
VR Troopers

#18: VRT 118 "Save the Trees".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Metalder, Opening Credits, episodes 1, 3, 5, 6, 13, 22, 35, & 36; and Spielban, episodes 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 41, & 42.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:16;19.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
VRT 101.

Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord and materializes onto his throne.



The four generals in the Virtual Dungeon stand before Grimlord and a vanishing map overlay. They bow, as the camera zooms in on Grimlord.

Trims start; plays in reverse of source (thus ruining the map reveal effect); cuts follow-up close-ups of Decimator & Grimlord.


Decimator walks up to the map overlay and talks, Grimlord replies with a nod, then Decimator points his pointer at the block on the map that says "Nippon Bank".

Cuts follow-up shot of Grimlord talking & Decimator bowing.


Grimlord talks in a semi-close up shot.

Recycled, but runs longer than prior use; fades to black.

VRT 101.

Karl Ziktor morphs into Grimlord and materializes onto his throne.

Recycled again.


Track down the row of Decimator standing in line with his mutant faction.


Grimlord points forth, shooting a beam of energy at us.

Recycled, trimmed.

METALDER #01 / 06.

Grimlord's energy summons an energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon, forming an image of the entire mutant army out in a field, as Blue Boar gestures and his five minions step out in front of him, facing Dark Heart.

Recycled backplate, new insert.


Pan down the line as Cannonnose, Fighterbot, Tankotron, Ballistix, and Air Striker prepare to fire.

Recycled, but unaltered and runs fully.


Decimator turns around suddenly, the crouching Chainbot speaks and bows his head.


Decimator talks and motions hand to chest, as Chainbot turns to face him.

Cuts before Decimator gestures hand and talks more.


Chainbot gestures arm across chest.


Zoom in on Grimlord raising his right hand and talking.

Recycled, trims start.


Grimlord's energy screen above the mutants in the Dungeon forms an image of General Ivar, motioning his right hand as he talks close.

Recycled, both sets of footage.


Grimlord talks in a medium shot.

Recycled, cuts before zoom in.


General Ivar talks, then makes a fist.

Recycled, trimmed.


Close on Grimlord talking and raising his right hand.

Recycled, trimmed heavily; transitions out.


The Ravage Tank rolls up a dusty hill.

Recycled; transitions in.


General Ivar in his cockpit talks with his left arm raised and motioning.

Recycled, but unaltered; fades to black.


Chainbot stands in the forest, talking to our slight left as shot slowly zooms in.

VRT 101.

Ryan's VR transformation sequence.



VR Ryan runs into the woods and pauses, when Chainbot swings his flail at him. He dodges, dives, and rolls, then poses.

Cuts follow-ups of the pair talking a lot.


Chainbot talks, VR Ryan nods a reply, then Chainbot swings his flail around, VR Ryan dodging it repeatedly, until he gets whopped off his feet by the mutant's flail stick. Mutant Scouts/Drones/whatever they're called today leap into action, VR Ryan dodges each one, only for Chainbot to flail swing at him, so he cartwheels away, kicks a drone off, dodges the flail again, then fights another scout.

Trims start.


Grimlord's army walks forth, side by side, in a quarry.



The mutant army walks and drives forth to our right in a quarry.

Metalder #27 is the first time this portion of the opening appears textless.


A tree falls in the forest and no one is there (besides the camera crew).


VRT 101.

Kaitlin & JB raise their glowing Virtualizers.

Recycled montage from VRT 109.

VRT 101.

J.B.'s VR transformation sequence.

Recycled; cuts before final shot finishes..

VRT 101.

Kaitlin's VR transformation sequence.

Recycled; fades out before final shot finishes.


VR JB presses down on his blinking belt buttons.



Zoom in across a field to General Ivar walking along a hilltop, he stops and uncrosses his arms.

Cuts a little off at the end.


VR JB nod-talks while looking upward our left, VR Kaitlin also there.

