
VR Troopers

#14: VRT 114 "The Virtual V-6".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, episodes 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 27, & 35; and Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 14, 16, & 32.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:17;16.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
VRT 101.

Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord and materializes onto his throne.



The virtual mutants all stand before Grimlord, not a single arm raised.

Recycled; trims start.


Grimlord raises his right hand, palm outward, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us.



Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of General Ivar, motioning his right hand as he talks close.

Recycled composite from VRT 107.


Zoom in on Drillbot raising his spinning drill hand, as the virtual mutants watch from behind the energy screen.

Recycled background, new insert.


Close on Grimlord talking.

Recycled, trimmed heavily; fades to black.


Air Striker lifts off and heads into the clouds.



Air Striker flies while looking downward.

METALDER #03 et al.

Monoeye POV of Ryan & JB on their motorcycles.

Recycled entirely from VRT 105 (Kaitlin has apparently fallen off the bike between shots).


Air Striker flies to our left.

Recycled, per source.


Brief zoom out from Grimlord as he speaks.

Recycled, cuts before pan left.


The assembled mutants stir in the Virtual Dungeon, with Zelton stepping forth, talking as he gestures his left hand forth and shot zooms in on him.

Partially recycled, but runs longer, cutting before he raises his right hand.


Grimlord briefly points, and talks in medium level shot.


Zelton bows as the other mutants look on.

Transitions out; Cuts before they all turn around.

VRT 101.

J.B.'s VR transformation sequence.



VR JB leaps up, does a flip, and lands on the Fighter Bike in midair, posing before riding forth.

Recycled, per source.


VR JB flies his Fighterbike in Skycycle mode down over the docks of the city.

Altered to fit VR Vision.


Push in on VR JB on his Fighterbike.

Altered to fit VR Vision.


VR JB rides his Fighterbike forth in midair.

Recycled; trimmed heavily; Altered to fit VR Vision.


On his Fighterbike, VR JB shifts his gaze while nod-talking.

Altered to fit VR Vision.


VR JB finishes posing, then rides his Fighterbike forth in midair.

Recycled; trimmed; Altered to fit VR Vision.


Medium shot of Grimlord talking a lot.

Recycled; cuts before he raises his hand.


With his posse behind him, Zelton speaks a bit.

Partially recycled at end, but mostly unused stuff (though still trims start); cuts before he reaches forth; transitions out.


Zoom in on a van driving down the semi-middle of the road.

Fades in from prior shot.


Grimlord points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us.

Recycled; trimmed slightly.


Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of Silvy Larson and the other captured kids in the van.

Recycled with new US insert.


Slow zoom in from a very wide angle, as Grimlord talks, raising both arms briefly, then briefly motioning right hand to chest.

Cuts shot finishes zooming in; Fades to black.

VRT 101.

Kaitlin & Ryan hold up their glowing Virtualizers.

First time together without JB.

VRT 101.

Ryan's VR transformation sequence.


VRT 101.

Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence.

Recycled; fades out.


"VR Ryan" flies up into the VR Skybase.

Recolored recycle from VRT 102.


VR Kaitlin leaps up into a jumpkick at three tossed Skug axes, a fourth one hitting her in the chest and causing her to jolt.

Cuts prior VR Kaitlin vs Skugs in snow battle.


A trio of Skugs leap up in the air, one after the other.

Cuts surrounding VRs JB & Kaitlin battle against them.


VR Kaitlin leaps forth with her elbow out, then dives over a pair of Skugs, lands atop a quarry hill and proceeds to make her way down, taking down three Skugs. The third falls on his back but quickly gets back up. VR Kaitlin whips out her VR Laser Pistol and prepares to fire.

Recycled; cuts shot between shots 4 & 5 that has VR Kaitlin fighting Skug up close.


VR Kaitlin fires her laser at two of three Skugs sparkily, then turns and fires on a fourth behind her.

Trims start to cut her leaping down; Freeze frames and transitions out; cuts follow-up of Skug's head exploding.


The camera follows behind the van, driving on the road just ahead.

Transitions in from prior shot.


VR JB rides his Fighterbike on the road.

Trims start to remove zoom in past van.


Zoom in sharply on VR JB on his Fighterbike.


The camera follows behind the van, driving on the road just ahead.

