
Masked Rider

#32: MR 205 "Ectophase Albee".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Kamen Rider Black RX, Opening Credits, episodes 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 13, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 34, & 44; and Kamen Rider J.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:33;01.

Today On is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
KRBRX #02.

Spiderbase flies toward us in front of huge swath of disturbed storm clouds.

Recycled; transitions in.

KRBRX #05.

Count Dregon stands facing us, while backed by Nefaria, Cyclopter, Fact, Doubleface, and Gork who hops down into view.

KRBRX #22.

Count Dregon angrily marches between his minions as he heads across to the back of the Spiderbase bridge.


KRBRX #13.

Spiderbase flies from our upper left to lower right over the top of a mountain range.

Recycled; transitions in.

KRBRX #27.

Doubleface talks in a medium shot as it very slowly zooms in on him.


KRBRX #24.

Close on Cyclopter, talking as he points with his left hand.


KRBRX #05.

Slow push in on Doubleface, as he stands there, talking.


KRBRX #18.

Medium shot of Doubleface talking.


KRBRX #44.

Spiderbase drops its jaws while firing a green energy beam downward.

Recycled with green beam from MR 101.

KRBRX #01.

A green energy bolt beams down upon the planet Earth.

Recycled with green beam from MR 101.

KRBRX #01.

A green energy bolt falls from the sky.

Recycled with green bolt added over regular bolt from MR 101.

KRBRX #34.

Manosect materializes, posing with a trident.

Green glow initially added; slowed; freeze-frames at end and transitions out.

MMPR 301.

Masked Rider's Ectophase sequence.


KRBRX #05.

Magno drives through a quarry at top speed.


KRBRX #09.

Magno's display screen shows a radar scan of the area, picking up a heat signature.


KRBRX #09.

Masked Rider looks from our slight right, to straight on, as he drives and nod-talks.


KRBRX #09.

Magno's display screen pinpoints different radar signals of the heat signature.


KRBRX #09.

Close on Masked Rider, driving and talking, before zoom in on him.


KRBRX #05.

Sharp zoom in on Magno speeding into a quarry.


KRBRX #09.

Magno's front bumper turns into a pair of pinchers.


KRBRX #09.

Magno dives into the ground, releasing dust and dirt.


KRBRX #05.

Magno crashes through a cave wall.


KRBRX #09.

Close on Masked Rider, driving and talking, before zoom in on him.

Recycled again.

KRBRX #09.

Suddenly, Magno smashes through the rocky ground as an explosion erupts behind her.


KRBRX #09.

Magno races along the side of a dusty hill.


KRBRX #09.

Close-up of Masked Rider driving and nod-talking to our slight lower right.


KRBRX #09.

Close-up of Masked Rider pressing buttons on Magno's dashboard, then pan over from Magno's AC to her blinky red dot KITT-esque indicator.


KRBRX #34.

Close on Manosect gesturing fingers on two hands.

Cuts thrusting connected hands forth.

KRBRX #34.

Masked Rider poses.

KRBRX #34.

Manosect gestures hands together, then undoes it.

Loops end around into reverse.

KRBRX #34.

Masked Rider poses, leaps up, charges up a Rider Kick and kicks into Manosect explosively, sending him flying out of the quarry and onto a beach, Masked Rider posing when landing there too.

KRBRX #34.

Manosect poses with a trident.

Recycled, loops end back into reverse.

KRBRX #34.

Masked Rider poses, then reaches toward his buckle.

KRBRX #34.

Masked Rider pulls his glowing Electro Saber from his Ecto Accelerator buckle.

Recycled, per source.

KRBRX #34.

Masked Rider poses with his saber, Manosect rushes in with his trident, and quickly, Masked Rider disarms him of his weapon, then rolls around, slaps Manosect with his saber, taking him down, and the second Manosect recovers, Masked Rider stabs him.

KRBRX #34.

Close on Masked Rider, then close on Manosect writhing.

Cuts follow-ups of Masked Rider continuing to sparkily keep his saber through Manosect until he explodes.

KRBRX #31.

Masked Rider crosses arms over his face as shot zooms in.


KRBRX #31.

