#17: VRT 117 "Dogmatic Change".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, opening credits, episodes 1, 5, 6, 9, 27, 29, & 36; and Spielban, episodes 1, 3, 9, & 43.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:17;04.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
VRT 101. |
Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord and materializes onto his throne. |
Recycled. |
The virtual Mutants march forth in the mostly empty dungeon, crowd looking a little sparse and unusually bright, pumping fists in the air. |
Recycled. |
Grimlord points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us. |
Recycled, trimmed. |
Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of a pan across his laboratory as Colonel Icebot stands looking into a machine. |
Recycled. |
Grimlord talks a bit. |
Recycled, still cuts before he raises arm. |
Colonel Icebot turns around from the device and looks our way. |
Recycled, but unaltered (though still cuts before he talks more). |
Slow zoom in close on Grimlord, as he finishes shaking his head, then talks some more. |
Recycled; trims start. |
Grimlord's energy screen shows an image of Colonel Icebot talks at us near a console, angrily speaking, then turns back to the console. |
Recycled. |
Grimlord talks and soon points forth, then lowers hand as he continues talking closer. |
Recycled; fades to black. |
Pan over from a computer console to Grimlord reaching out to it beside his throne, as a matter transference chamber or something sits in the middle of the empty Virtual Dungeon. |
Grimlord talks, then looks over to and reaches out at the computer console. The dome on top of the chamber blinks, as the shot zooms in on the round window in the middle of it, Toxoid watching. |
Cuts follow-up of cat in chamber. |
Grimlord talks to Toxoid. |
Trims start to remove zoom out; cuts follow-up of a quick close-up of Toxoid; pushed back from source position. |
Toxoid talks and soon raises both arms. |
Trims start. |
Grimlord talks, then charges up his right hand and fires a beam of red energy into the chamber, charging it up as Toxoid steps back and watches. |
Trims start; cuts prior shots of Grimlord & Toxoid talking; cuts follow-ups of cat turning into monster; transitions out. |
MMPR 107. |
Aerial circling view of Angel Grove Park. |
Recycled; transitions in. ... Wait a minute, what show are we watching, again? |
Jeb, who has changed breeds, crackles, as the chamber he's in glows and crackles. Jeb soon glows and dematerializes. Grimlord talks as flashing occurs. |
Trims start to remove eyecatch bumper; cuts before Grimlord talks more; cuts follow-ups of Toxoid watching, the chamber ceasing glowing, and Grimlord nodding. |
Toxoid opens the chamber and Mutant Jeb stumbles out. |
Grimlord talks, then zoom in as he raises his right hand. |
Recycled. |
Mutant Jeb grips his hands and talks in close-up. Grimlord speaks and points briefly at Mutant Jeb, who responds. Zoom in on Mutant Jeb, then a close-up of Grimlord talking. Then a close-up of Mutant Jeb, then Toxoid turns to Mutant Jeb. |
Cuts before Toxoid can talk to Mutant Jeb; cuts follow-up shot of Mutant Jeb due to onscreen text; shots 3 & 5 are split from one another. |
Medium shot of Grimlord talking a lot. |
Recycled. |
Mutant Jeb grips his hands and talks in close-up. |
Recycled, shortened a little. |
Grimlord speaks for a moment, then raises his right hand forth. |
Trimmed a little; Transitions out. |
Nature footage of elephants, birds, hippos, gazelles, and uhh water buffalo? |
Cuts prior shot of angry cheetah; cuts follow-up of tigers in cage. |
Sharp zoom in on Mutant Jeb on the side of a cliff. |
Mutant Jeb skips in, clapping his hands and talking excitedly. |
Mutant Jeb talks up close. |
Mutant Jeb talks up close some more. |
Note that this shot and last are two different shots that the episode tries to splice into one shot, resulting in an awkward jump cut between the two. |