Recycled; cuts before VR Kaitlin can do anything.


General Ivar gestures his thumb to himself.


Close-up of VR Kaitlin nodding.



Close on VR JB nodding.

Trims start a little and splits off end for later usage.


VR Kaitlin flips over the side of a hill with Laser Pistol in hand.


VR Kaitlin falls and rolls down the side of a quarry hill, then gets up and looks upward.

Shots 1 & 2 are recycled, but unaltered; cuts end before she poses defensively.


General Ivar gestures his hands while talking on the side of a cliff, zoom out to show VR Kaitlin turning to watch him.


General Ivar mischievously covers his mouth region with both hands, then races off.

Trims start.


Four Skugs race through a quarry in slightly dramatic slow motion.


Close on VR JB nodding, then switching Saber-holding hands.

Split from earlier; cuts before he pulls out Laser Pistol.


VR JB's POV of Skugs running forth, while VR Ryan talks in front of a cliff.

Recycled, both shots; altered to fit VR JB vision.


VR Ryan races out to a rocky area, discovering himself to be on a cliff overlooking a steep drop into the ocean. VR Ryan reacts, staring down over the edge, barely keeping his footing while remaining posed at the mutants before him. Chainbot swings his flail forth.

Cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan dodging his weapon, and the Mutant Drones' explosive shurikens.


VR Ryan is struck in the chest by the flail ball, causing him to go plummeting over the side of the cliff, right for the waves below.


As the hangar door opens, the VR Turbo Cycle comes to life, and it drives itself down the ramp.

Recycled, per source.


The VR Turbo Cycle flies away from us.

This whole Cycle sequence pushed way back from source position.


Sharp zoom in on the waves below.

Cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan being rescued by Hammerbot.


VR Ryan flips over and lands on the VR Turbo Cycle.

Plays in reverse of source and cuts end before he leans down to ride bike.


VR Ryan flies the VR Turbo Cycle forth through the sky.

Recycled; "Metalder" blurred out, as per usual.


Chainbot and the Mutant Scout Drones look down over the side of the cliff as shot zooms in.

Cuts before eyecatch bumper appears onscreen.


Riding the Turbo Cycle through the clouds, VR Ryan speaks, then leans into it.



VR Ryan swoops down and lands his VR Turbo Cycle.



VR Ryan's POV of the beach.

Altered to fit VR Ryan vision.


VR Ryan drives the VR Turbo Cycle on the beach.

Trims start.


VR Ryan ceases driving his VR Turbo Cycle, then leaps up and flips into the air.

Recycled, but runs fully and in proper order.


VR Ryan flips over in the woods, as Chainbot reacts.

Cuts prior stuff of pair facing each other; cuts final shot before zoom out; cuts a follow-up shot or two.


VR Ryan lands down the path from Chainbot, who reacts, as VR Ryan splits into two. Chainbot pulls out his weapon, as two VR Ryans turn into four! They pose, then two rush forth and flip over Chainbot, dematerializing in midair over him as he slashes and misses, then two more hop over him. Chainbot finds himself surrounded by VR Ryans, striking at them, they dodge or dematerialize then reappear behind him. Chainbot reacts, then the four merge back into one. He slashes and flail swings at the now sole VR Ryan, who dodges, then dematerializes, before popping back up, doing the trick again twice, causing Chainbot to sparkily slash a tree. Chainbot glances about, when VR Ryan jumpkicks from above, causing Chainbot to lose hold of his sword. VR Ryan catches it and speaks.

Warping effect added to every shot where an additional VR Ryan appears or disappears; splits final shot.


VR Ryan's POV of VR JB nod-talking and switching saber-holding hands, as Chainbot turns and talks in smaller display.

Recycled main shot; altered to fit VR Ryan vision.


VR Ryan's POV of VR JB fighting Skugs with his saber, as Chainbot continues talking in smaller display.

Altered to fit VR Ryan vision.