Recycled and slowed; altered to fit VR JB vision and include Prof Hart.


VR JB drives his Fighterbike down the road, then close-up of him riding it.


The VR Skybase flies over the camera.



The van passes by us, as a blue truck pulls in behind it, zoom in on VR JB on his Fighterbike following in the distance.


Zoom in sharply on VR JB on his Fighterbike.

Recycled, but first time in context.


The van turns right as the road veers, the blue truck still behind it, suddenly three Skugs pop out from under the canopy and toss bombs, bursting around VR JB and his Fighterbike, but he's undeterred, driving on through the smoke and firing lasers from his bike at the truck, causing a bursting that sends the Skug driver swerving and crashing the truck into some girders.

Cuts follow-up of VR JB driving on.


VR JB pulls the VR Fighterbike to a stop inside of a warehouse.

Cuts follow-up shot of parked van and then VR JB dismounting.


VR JB rushes over to the parked van, opens it up, goes inside and looks around the empty vehicle.

Cuts final shot before he turns and leaves (for later use).


VR JB talks in the empty van.

Recycled; altered to fit VR Kaitlin vision.


VR Kaitlin begins to pose atop a snowy cliff.



Close on VR Kaitlin nod-talking.

Recycled, but runs longer than prior use; mirror-flipped.


Continued, VR Kaitlin finishes posing atop a snowy cliff.

Split from two shots ago.


The VR Skybase passes to our slight left.



Close on VR Kaitlin nod-talking.

Recycled; altered to fit Skybase monitor.


Two sets of Air Fighters, three by three, fly upward from the grassy ground below.



A trio of Air Fighters flank beneath the VR Skybase, followed by another trio from another direction.



A trio of Air Fighters do a barrel roll.



Air Fighters fire pink electricity, then as they pass over the Skybase, explosions erupt upon the ship.



VR JB talks in the empty van, then turns to our left.

Recycled, slowed, runs a little longer, but still cuts before he leaves.


Various angles of spots around the warehouse.

Altered to fit VR JB vision; cuts additional follow-up shot.


VR JB nods, then runs away from the van, and into the next room, where he pauses, and looks around.

Trims start to remove him exiting the van.


A drill flies at VR JB, hitting him sparkily in the chest, causing him to fall and writhe. Another pair of drills fly at him, so he hits them away, they land back in Drillbot's shoulders, he spreads his arms, then steps forth.

Cuts prior shot of VR JB glancing about; Cuts follow-up of Drillbot due to onscreen Japanese text.


VR JB poses defensively, Drillbot does the same, then begins to spin his drill arm. VR JB jumps back, finding himself surrounded by Skugs, so he blocks one's attack, kicks another's head, then ducks under a third's slash, only to get sparkily stabbed by Drillbot. VR JB recovers, punching at a Skug, before ducking under Drillbot's arm, kicking a Skug, then locking arms with Drillbot as he continues trying to fight off the Skugs.

Shot 3 is recycled, but first time unaltered and in context; Transitions out.


Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of a trio of Skugs holding axes, zoom in on the middle one, then pan left.

Recycled background with new insert footage; slowed; cuts before pan right to third Skug.


A Skug presses a button on a remote, causing the VR Fighterbike to begin to lower into the ground. It drops multiple levels on an elevator, finally reaching a room where it gets locked in place and wrapped in cords, as a trio of Skugs rush in and dance around the captured cycle.

Cuts shot between shots 8 & 9 that shows handlebars being roped (due to Suzuki product placement); trims final shot to remove zoom out (likely due to Suzuki placement); cuts follow-ups of VR JB fighting Drillbot, trying to summon Fighterbike and failing, and more Skug dancing around bike.


VR JB falls on his back, Drillbot goes to strike, hitting the ground sparkily as he rolls out of the way, recovers, then summons to our upper right.

Cuts before he realizes it isn't working and talks.


Drillbot fights VR JB continually, until VR JB flips him over, then rushes off.

Transitions out.


VR JB rushes over to the spot where he parked his VR Fighterbike, finding it missing. He glances about, talking and eventually looking upward.

Cuts before he looks to our upper left.


VR JB glances about, talking and eventually looking upward, then to our upper left.

