
VR Troopers

#15: VRT 115 "The Virtual Spy".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, episodes 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, & 11; and Spielban, episodes 1, 2, 3, 15, & 21.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:15;06.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

Leaping past one another, VR Ryan and Blue Robot Warrior land on opposite sides of a platform and pose, Blue Robot Warrior about to charge forth, when both suddenly leap off the side, landing below.

Altered to fit VR Vision; cuts follow-ups of BRW readying arm blade and VR Ryan standing ready.


Blue Robot Warrior slashes his arm blade at VR Ryan, who cartwheels out of the way, only for the BRW to turn and try again.

Altered to fit VR Vision.


VR Ryan backflips away from Blue Robot Warrior, landing atop a catwalk. BRW leaps up to join him, where the two begin to engage in combat.

Altered to fit VR Vision; splits final shot.


Blue Robot Warrior prepares to jump.

Recycled; Altered to fit VR Vision.


Continued, VR Ryan smacks Blue Robot Warrior off the platform, then jumps off to follow as he rolls down the slope, into the area below.

Altered to fit VR Vision; cuts rest of battle, which isn't long.


Zoom in on Ziktor Tower.

Recycled; Transitions in from prior shot; fades out to next.

VRT 101.

Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord and materializes onto his throne.



The four main Generals in front, the mutants of the virtual dungeon step forth, pumping fists in the air.



Grimlord raises his right hand, palm outward, then points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us.



Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of General Ivar talking and raising his right hand near the end, as Colonel Icebot watches.

Recycled background, with new insert (which cuts before Ivar talks more).


Slow zoom in on Grimlord talking.

Recycled; trimmed; cuts before he shakes his head briefly.


Colonel Icebot lowers his right fist while talking, as the virtual mutants watch from behind the energy screen.

Recycled, but runs longer at start than usual.


Slow zoom in on Grimlord talking.

Recycled; trimmed heavily, still cuts before he shakes his head.


Grimlord's energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, shows Graybot morphing into Mr Mullet, aka Jeremy Gibson, who then speaks.

Recycled background, with new insert of a US composite.


Grimlord talks for a moment, raising his right hand before the shot zooms in.

Recycled; fades to black.


Zoom in on Ziktor Tower.

Recycled; Transitions in from prior shot; transitions out to next.


Grimlord talks for a moment, raising his right hand.

Recycled, buts before shot zooms in; fades in from prior shot.


Jeremy Gibson morphs into Graybot.

US composite of US footage into Japanese (they lucked out with the source shot having a black background, really).


Slow zoom in on Grimlord talking straight on.

Partially recycled, still trimmed a little, but runs longer.


Graybot talks, then turns to leave.

Partially recycled, but runs fully; transitions out.


Grimlord talks in medium close-up angle.



Close on the flashing red VR Lab indicator light.



Graybot races across a grassy field, then stops, and looks around while talking.

Trims start; cuts prior shots of him running through field.


Graybot talks in close-up.

Recycled; Trims start.


Graybot talks in close-up.

Recycled; Trims start even more than the last one did.

VRT 101.

Ryan's VR transformation sequence.



Lightning crashes in the sky, as VR Ryan emerges atop a hill, looking down at Graybot, who stops running and fires his bow gauntlet up at him. The three arrows land in the ground around his feet, so VR Ryan quickly dodges to the side, then leaps up, flips over, and lands in the field in front of Graybot.

Cuts prior shot of sun through clouds; cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan & Graybot facing off and talking amid a dust-whipping wind.


Graybot talks and points, VR Ryan poses defensively, then Graybot raises his arm and fires his arrows at him. VR Ryan leaps up and chops the three arrows down in midair, then lands on Graybot, tackling him down for a moment, before VR Ryan poses.

Transitions out; cuts follow-ups of the pair pacing to the side into the tall grass.

VRT 101.

Kaitlin & JB raise their glowing Virtualizers.

Recycled from VRT 109.

VRT 101.

J.B.'s VR transformation sequence.


VRT 101.

Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence.

Recycled; fades out to next shot before final shot finishes.


The VR Skybase flies over the camera.

Recycled; fades in from prior shot.