Mutant Jeb shakes a fence as a pair of lions are behind it. |
Slowed; split; altered to fit Hart's monitor. |
Pan across a coalition of angry cheetahs. |
Altered to fit Hart's monitor. |
Elephant trumpets. |
Recycled; Altered to fit Hart's monitor. |
Mutant Jeb continues shaking a fence as a pair of lions are behind it. |
Split from a few shots ago; altered to fit Hart's monitor. |
Zoom in on the Daktari tour bus as it drives around a giraffe, then rides onward. This is followed by more footage of various animals hanging out in captivity, such as zebras with gazelles and water buffalo, or monkeys with bears. A quick shot of the angry cheetahs, then some lions. |
Altered to fit Hart's monitor. Shot 5 barely lasts a few frames, as if they sloppily tried to remove the angry cheetahs being recycled; cuts follow-ups of more tigers. |
VRT 101. |
The three Trooper teens raise their glowing Virtualizers. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Ryan's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled. |
VRT 101. |
Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled; cuts before final shot finishes. |
VRT 101. |
J.B.'s VR transformation sequence. |
Recycled; fades out before final shot finishes. |
Mutant Jeb leaps forth. |
Fades in from prior shot. |
VR Ryan jumpkicks at Mutant Jeb, who blocks it, then they grab each other's arms, VR Ryan flinging his pet down, trying to choke him until Mutant Jeb kicks up and knocks him off. Mutant Jeb then leaps forth a few times and chomps down on VR Ryan's forearm. They struggle, until Mutant Jeb proceeds to repeatedly flip VR Ryan over. |
Cuts follow-ups of the pair leaping over by a bridge and fighting some more. |
The VR Skybase passes to our slight left. |
Recycled. |
Zoom in on VR JB in the cockpit, as he looks down at the monitor. |
Recycled. |
VR Skybase's monitor targets a mountaintop turret. |
VR JB talks in the cockpit, as he sits back in his chair. |
Recycled, cuts before he grips controls. |
VR Kaitlin and VR JB look upward suddenly in the cockpit. |
Trims start to remove VR JB talking briefly. |
Two sets of Air Fighters, three by three, fly upward from the grassy ground below. |
Recycled. |
A trio of Air Fighters flank beneath the VR Skybase, followed by another trio from another direction. |
Recycled. |
VR Kaitlin nod-talks in the cockpit. |
Recycled. |
Zoom in on VR JB, reacting. |
Air Fighters fire pink electricity. |
Recycled. |
VR JB turns and talks to VR Kaitlin in the Skybase cockpit, who nods in response. |
Recycled, cuts before he raises arm. |
Air Fighters pass over the Skybase, explosions erupt upon the ship. |
Recycled. |
VRs Kaitlin and JB are shaken up in the cockpit. |
Recycled. |
VR Ryan's POV of Mutant Jeb slowly getting up. |
Slowed; trims start; used ahead of source; altered to fit VR Ryan vision. |
VR Ryan turns and faces front. |
Used ahead of source. |
Mutant Jeb talks up close. |
Recycled; slowed. |
VR Ryan punches Mutant Jeb as he leaps at him, suddenly finding himself holding back Jeb's drilling horn, struggling to keep it back, digging his heels into the ground. VR Ryan struggles to hold him back, falling to a knee, then looking over at the nearby river. |
Start is trimmed a little. |
VR Kaitlin nod-talks in the cockpit. |
Recycled. |
Air Fighters fire pink electricity. |
Recycled. |
Air Fighters pass over the Skybase, explosions erupt upon the ship. |
Recycled. |
A trio of Air Fighters flies forth from the clouds, while another trio swoops in from the side. |
Recycled. |
VR JB presses the button on his controls. |
Recycled. |
Skybase fires forth. |
Recycled. |
A couple of missiles gets close to a trio of Air Fighters, exploding them massively in midair. |
Recycled. |
A massive explosion in midair. |
Recycled; repeated shot of explosion from prior shot for no reason. |
VRs JB & Kaitlin watch as a trio of Air Fighters explode before them. |