Recycled, trimmed, but end runs fully; cuts follow-ups of VR JB talking with General Ivar and Proto-Vixens on rooftop.


VR JB races into another open room of the warehouse, still finding nothing and nod-talking.

Cuts follow-up of him talking in close-up.


VR JB glances about, talking.

Recycled, but cuts before he looks upward.


VR JB talks in mid close-up.

Transitions out.


VR JB speaks while glancing about, then rushes off.

Transitions in, trimming off the start of him coming into frame; also cuts prior usable bits of him and VR Kaitlin fighting Drillbot in building.


Skugs slice the VR Fighterbike with a giant saber, and hit it with a mallet.

Cuts surrounding similar shots.


Skugs saw and drill the VR Fighterbike, when its exhaust lights up, and the whole bike glows to life, scaring off General Ivar and the Skugs.

You can partially see a Proto-Vixen in the last shot on the right.


Fighterbike somehow loses its binds and locks, driving off on its own, knocking down Skugs and General Ivar.

Cuts shot of more ropes coming off between shots 1 & 2 due to Suzuki placement; cuts final shot before we can see the Proto-Vixens (though their arms remain).


Fighterbike drives through General Ivar and his Skugs some more.


VR JB's eyes glow and his chest bits blink.

Recycled, per source.


A pair of bombs are already activated.

Trims each shot to remove awkward jump cut activating.


VR JB speaks, then rushes off.

Recycled, trimmed to end; cuts follow-up of Fighterbike running through some more Skugs.


A series of explosions in a missile silo of some kind. VR JB drives the Fighterbike away from multiple dirt bursts as they erupt just behind him, escaping the warehouse safely.

Shot 2 cuts before Fighterbike passes by, so you can't see the prominent Suzuki symbol.


The VR Skybase flies over the camera.

Recycled again.


VR JB drives the Fighterbike forth in a quarry, running down some Skugs, only to get knocked off by Drillbot's drill arm, which reattaches moments later. He then begins to spin it and approaches VR JB, only to have VR Kaitlin leap in at him, Drillbot hitting her on her way over him. She falls, VR JB regroups with her, as Skugs swarm them, so the pair fight the Skugs for a bit. VR Kaitlin begins to get beaten down until VR JB saves her, until Drillbot joins in, taking his full attention. They battle, until VR JB falls, Drillbot then sparkily stabbing him, knocking him down yet again. VR JB recovers, and they begin to scuffle once more, when VR JB leaps over and snags one of his shoulder drillbits, using it to sparkily strike him back. Drillbot then fires his other shoulder drillbit forth, hitting VR JB and causing him to drop his new weapon as he falls. Drillbot stabs his drillarm forth, so VR JB leaps up and flips over.

Cuts prior shot of Skugs guarding Drillbot; transitions in; cuts follow-ups of VR JB landing on Fighterbike, due to Suzuki placement.


VR JB presses down on the accelerator of the Fighterbike.

Cuts follow-up due to Suzuki placement.


VR JB speeds the Fighterbike at Drillbot, converting into a ball of energy, and ripping through him explosively, though he recovers, so VR JB flies back around and Drillbot, smoking, gets ready for more.

Cuts follow-ups of VR JB on bike having flashbacks, then whipping out Saber via stock footage.


VR JB, with his Laser Lance ready, drives the Fighterbike at Drillbot, and when close enough, stands up on it and slashes his blade at the monster, causing him to crackle as he passes by.

Cuts follow-up of Fighterbike coming to a park, due to Suzuki placement.


VR JB jolts as he comes to a stop, posing with his Laser Lance on his VR Fighterbike as Drillbot collapses and explodes massively behind him.


The VR Skybase passes to our slight left.

Recycled again.


Air Fighters pass over the Skybase.

Recycled, cuts before explosions erupt on Skybase.


Air Fighters swoop up and back down.


VR Skybase fires a pair of missiles at three Air Fighters, exploding them in midair.



Zoom in from across the room to Grimlord raising his right hand outward.

Recycled, still heavily trimmed.


The mutants in front of Blue Boar's area stand silently.

Recycled, trimmed to end to remove pan across.


Close on Grimlord talking and looking from side to side.

Recycled, trimmed; Altered to fit Professor Hart's monitor.


Close on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well.

Recycled, trims start; fades to black.

Ending Credits