Masked Rider transforms into Super Gold mode.


KRBRX #31.

Super Gold poses.

Recycled; split.

KRBRX #31.

Manosect poses with a pair of curved blade daggers.


KRBRX #31.

Continued, Super Gold begins to march forth.

Recycled; mirror-flipped; split from two shots ago.

KRBRX #31.

Continued, Manosect charges into action. Manosect strikes repeatedly at Super Gold, who dodges and blocks, before finally throwing a single punch that sends Manosect flying from the beach into a quarry, with Super Gold right behind him. Manosect tosses one of his daggers at Super Gold, who smacks it away. Manosect then tosses a pair of daggers, spark bursting Super Gold. Manosect gestures hands together and juts then forth, spraying white goo at Super Gold, who dodges the spoogey rain and rolls out of the way of the white shower.

Shot 1 is split from two shots ago; shot 9 is recycled but runs fully and in proper context.

KRBRX #31.

As Manosect poses, Super Gold whips out his Ecto Ray, so Manosect connects his gestured hands together. Super Gold aims at Manosect and fires his Ecto Ray, spark bursting his weapons out of his hands.

Shot 2 is recycled, but in proper context; cuts follow-ups of Manosect recovering and SG turning back into MR (this while SG battle pushed back from source position).

KRBRX #04.

Explosions a go-go.

Recycled; transitions out.

KRBRX #02.

Spiderbase flies toward us in front of huge swath of disturbed storm clouds.

Recycled again; transitions in.

KRBRX #27.

Doubleface talks in a medium shot as it very slowly zooms in on him.

Recycled again; split.

KRBRX #27.

Continued, Doubleface talks some more as zoom completes, and he raises a fist.

Recycled, but runs longer than prior uses; split from prior shot.

KRBRX #28.

Count Dregon watches the Spiderbase viewscreen, an image of Gork watching as Dread Dragon appears in a cavern and crows about with both his head main head, and his hand-heads.

Shot 1 is trimmed and altered to fit viewscreen.

KRBRX #28.

A cave opening explodes with dust, as Masked Rider flips over and lands facing it, as Dread Dragon emerges from within.

KRBRX #28.

Dread Dragon spews fire, casuing a massive fireball explosion behind Masked Rider, who flips away from it, landing beside Dread Dragon, quickly reaching around and grabbing him by the tail. He struggles to keep a hold on the creature's appendage, before finally throwing the tail down, then leaping up and throwing a kick into his long and gangly neck. Dread Dragon staggers away, so Masked Rider poses facing him as he recovers, then spews more fire forth. Masked Rider dodges the flames, then leaps over, grabs Dread Dragon by the neck, and gets bit by his hand-heads. Our hero is agonized over this pain, gets pecked by the main head, and the chest mouth of the monster also spews steam, overwhelming him until he breaks free and gets smacked aside by Dread Dragon. Masked Rider rolls away, Dread Dragon approaches, whipping his tail around, hitting Masked Rider and sending him flying onto his back. Dread Dragon spews electricity from his head-hands, bursting dirt around Masked Rider. When the dust clears, Masked Rider is unharmed, leaps up, charges up a Rider Kick, and sends it right into Dread Dragon's main head explosively, knocking the monster over.

Cuts follow-ups of Masked Rider stabbing Dread Dragon with Electro Saber.

KRBRX #28.

Dread Dragon explodes massively as Masked Riders stands with his back to him, arm extended.

Trimmed heavily; Cropped to remove visibility of Electro Saber, despite it glowing right on the edge of MR's hand.

KRBRX #28.

Close on Masked Rider, moving a little as the smoke clears behind him.

KRBRX #02.

Spiderbase flies toward us in front of huge swath of disturbed storm clouds.

Recycled yet again; transitions in.

KRBRX #22.

Count Dregon talks to his minions, as he walks between them across the bridge, stopping at the middle and spreading arms suddenly, before turning to them, they pace away from him, then he zaps each one of them with his scepter until they all fall down.

Recycled, but runs fully (slightly trimmed at start); transitions out.

KRBRX #08.

Spiderbase flies to our upper right through a cloudy sky.

Recycled; mirror-flipped; transitions in.