Recycled. |
VR Ryan's POV of Mutant Jeb growing a bunch of added spikes. |
Pushed back from source position; altered to fit VR Ryan vision. |
VR Ryan struggles with a grip on Mutant Jeb's spikes, then kicks him free and runs toward the river, his beloved doggo following right behind. Mutant Jeb lunges forth, VR Ryan backflips, Mutant Jeb falls flat, then VR Ryan grabs him from behind and leads him over into the shallow river. He flips Mutant Jeb over into the water, picks him up, then flips him over again. Some dogs just won't take a bath! |
Trims start; transitions out. |
Special celebrity guest, the star of Stephen King's Cujo! |
Slowed; altered to fit Hart's monitor; immediately repeats in second shot. |
VR Ryan sees Cujo, then looks down and nod-talks. |
Cujo barks, VR Ryan nods, and ceases drowning Mutant Jeb. |
Toxoid clenches his hands, as Mutant Jeb grabs VR Ryan, and bites on his shoulder. |
VR Ryan agonizes. |
Cuts follow-ups of Mutant Jeb biting his forearm, then him agonizing again. |
Cujo barks. |
Recycled, but unaltered. |
Mutant Jeb gnaws on VR Ryan's forearm, before suddenly biting on his shoulder, causing VR Ryan's eyes to light up. |
Last shot is recycled, per source; cuts follow-ups of coils igniting. |
Mutant Jeb keeps gnawing on VR Ryan's shoulder as he remains pinned down in the water. |
Cuts a few prior usable shots; trims start to remove zoom in. |
VR Ryan is unable to break free, nod-talking. Cujo want snausages. This causes Mutant Jeb to unclench his jaws upon VR Ryan and turn to look, as Cujo pants and tilts his head, zoom in on Mutant Jeb reacting. |
Cuts follow-ups of Cujo and a German Shepard hanging out in flashback. |
Cujo wonders if there's butts to sniff on the sun. |
Mutant Jeb makes his way toward Cujo. |
Mutant Jeb slowly gets up. |
Recycled, but unaltered; still used ahead of source. |
Cujo waits a second, then begins to walk forth, getting embraced by Mutant Jeb. |
VR Ryan turns and faces front. |
Recycled, but first time in context. |
Mutant Jeb slowly gets up. |
Recycled again, but in context at last. |
Toxoid pops out from behind the bridge, jerking his arms about. |
Pushed back from source position. |
Mutant Jeb speaks, then slowly walks forth, Toxoid reacting in fear, gesturing, before Mutant Jeb gets closer, then Toxoid spews foam at him. |
Cuts prior shot of Toxoid talking; cuts follow-up of Cujo reacting. |
VR Ryan watches with a defensive stance, as Mutant Jeb, covered with foam, collapses as soon as the foaming ceases. |
Cuts prior shot of him being foamed more; cuts follow-up of Toxoid talking. |
VR Ryan turns and faces front. |
Recycled. |
Toxoid gestures and speaks, before crouching down and teleportng away via turning into green ooze. |
Cuts prior shot of VR Ryan charging up lightning hand. |
VR Ryan nods. |
Pushed back from source position; Transitions out. |
The VR Skybase passes below us uncomfortably close. |
Recycled; trims start; transitions in. |
VR Kaitlin nod-talks in the cockpit. |
Recycled. |
The VR Skybase flies downward to our left and fires a pair of missiles at the mountains. |
Cuts before impact. |
A mountaintop turret explodes, twice. |
Zoom in on VR JB, reacting. |
Recycled, but plays in context. |
Close on VR Kaitlin nodding. |
Cuts follow-up shot of turret on fire but undamaged. |
As VR Kaitlin looks onward, VR JB fidgets in his seat talking. |
Cuts before he raises his arm. |
Grimlord briefly points, and talks in medium level shot. |
Recycled. |
As Bugbot bows, Toxoid talks and briefly raises a fist. |
Shortened heavily. |
The four Generals, and the rest of the mutants, pump their fists once in the air to hail Grimlord. |
As shot finishes zooming in, Grimlord talks. |
Trims start of shot, which was previously used without this bit. |
Close on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well. |
Recycled, trims start; transitions out. |