
Power Rangers Wild Force

#441: PRWF 1223: "The Wings of Animaria".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Gaoranger, episodes 2, 30, & 31.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:24;05.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Next Time On is about 0:30; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
GAO #30.

Super Nayzor stands there, eyes glowing.

Cuts all prior stuff of Nayzor turning into Super Nayzor; trims start to remove unexplosion; US replaces follow-up Rangers reacting.

GAO #30.

Lunar Wolf talks to Super Nayzor across the field, he responds.

Trims start; cuts prior usable footage of more talking; cuts follow-up bits of LW & SN facing off.

GAO #30.

Lunar Wolf clenches his fist as Super Nayzor talks to him.

Cuts follow-up shot of LW talking.

GAO #30.

Birds fly out of the trees.

Recycled, mirror-flipped, per source.

GAO #30.

Lunar Wolf charges forth with his Lunar Cue, then leaps up.

Cuts follow-up extra leaping shot.

GAO #30.

Lunar Wolf leaps forth and tries to strike his Cue at Super Nayzor, who grabs the blade, grabs him, then flings him back across the field.

GAO #30.

Lunar Wolf changes his Cue to Sniper Mode.

Shot 2 is recycled, per source.

GAO #30.

Lunar Wolf fires his Cue at Super Nayzor, who blocks it, causing burstings around him, before leaping up and gliding at the Ranger, firing electricity explosively at him, knocking him down as he comes in for a landing.

US replaces follow-up of SN stomping on LW.

GAO #30.

Close, upward shot of Super Nayzor talking.

Cuts follow-ups of LW trying to fight back, then US replaces Rangers approaching.

GAO #30.

Super Nayzor gestures and fires electricity at the approaching Rangers, smoke bursting them down, but Red recovers quickly, then leaps up, goes to strike, when Super Nayzor wraps him up in electricity and flings him into a wall. He then falls in a mud puddle, where his teammates regroup around him.

Cuts follow-ups of SN lifting LW up by his neck.

GAO #30.

Super Nayzor holds Lunar Wolf up, then tosses him through the other Rangers sparkily, before the Org General begins to approach them, Red leading the team in readying weapons.

GAO #30.

The Rangers' weapons are combined into the Jungle Sword.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #30.

The Rangers raise the Jungle Sword, as Super Nayzor continues to approach.

Cuts follow-up Rangers close-up shot.

GAO #30.

As the Jungle Sword glows and shimmers, Red rotates it, then as the energy rises to the tip, he Savage Slashes the energy slice forth.

Recycled, per source; Cuts shot 1 before Japanese text appears.

GAO #30.

Super Nayzor deflects the Savage Slash, then fires a palm charge forth, exploding the Rangers all over the place, until they all fall down.

Cuts follow-ups of each Ranger writhing, then the Orgs talking, before Blue charges in and gets injured.

GAO #31.

Red & Lunar Wolf get ready, then charge forth at Super Nayzor, who talks, then glides between them, sparkily slashing past, but they quickly recover, so he then flies in and fires electricity, bursting them down.

US replaces prior stuff of other Rangers each being defeated, with them just demorphing at once.

GAO #31.

Super Nayzor readies a kind of two-clawed scraper weapon, then approaches the downed Rangers.

Cuts follow-up of him grabbing Red's head with weapon, US replaces it with something less threatening.

GAO #31.

Super Nayzor raises his weapon and is about to strike the downed pair of Rangers, when lightning cracks through him sparkily, bursting him down, as Red & Lunar Wolf look up to see Animus in the darkened sky, they and Super Nayzor react, as his eyes glow and he fires a beam from his forehead.

GAO #31.

Red & Lunar Wolf are teleported away by Animus, who then vanishes from the sky, leaving Super Nayzor annoyed.

Fades to black.

GAO #31.

Super Nayzor gestures at fleeing Japanese civilians, then talking.

Altered to fit Viewing Pond; cuts prior bits of Orgs entering city; cuts follow-ups of SN blasting building.

GAO #31.

Lunar Wolf & Red flip in front of Super Nayzor, then turn and pose and talk with clawed gloves.

Cuts follow-up individual posing shots.

GAO #31.

Lunar Wolf & Red gesture and pose in front of Super Nayzor and the Super Duke Orgs.

Final shot is textless, unlike source.

GAO #31.

Super Jindrax readies his blades and is about to attack, when Super Nayzor holds him back, talks, then leaves him and Super Toxica behind and slowly approaches the Rangers, Red & Lunar Wolf rushing in and attacking him, only to get blocked and sparkily struck back.

GAO #31.

Lunar Wolf is suddenly teleported into Super Nayzor's clutches.

Teleport effected added to bridge two shots. Why? Because they cut a shot of SN grabbing LW's neck between.

GAO #31.

Lunar Wolf is tossed over by Super Nayzor, he lands in front of the Super Dukes. Red & Lunar Wolf then jump and strike at Super Nayzor, but he catches their weapons and fries the pair sparkily with his nostril eye-beams.