VRs JB & Kaitlin fly up toward the VR Skybase.



POV of passing through the Skybase entry tunnel.



VRs JB & Kaitlin land in the VR Skybase cockpit, raising their right arms and nod-talking.



The VR Skybase passes to our slight left.



A trio of Air Fighters flank beneath the VR Skybase, followed by another trio from another direction.



A trio of Air Fighters do a barrel roll.



Air Fighters fire pink electricity.



VRs JB & Kaitlin watch as a trio of Air Fighters explode before them.



Skybase bursts as more Air Fighters also fire upon it with same results.

Recycled, trims start.


VR JB turns and talks to VR Kaitlin in the Skybase cockpit.

Recycled; Cuts before she replies.


Skybase fires forth.



A couple of missiles gets close to a trio of Air Fighters, exploding them massively in midair.



Graybot and VR Ryan face off across the field as the camera tracks right.

Used ahead of source and trimmed.


Graybot talks in close-up in field.

Cuts follow-up zoom in on VR Ryan.


Monoeye POV of VR Ryan pacing in the tall grass.

Pushed back by one shot; Cuts prior shot of internal battery lights.


Graybot raises his arm and fires his arrows, VR Ryan dodges twice, then leaps out of the way, only to get sparkily hip checked by one, causing him to fall and roll. Graybot fires another arrow, and VR Ryan watches, ready for it.

Trims start; cuts follow-up of VR Ryan swatting arrow aside.


A trio of Air Fighters flank beneath the VR Skybase, followed by another trio from another direction.



A trio of Air Fighters do a barrel roll.



Three Air Fighters and Ivar's Ravage Tank in flight mode swoop around and fire pink electricity, bursting the Skybase, as more Air Fighters also fire upon it with same results.

Recycled, cuts before fighters fly fully over.


VR JB turns and talks to VR Kaitlin in the Skybase cockpit, who nods in response.

Recycled, but runs longer but still cuts before he raises arm.


The VR Skybase passes to our slight left.



Graybot and VR Ryan face off across the field as the camera tracks right.

Slightly trimmed, but cuts just as shot synchs up with prior use of this shot.


VR Ryan charges up his Lightning Hand, so Graybot fires his arrows, each one getting charged chopped away. Graybot reacts, then leaps into the weeds, so VR Ryan hops in and joins him, but finds him absent. Suddenly, Graybot pops out of the weeds behind him, his internal battery lights up, then monoeye POV focuses on VR Ryan's right knee. Graybot fires his arrows, they land around VR Ryan's foot, and what one doesn't he swats off. Graybot fires another arrow quickly, hitting VR Ryan's left foot, causing him to crackle and writhe, before crouching down and gripping it. Graybot lowers his arm for a moment, watching VR Ryan struggle with the impaled arrow. He then raises his arm and prepares to fire more on his wounded foe, when VR Ryan looks skyward. A three tiered complex shifts and the bottom chamber opens up, inside the VR Turbo Cycle comes to life and drives itself down the ramp, then swoops down into a canyon, and begins to fly down for a landing.

Transitions out.


Air Fighters fire pink electricity.

Recycled; transitions in.


Skybase bursts as more Air Fighters also fire upon it with same results.



VRs Kaitlin and JB are shaken up in the cockpit.



A trio of Air Fighters do a barrel roll.



A trio of Air Fighters flank beneath the VR Skybase, followed by another trio from another direction.



VR JB turns and talks to VR Kaitlin in the Skybase cockpit, who nods in response.

Recycled, still cuts before the arm raise.


VR JB turns and talks to VR Kaitlin in the Skybase cockpit, who nods in response.

Recycled again.


A trio of Air Fighters do a barrel roll.



A trio of Air Fighters flies forth from the clouds, while another trio swoops in from the side.