Zoom in on VR Ryan nod-talking and lowering sword. Chainbot responds, gestures hand, then prepares to swing flail.

Splits shot 1 from earlier; cuts final shot before zoom out to the pair fighting; cuts follow-ups of pair fighting, sword to flail.


VR Ryan flips over Chainbot, bounds off a tree, and slashes him with his sword on the way past, causing the mutant to lose grip on his flail, suddenly gripping his smoking right hand after. VR Ryan turns around, poses, tosses the sword away, then rushes forth.

Cuts follow-ups of VR Ryan beating the tar out of Chainbot, then Lightning Hand chopping him in half.


VR Ryan runs through the woods.

Cuts before he gets closer to the camera and stops.


VR Ryan's POV of VR Kaitlin fighting Skugs, and getting overwhelmed by them.

First half is altered to fit VR Ryan vision; cuts final shot before General Ivar appears behind them.


VR JB poses defensively.

Cuts follow-up of Ivar marching out of fire.


General Ivar unsheathes his sword and raises it high, gestures at himself, and speaks. VR JB faces him from across the quarry. VR JB gestures, pulls out his saber hilt, and extends the blade.


VR Kaitlin leaps forth with her elbow out, diving over a pair of Skugs, landing atop a quarry hill and proceeds to make her way down, taking down three Skugs. The third falls on his back, but gets back up and axe attacks. She blocks then chops him away, before whipping out her VR Laser Pistol and firing down on a pair of rifle-holding Skugs in the quarry below. VR Kaitlin quickly turns as another Skug attacks her from the side, smoking her chest on impact, so she smacks him aside. A second Skug joins in the fight, so she leaps up and flips off the side of the cliff, landing in the quarry, kicking, chopping, and then bounding off Skugs.

First 8 shots recycled, but shot 8 runs fully for first time; shot 9 recycled already.


VR JB faces General Ivar with his saber ready, so Ivar charges in, the pair meeting in the middle, where Ivar slashes him down. He slashes again, VR JB rolls under, then blocks his blade with his own, holding him off until Ivar sparkily slices down his back. VR JB gets up and turns to face Ivar, they exchange blade blows, with the General getting the upperhand and eventually knocking him on his back. VR JB blocks his sword with his saber, then gets up and continues to spar with Ivar.


VR Kaitlin chops one side of a Skug's neck, then the other side, before elbowing him away.


A Skug falls, VR Kaitlin turns and leg-chops another down, gets hit by another, then grabs the fourth, kicks the third down, and flips over the final Skug.

Recycled, but unaltered.


General Ivar and VR JB break off their blade lock, VR JB ducks under Ivar's slash, blocks his next one, then gets bopped in the back and sent falling over the edge of the cliff.

Cuts follow-ups of more fighting for usage in a later episode, of course.


VR JB rolls over to VR Kaitlin, they exchange words, then he gets up, as both of them whip out their Laser Pistols and aim them forth.


General Ivar's head crackles with pink electricity as he grasps it.

Fades out to next shot.


General Ivar crackles with bluish electricity while flailing about.

Fades in from prior shot and fades out to next; trims start to remove slashing effect.


An explosion erupts in a quarry.

Slowed; Fades in from prior shot; trims start to remove Cannonbot falling down.


VR JB turns to VR Kaitlin, the pair talking as VR JB puts his hand on her shoulder. They suddenly look upward.


The Air Castle emerges from underwater, VRs Kaitlin & JB posing defensively, as it retreats up into the clouds. VR JB snaps his right hand closed, VR Kaitlin talking to him, he turns to her and nods.


Zoom in between the four Generals, onto Grimlord talking on his throne. The Generals turn and look at Decimator, who bows slightly.

Cuts follow-ups of Grimlord talking and Decimator bowing.


Sharp zoom in on Grimlord, talking as his eyes glow red, then his right fist clenches and glows red as well.

Recycled; fades to black.

Ending Credits