Count Dregon & Nefaria watch Cyborgator on the viewscreen.

Altered to fit Spiderbase viewscreen.

MMPR 301.

Masked Rider's Ectophase sequence.

Recycled again.


Close on Combat Chopper's front wheel while driving.


Close on Masked Rider's left hand, gripping one of Combat Chopper's handles.


Down a long empty stretch of road, Masked Rider speeds along on Combat Chopper.



Close on Combat Chopper, engine likely roaring.



Close on Combat Chopper's side, Masked Rider's leg pressed near the crest.

KRBRX #02.

Masked Rider pops a wheelie on Combat Chopper.


KRBRX #02.

Masked Rider leaps Combat Chopper away from us, landing safely across the quarry.



Cyborgator tromps on all fours through a shallow riverbed.

Note, all KRJ footage is cropped to pan & scan size.


Cyborgator continues walking through the water and rocks.


Cyborgator lunges onto shore.

Shortened heavily so don't see Japanese actor.


Close-up of Cyborgator laughing and blinking.


Masked Rider hits Cyborgator square in the chest, sending him flying across the riverbank, onto the rocky shore.


Cyborgator snaps his jaws, flicks his tongue, and stares over at Masked Rider across the way.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Masked Rider posing.


Masked Rider and Cyborgator face off, well-distanced, before they rush at one another.

Cuts follow-up of MR leaping forth.


Masked Rider lands atop Cyborgator.

Cuts before he punches into him and then pulls him into a rolling.


Masked Rider rolls with Cyborgator.

Shortened; cuts follow-up of them stopping then MR grabbing Cyborgator's head.


Masked Rider tries to pry open Cyborgator's jaws.



Continued, Masked Rider keeps trying to unclench Cyborgator, only for the creature to reach up and pull him down.

Split from prior shot; cuts follow-ups of Cyborgator wrapping tail around MR's neck.


Masked Rider, tail wrapped around his neck, goes flying away from Cyborgator, then is released. Cyborgator turns around.


Masked Rider spins to his feet as Cyborgator approaches.

Pushed up from source position.


Masked Rider backs away quickly from Cyborgator.

Both shots are part of one continuous take in source, nothing's really cut between the two, just for timing.


Masked Rider kicks Cyborgator in the head, then dashes through the water, only for Cyborgator to whip his tail at him, knocking Masked Rider over.

Start trimmed to reduce visibility of KRJ.


Cyborgator marches through the water.

Pushed up from source position.


Cyborgator tail whips Masked Rider down again.


Masked Rider lies there, barely struggling as Cyborgator comes right up, and bites him on the hip.

Cuts close-up of MR.


Masked Rider is lifted off the ground while trapped between Cyborgator's jaws.

Splits final shot.


Continued, Cyborgator continues to gnaw on Masked Rider.

Split from prior shot.


Masked Rider reaches up and slaps Cyborgator on the noggin, but it's not use, he's lifted up higher.

Cuts before he slaps at the monster some more, and cuts follow-ups of close-ups of MR.


Masked Rider jabs his fingers into Cyborgator's eye, causing him to drop him.

Cuts shot 1 short to try to lessen the visibility of the Stoogeish manuever; cuts second shot before MR gets up and pounds on Cyborgator, then splits off the end.


Masked Rider shoves Cyborgator aside, onto a large rock.

Cuts follow-up close-up of MR.

KRBRX #17.

In front of a waterfall, Masked Rider nod-talks.

Mirror-flipped, trimmed to end, and plays in reverse (check out the unfalling water).


Cyborgator begins to climb up the rocks.


Cyborgator ascends horizontally.

KRBRX #17.

In front of a waterfall, slight zoom in on Masked Rider nod-talking.

Shortened heavily.


Cyborgator scales the side of a cliff.


Masked Rider leaps up right behind the wall-crawling Cyborgator.

US replaces follow-ups of MR goopily punching Cyborgator in the skull, with MR just punching in the air.


Head smoking, Cyborgator falls from the wall, and plummets to the water below.

Cuts before he hits the water.

KRBRX #18.

An explosion erupts near a forest.


KRBRX #04.

Explosions a go-go, part 2.
