gets intercepted by his tail.

GINGA #42.

Green reacts, then talks over to Blue, who responds.

GINGA #42.

Condor & Gorilla appear on the scene of Defender Torozord confronting Titanisaur, Blue nod-talks, then both Galactabeasts begin to rush forth, when Titanisaur electric breath blasts the pair sparkily.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur is now sparkily munching on Defender Torozord's axe, when a stream of flames strikes him sparkily in the back.

GINGA #42.

Red motions arms about, summoning up his own flamey power atop Lion.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Red gestures his crossed hands forth, before Lion spews a stream of fire from his mouth.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

The flame stream strikes Titanisaur in the back, causing an explosion, that takes him down, his back injured.

GINGA #42.

Red talks atop Lion, zoom out as the Galactabeasts regroup, Defender Torozord staring proudly, Green says something quick, then Pink looks relieved.

GINGA #42.

Atop Lion, Red talks then raises his Transdagger high.

GINGA #42.

The five Galactabeasts begin to race to our left, they then glow and transform into Galactazords.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Red teleports into his cockpit, then reaches forth at his Transdagger.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

The five Galactazords race along to our left, zoom in on Lion as the backdrop changes to a blur of greenery, the Lion, then the Gorilla, then Condor, transform into component parts.The head and horns pop out of the Lion section as it floats up, Wild Cat & Lion becoming arms,as all five Zords come together to form the Galaxy Megazord, with its saber forming in a crackle of electricity.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Red spreads his arms down, then raises his left arm forth, causing the armband gem to gleam green.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

In brief flashes of energy and zoom outs, Galaxy Megazord gains Orion Armor.

Recycled, per source. Cuts follow-up Zenith stuff.

GINGA #42.

Zenith Carrierzord munches on a few birds while flying through the air.

GINGA #42.

Yellow turns to our right in her cockpit, talking and raising her claw arm.

Cuts follow-up Zenith shots.

GINGA #34.

Out pop the five Centaurus Zords.

Recycled, per source. Cuts follow-up shots of Stratoforce Zords.

GINGA #42.

Zenith's jaw lid lifts up, revealing Stratoforce Zords within.

GINGA #42.

The Stratoforce Zords fly forth from Zenith Carrierzord's open mouth, swooping about.

Recycled, per source. Cuts rest of the formations.

GINGA #42.

Centaurus Megazord skates forth, its Rhino Galactabeast form briefly visible.

Recycled, per source. Cuts rest of Stratoforce formation.

GINGA #42.

Stratoforce Megazord flies forth through the sky, its Phoenix Galactabeast form briefly visible.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur rises up, smoking, and roaring angrily, as the four Megazords face him, to which he electric breath blasts them sparkily.

GINGA #42.

Defender Torozord rushes through the sparks and smoke, Titanisaur tries tail swiping it, but it grabs his tail, then sparkily axe chops it, agonizing him.

Cuts follow-up of DT holding dismembered tail.

GINGA #42.

Defender Torozord raises the Defender Axe.

Trims start to remove DT tossing aside tail.

GINGA #42.

Defender Axe glows brightly.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

Defender Torozord gestures the glowing Defender Axe around in a circle, lightning crackles against it, as it slashes the Axe forth.

Recycled, per source.

GINGA #42.

One golden energy slice cuts into Titanisaur in the front, then another in the back.

GINGA #42.

Centaurus & Stratoforce go back to back, then begin to spin together, turning into a red & blue energy swirl.

GINGA #42.

The combined energy swirl fires forth into a golden ball of light.

Recycled, per source

GINGA #42.

The golden energy ball rips through Titanisaur, with sparkily & splattering effects.

Blood recolored yellow. Yet they didn't bother last time they used this attack...

GINGA #42.

Titanisaur roars, body smoking.

GINGA #42.

Pan up close along the body of Galaxy Megazord as it poses battle ready with its Saber.

GINGA #42.

Zoom in sharply on Red in his cockpit, clenching his fist tightly. Zoom in closer on his helmeted face.

Cuts before unmorphed GingaRed appears.

GINGA #42.

Uncomfortably close close-up of Red's helmeted face.

Trims start to remove unmorphed GingaRed.

GINGA #42.

Zoom out as Red lowers his fist, then raises his claw arm, the other four Rangers' cockpits intercut into his, all mimicking his claw raising gesture.

GINGA #42.

Galaxy Megazord spreads arms, then leaps up and flies through the air, directly at Titanisaur.

GINGA #42.

In his cockpit, Red motions arms about, then points hand like a gun forth as shot zooms in.

GINGA #42.

Galaxy Megazord slashes its glowing Saber horizontally while in midair into Titanisaur.

GINGA #42.

Its Saber glowing, Galaxy Megazord slashes with the power of the galaxy... or something.

GINGA #42.

The energy slice rips into Titanisaur, causing a superimposed explosion to erupt, before an actual explosion then engulfs the screen.

GINGA #42.

The explosion is seen from really far away, a mushroom cloud of sorts lingering behind.

GINGA #42.

Yellow & Blue react cheerfully in their cockpits.

GINGA #42.

As the four Megazords stand posing victorious, push in on Galaxy Megazord.

Fades to black. Cuts follow-up additional mushroom cloud shot, then DT teleporting away suddenly, Pink & Red reacting.

Ending Credits