Shot 3 is trimmed to reduce dialogue.

GAO #31.

Red is sparkily struck down by Super Nayzor, then Lunar Wolf.

GAO #31.

Red is sparkily bashed in the back by Super Nayzor.

Altered to fit vision; Cuts before he gets stomped on; cuts follow-ups of LW attacking and failing; pushed ahead of source position.

GAO #31.

Lunar Wolf is tossed over by Super Nayzor.

Recycled; Altered to fit vision.

GAO #31.

Lunar Wolf & Red each get up while talking, one on each side of Super Nayzor, push in on Red talking determinedly.

GAO #31.

Super Nayzor readies his nose-picker weapon and is about to drop it upon Red, when the Falcon Summoner teleports into his hands, and not only blocks the weapon, but releases a charge that spark bursts Super Nayzor down.

Cuts prior shots of SN bashing Red against pole.

GAO #31.

Red stands up and awes over his new Falcon Summoner, then raises it and holds it ready.

Shimmering effects added; shot of close-up of FS between shots 3 & 4 is cut.

GAO #31.

Super Nayzor recovers, so Red readies his Falcon Summoner, changes it to Archer Mode, and fires it at Super Nayzor, exploding him.

Shot 2 is textless, unlike source; fades to black; cuts follow-up of Super Duke Orgs.

GAO #02.

Five seeds drop into the green Org goop, then suddenly grow into tall twirling vines, reforming a giant body in a flash.


GAO #31.

Super Nayzor rises up, gigantically.

Cuts follow-ups of Red & LW being blasted by him.

PRWF 1201.

Alyssa, Max, Danny, and Taylor's morphing sequences.

Recycled montage from 1208.

GAO #31.

Super Nayzor stands giant, talking downward.

Trims start.

GAO #31.

Red pulls out his Saber, sticks the Falcon Crystal in it, then changes Falcon Summoner to Archer Mode, loads his Saber into it, and fires a red ball of energy skyward.

Shots 3 & 4 are recycled, per source; cuts before energy passes through sky; cuts follow-up Animarium shot.

GAO #31.

Falconzord rises explosively through within a volcano, flaps off the flames, and soars through the sky toward the city, shrieking.

Shot 2 is textless, unlike source.

GAO #31.

Red reacts, as Super Nayzor does well, before Falconzord swoops down and sparkily claws into the Org General repeatedly, then picking him up off the ground.

US replaces follow-up of Red; Cuts follow-up of Super Duke Orgs;

GAO #31.

Falconzord pecks Super Nayzor's nose sparkily, then releases him, he falls to the ground, as the Falconzord flies in a circle, and shrieks.

GAO #31.

The other four Rangers place their Crystals in their Sabers.

Pushed up from source position.

GAO #31.

Deer, Giraffe, Rhino, and Armadillo roar all at once.

GAO #31.

Giraffezord races through the city.

GAO #31.

Deerzord hops from rooftop to rooftop.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #31.

Armadillozord runs a little ahead of Rhinozord.

Recycled, per source.

GAO #31.

The Rangers all point their Sabers into a circle, then look up and summon.

GAO #31.

Falconzord shrieks, then the five Wildzords race along through the mountainous terrain, before Falconzord transforms, Giraffezord turning into the Spear Arm, Deerzord into the Clutcher Arm, and Rhinozord the legs, all coming together to form the Isis Megazord.

Final shot is textless, unlike source.

GAO #31.

The Rangers motion arms in the Soul Birded cockpit.

GAO #31.

Super Nayzor recovers and looks up at the approaching Isis Megazord, so he begins to fire nostril beams upward, which the Megazord blocks with its wing shields.

GAO #31.

Super Nayzor talks, then takes flight, Red responding, by having Isis Megazord follow, strafing past Super Nayzor, who fires upon it, but the Megazord avoids the blasts, then sparkily bashes the Org General when in range.

GAO #31.

They break off, then fly back at each other, where Blue has the Giraffe arm strike sparkily, while White has the Deer arm also strike sparkily, knocking Super Nayzor into a daze.

GAO #31.

Red gestures his Saber downward, causing the Isis Megazord's eyes on its wings to change to cat-like, as the Isis Stare attack flashes at Super Nayzor, crackling his body.

GAO #31.

Yellow raises her Saber, as does Black, as Isis Megazord kicks Armadillozord into Super Nayzor sparkily.

GAO #31.

Red leads the team in a group gesturing in the cockpit, as Isis Megazord performs the Final Strike on Armadillozord, kicking his glowing body into Super Nayzor, exploding him massively in midair.

Cuts follow-up of energies flowing upward. Then cuts follow-ups of Nayzor being killed by Rangers on ground.

GAO #31.

Track around Isis Megazord as it poses victoriously.

Trims start.

Ending Credits