Graybot talks while holding his bow gauntlet forth, VR Ryan replies, causing Graybot to turn just as the VR Turbo Cycle drives onto the scene. Graybot fires on it, the arrows bounce off its metal hull as it drives between him and VR Ryan, dazing the mutant. VR Ryan pulls the arrow out of his foot and tosses it aside, before leaping up and flipping over onto the Turbo Cycle, turning it around and driving right at Graybot, who dodges it on two separate passes. VR Ryan pulls the Cycle to a stop for a moment while turning it around, so Graybot opens his chestplate and fires from it, exploding around VR Ryan, but not stopping him or his Cycle. Graybot leaps up and flips over as the Cycle passes again. The Turbo Cycle drives at him once more, so Graybot again fires his chestplate forth, bursting dustily around VR Ryan, who bails out of the vehicle. Graybot reacts when he realizes the driver is gone but the Cycle is still heading at him.

Cuts two additional zoom-ins of the Cycle.


The driverless VR Turbo Cycle speeds at Graybot, who braces for impact and grabs the Cycle when it hits him, stopping it in its tracks, VR Ryan reacting from the sidelines.


Graybot slowly lifts the VR Turbo Cycle up off the ground.

The words "Sidephantom" and "Metalder" matted out on the Cycle.


Graybot strains to lift up close as his internal battery lights up.


Graybot slowly lifts the Cycle higher.

"Metalder" blurred out on Cycle.


Graybot continues to lift, VR Ryan speaks, then Graybot tosses the VR Turbo Cycle at him.

"Sidephantom" is visible in shot 2, no attempts to mask it; additional back of bike flying at the camera shot cut after final shot.


VR Ryan dodges as the VR Turbo Cycle lands softly beside him.

"Metalder" and "Sidephantom" matted out again.


VR Ryan rolls out of the way, then leaps up and flips over, jumpkicking into Graybot's gauntlet, breaking his arrows. He falls and rolls, but quickly recovers, now unleashing spikes on his left forearm. He then charges at VR Ryan, who dodges, then ends up locked wrist to wrist, the pair struggling with one another for a moment, until VR Ryan grabs Graybot and pulls him down the side of a hill. They tumble down onto another field, where VR Ryan kicks Graybot's feet out from under him when he gets up, then gets up himself and kicks Graybot in the face. He falls and rolls, then gets up, leaps up, lands, and strikes VR Ryan sparkily with his spiked forearm. VR Ryan leaps up, with his Lightning Hand already charged, and slashes the mutant, who crackles, VR Ryan posing, as Graybot spins around in dramatic slow motion.

Splits final shot.


VR Ryan stands there.

Cuts before he turns around; used ahead of source.


Continued, Graybot continues to collapse in slow motion.

Splits from two shots ago.


Slow zoom in on VR Ryan lowering his guard.

Used ahead of source.


Graybot lies there, chest smoking, hands curling, wound festering, and lights blinkering.

Cuts shot of mutant blood between shots 2 & 3.


Graybot now lies, smoking and lifeless, before VR Ryan.


VR Ryan turns around and begins to walk away, leaving Graybot's body behind. His internal lights blink.



Graybot's body remains. His internal lights blink.

Recycled; trimmed, then final shot plays in reverse.


Graybot slowly rises back to life once more, aiming his arm and firing his final arrow at VR Ryan, who swiftly turns around and catches it. Graybot slowly gets up and begins to march forth, so VR Ryan tosses the arrow aside and stands battle ready. The smoking mutant approaches, pauses, VR Ryan clenching his fists.

Cuts follow-ups of Graybot collapsing again, then getting up again.


Graybot smokes and struggles, his internal lights blink, then he collapses and explodes massively.

Trims start heavily; cuts follow-ups of Cannonbot finding his remains.


VRs JB & Kaitlin watch an explosion before them.

Recycled, trimmed.


VR JB turns and talks to VR Kaitlin in the Skybase cockpit, who nods in response, then VR JB readies right arm and nod-talks before reaching downward.

Recycled, but runs fully.


Slight zoom in on VR Ryan gazes out over a misty area.

Altered to fit VR JB's POV; trimmed heavily.


VR Ryan stares to our left.



VR Ryan stares to our left.

Recycled again.


Slow zoom out far from VR Ryan gazing out over a misty area.

Shortened heavily; plays in reverse; fades out to next shot.


Close on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well.

Recycled, trims start; fades in from prior shot; fades to black.

Ending Credits