Tommy, brainwashed into believing himself the ruler of the Machine Empire, and that the Power Rangers are his mortal enemies (despite being one himself), takes on Jason in the Skybase Arena. Billy still can't teleport the other Zeos into the arena, due to a forcefield covering it. Rita & Zedd, viewing the broadcast of the big fight, are at first thrilled to watch their old enemies doing battle with one another... until they realize that with the Rangers defeated, the ME will take over Earth, thus making it nearly impossible for them to take over the planet themselves! Reluctantly, they must help the Rangers stop Gasket's plan. So, with a little bit of their own energy (stealthly, of course, since nobody, not Zordon nor the Machine Empire, know they're lurking about on the moon), they help teleport the Zeo Rangers into the arena, to help put a stop to Tommy. Red Zeo Ranger is prepared to destroy them all, so it takes Kat demorphing in front of him, and confronting him as his friend, hoping he can recognize her, to have any hope of overcoming the brainwashing. The whole team demorphs, and the confusion created within Tommy's head overrides the Brain Drain's effects. A lot of good having their leader back is going to do them now, since they're trapped on the Skybase, surrounded by dozens and dozens of monsters, not to mention Prince Gasket & Archerina leading the assault.
But, nobody expects the bumbling inquisition! Bulk & Skull, lead by Tritor, take on an army of Cogs, hunt down the device operating the forcefield over the arena, and allow the Zeo Rangers to teleport to safety. Tritor, also able to return to his home world, thanks the duo for proving themselves as warriors, and that he and his people would all hail the two as heroes. Later, once all six Rangers, and both of the bumbling duo, are returned to Angel Grove, Bulk & Skull, obviously, brag about their exploits. Nobody believes them, as per usual. Cept the Power Teens, though they can't let on the true reasons they know.