
Power Rangers Wild Force

#440: PRWF 1222: "Sing Song".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Gaoranger, episodes 29 & 30.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:24;12.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits (version 2.1 debuts)

Source Description Edit Note
GAO #30.

Crouching in the Nexus, Super Toxica talks to Super Jindrax.

Cuts before they talk some more.

GAO #30.

Super Toxica looks over at Super Jindrax.

Trims start, cuts end.

GAO #29.

Pan across a mountain range, to a pair of antlers sticking out of the clouds, as the Deerzord opens her eyes.

Dissolves in; each shot dissolves between, per source.

PRWF 1201/1216.

All six Wild Force Rangers morph.

Recycled, but first time montage.

GAO #29.

Red motions his hand while talking, then gestures.

US replaces team-pose follow-up.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org readies spear, then charges forth.

GAO #29.

The Rangers race forth as the camera tracks toward them in the woods.

Recycled, but first time in context.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org twirls his spear, sparkily slashing each Ranger with energy trails, finally sending Blue flying into a tree, where his teammates then regroup around him.

Cuts follow-ups of Org sending Rangers to a fiery dimension.

GAO #29.

Lunar Wolf leaps up and begins to sparkily slash Tombstone Org, who remains unfazed, as the Ranger strikes forth twice.

Shot 3 is trimmed heavily to just one hit.

GAO #29.

Lunar Wolf sparkily slashes Tombstone Org again.

This is one of the previously trimmed off hits from before. Still missing one more hit, though. This replaces a close-up head blow to the Org.

GAO #29.

Lunar Wolf falls down, turns back and talks, Tombstone Org also talking, and gesturing, before turning to our right.

US replaces follow-ups due to Red using Lion Blaster at point blank range.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org is smoking, talking, and reaching out.

US replaces Rangers reacting.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org lowers his arm, closes his eye, then collapses and explodes.

Cuts follow-ups of Lunar Wolf vs Super Toxica & Super Jindrax.

GAO #29.

Super Jindrax looks to Super Toxica, who waves her wand and chants, firing seeds across the forest.

GAO #29.

The seeds drop into the green Org goop, then suddenly grow into tall twirling vines.

Recycled, fades to white, per source.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org towers over us.

Cuts follow-ups of Rangers due to Lunar Wolf being injured.

GAO #29.

Red, Yellow & Black summon with their Sabers, and Lunar Wolf fires two Crystals skyward, as their five Wildzords roar and race along, before they cross blades.

GAO #29.

Wolf & Hammerhead arms connect to the Wild Force Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

The five Rangers land in their very own spots upon Soul Bird.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Soul Bird flies around.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Soul Bird merges into Wild Force Megazord Predator Mode's back.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Wild Force Megazord Predator Mode poses fully formed. Tombstone Org talks, then the Megazord punches each of its arms forth, sparkily striking but unharming the Org.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org readies his spear, then begins to slash it forth, sparkily striking the Megazord repeatedly until it falls down, Lunar Wold reacting.

Shot 1 is textless, unlike source; cuts before LW turns his head; cuts follow-ups of Giraffe & Elephant arriving.

GAO #29.

Blue puts his Giraffe Crystal in his Saber and gestures.

GAO #29.

In a red energy tunnel, Giraffezord transforms into Spear Mode.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

The right Giraffezord Arm attaches to Wild Force Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Zoom out from Red as the Rangers gesture, Wild Force Megazord Predator Spear Mode readying spear arm, and firing it forth.

Last two shots are recycled, per source. Penultimate shot is actually cropped, per source.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org sparkily spear-bashes the approaching spear, then sparkily cuts off Wild Force Megazord Predator Spear Mode's Giraffe arm, causing it to fall off as the Megazord looks stunned.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org thrusts his spear's handle end into the ground, causing an Earthquake.

GAO #29.

Shot of ground breaking open.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Crack in the ground spreads open, releasing a fireball, shown from within the crack.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Three firebursts erupt from a craggy ground.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Firebursts erupt around the one-armed Megazord.

Cuts follow-ups of Nayzor & Duke Orgs watching.

GAO #29.

A slow pan-up shot of a mountain.

Pushed up from source position; plays in reverse.

GAO #29.

Lunar Wolf spots Deerzord on a nearby mountain.

GAO #29.

Deerzord stands there with eyes narrowed.

Mirror-flipped; plays in reverse; pushed up from source position.

GAO #29.

Slow zoom out from Deerzord on edge of a cliff.

Mirror-flipped; cuts before we see anyone below; pushed up from source position.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org talks, then fires an eye blast at the Deerzord, who is struck in the neck, but unharmed, she then fires back an antler beam, which creates a pair of antler-cuffs around his body, crackling him until he falls over and goes to sleep.

There's an added glow to the cuffs in shot 3.

GAO #29.

Lunar Wolf talks with his hand to his chest, as Deerzord turns her head, and each Ranger reacts, before Deerzord turns and leaves, Lunar Wolf then nod-talking.

Shot 2 is textless, unlike source.

GAO #29.

The cockpit straightens up, as Wild Force Megazord Predator Mode stands back up, its Red Lion chest eyes flashing, as Red talks within, and nearby, four of the Wildzords lie injured, while Tombstone Org remains imprisoned and slumbering on the ground.

Cuts follow-up cockpit shot.

GAO #29.

Princess Shayla & Merrick sing/play the flute for the Deerzord.

Japanese counterparts matted out; US versions superimposed in.

GAO #29.

Deerzord sways her head and looks pleased by the terrible music.

Dissolves out.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org opens his eye and his antler-cuffs spark burst.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org sheds his antler-cuffs.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org faces Kongazord Striker in the damaged city.

Cuts prior building destruction shots; Final shot is split.

GAO #29.

Zoom in on Kongazord Striker in the damaged city.

Split; fades out; altered to fit in Viewing Pond.

GAO #29.

Animus appears in the viewing pond.

Altered to fit Viewing Pond.

GAO #29.

Slow zoom out from Deerzord on edge of a cliff.

Recycled, but runs fully; GaoSilver matted out.

GAO #29.

The Bear Wildzords burp up their cannons.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Kongazord fires its Bear Blasters forth at Tombstone Org, as he twirls his spear, causing the energies to disperse before hitting him.

Shots 1 & 3 are recycled, split, and cropped, per source.

GAO #29.

The Rangers react, before Black talks and switches his Saber to the Armadillo Crystal.

GAO #29.

Armadillozord comes out of the Rhino foot, and rolls into a ball.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Kongazord Striker charges forth, eyes flashing, before kicking Armadillozord, sending him flying into Tombstone Org's spear, where he sticks to it, until the Org tosses the Zord back at the Kongazord, spark bursting it into falling over and crushing a building beneath it.. Tombstone Org laughs as the Kongazord remains down.

Fades to black.

GAO #29.

Deerzord looks pleased.

Recycled, trimmed.

GAO #29.

Deerzord narrows her eyes and begins to leave.

GAO #29.

Deerzord ceases departing, stopping to turn around.

GAO #29.

Deerzord's eyes widen happily.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org readies his spear, then begins to approach the downed Kongazord.

GAO #29.

Deerzord listens as Princess Shayla sings and Merrick plays the flute.

Counterparts matted out; Shayla & Merrick added.

GAO #29.

Deerzord sways her head and looks pleased by the terrible music.

Recycled, but without flashback effect, per source; dissolves out.

GAO #29.

Push in on the reflection of Princess Shayla in Deerzord's eye.

Counterpart erased, Shayla added.

GAO #29.

Deerzord rears back and howls.

GAO #29.

Deerzord howls.

GAO #29.

Deerzord blinks, then her eye flashes.

GAO #29.

Princess Shayla holds the Deer Crystal as it ceases glowing.

GAO #29.

Deerzord rears back and howls.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

All five Wildzords roar at the same time.

Recycled, per source; pushed back from source position.

GAO #29.

The Rangers talk amongst themselves a lot in the cockpit.

Cuts before Red talks some more; pushed back from source position; cuts follow-up close-ups of each Ranger.

GAO #29.

Yellow talks in the cockpit.

Cuts follow-up close-up of Red talking; pushed back from source position.

GAO #29.

The Rangers talk amongst themselves some more in the cockpit, then Red talks some more as shot zooms in.

Trims start; pushed back from source position; cuts follow-ups of Org stomping on Kongazord.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org picks Kongazord up by its neck.

Cuts follow-up shot of Nayzor.

GAO #29.

Tombstone Org keeps a hold of Kongazord, preparing to hit it with his spear, when Red speaks, then Kongazord fires its shoulder cannons at the Org, bursting him back until he drops his spear.

GAO #29.

Kongazord tosses its anchor at Tombstone Org, wrapping him in chains. Kongazord then rushes over, grabs the Org, and leaps up, taking him into the sky.

Cuts follow-up of Nayzor.

GAO #29.

Kongazord with Tombstone Org goes all the way, then quickly comes back down upside-down, before both crash explosively into the city, sending the Wildzords flying apart, and the Rangers leap to safety.

GAO #29.

The Rangers land, and turn around, seeing Tombstone Org recovering, but with energy waves coming off his body. The Rangers talk, then Red points.

GAO #29.

Atop a building, Deerzord releases energy particles from her antlers, which float up to the Animarium, and converge upon Red Lion, gleaming him.

GAO #29.

Red Lion steps forth slightly and roars.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

The other four Wildzords' eyes flash.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Deerzord howls.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

White sticks the Deer Crystal in her Saber, the Rangers point their Sabers in a circle, and Red looks up and gestures, before the four Wildzords being summoned roar and make their way there.

GAO #29.

Deerzord hops from rooftop to rooftop, then in a purple energy tunnel, transforms into Clutcher Mode, before connecting to the Wild Force Megazord, Red then gesturing and leaping up.

GAO #29.

The five Rangers land in their very own spots upon Soul Bird.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

Soul Bird flies around.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #29.

In the Soul Birded cockpit, the Rangers cross arms and then release.

GAO #29.

Wild Force Megazord Clutcher Mode poses against sparkings.

GAO #29.

The Rangers gesture as shot zooms in on Red, as Wild Force Megazord Clutcher Mode charges up its antler-hand and creates a massive bubble, wrapping Tombstone Org within it.

GAO #29.

Wild Force Megazord Clutcher Mode poses, as the bubble-entombed Tombstone Org disintegrates, before the bubble full of energy flies off into the heavens.

Princess & GaoSilver matted out.

GAO #29.

The Rangers make celebratory gestures.

GAO #29.

Animus talks in the sky while glowing.

GAO #29.

Animus nods, then fades away in a flash.

Cuts before pan down.

Ending Credits