
Power Rangers Ninja Storm

#461: PRNS 1303: "Beauty and the Beach".

Features Footage from (bold = new footage):
Hurricanger, episodes 2, 3, & 13.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:25;26.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note

PRNS 1301.

Shane's morphing sequence.


PRNS 1301.

Dustin's morphing sequence.


HURRI #03.

Red & Yellow flip over and sparkily slash Copybot, before sparkily slash at him some more.

Cuts prior shot of pair jumping up.

PRNS 1301.

Tori's morphing sequence.


HURRI #03.

Copybot faces the Rangers as a group of Kelzaks makes the scene, he talks and points his armblade forth, the Kelzaks hop to it and rush at the Rangers.

HURRI #03.

Red grips his Sword, the symbol expands into a Kanji before returning to the handle.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #03.

The Rangers whip out their Swords then charge into battle, each one fighting Kelzaks behind shoji screens, before they streak into a crouching position as Kelzaks burst down behind them.

HURRI #03.

Copybot talks, then fires eyebeams forth.

Pushed back from source position.

HURRI #13.

The Wind Rangers are struck in the chest and spark burst until they begin to fall.

Trims start to remove visibility of different monster.

HURRI #13.

The Wind Rangers start to fall.

Single frame artifact due to sloppy editing.

HURRI #13.

The Wind Rangers roll back up into defensive positions.

HURRI #03.

Copybot laughs.

Pushed back from source position; fades to black before scene darkens; cuts follow-ups of Rangers posing with umbrellas.

HURRI #03.

Copybot talks.

Recycled, cuts before he fires eyebeams; fades in from black.

HURRI #03.

The Rangers, all crouched, look up at Copybot, who reacts in a panic, before they all leap and flip at him, striking their Swords at him all at once, only for him to disappear, Red talking as he glances about, the monster then rematerializing as he approaches.

HURRI #03.

Blue gestures her hands, turning the ground to water, causing Copybot to submerge suddenly as she slowly joins him beneath the waves, where she readies her sword and spins around him quickly, sparkily slashing repeatedly, hitting one last time, before gesturing her hands and sending a pressure spray of water at him, which blasts him out of the water, falling onto solid ground again, where she regroups with her teammates, each with their weapons ready.

HURRI #03.

Storm Striker is formed, with Blue's Sonic Fin in front, Blue aims it forth as her teammates brace on the sides, she talks, Copybot recovers, just as they fire the Storm Striker, a blue energy bubble being shot at him, engulfing the monster, lifting him up into the air, where it begins to explode.

Cuts before he explodes, US replaces it on Lothor's screen, in fact; Cuts follow-up of bodily debris raining down.

HURRI #03.

Blue turns around and looks upward as her teammates join her in doing the same.

HURRI #13.

Growth scroll flies in, unfolds, and activates, causing the monster's remains to grow gigantic.

Recycled; HURRI #03's version is unusable due to Kapri's counterpart being onscreen.

HURRI #03.

The Rangers react to the giant's presence, Red pointing at it offscreen, before Blue nod-talks into her Morpher.

HURRI #03.

A jetliner transforms into the Hawkzord in a flash of green energy, before taking off.

Recycled, per source; cuts prior shot of planes on runway.

HURRI #03.

A luxury cruise ship transforms into the Dolphinzord while passing under a bridge.

Recycled, per source; cuts prior shot of ship.

HURRI #03.

A ferris wheel and roller coaster transforms into the Lionzord, which then stomps and walks away.

Recycled, per source; cuts prior shot of ferris wheel.

HURRI #03.

The Rangers step forth, then jump up.

HURRI #03.

The Rangers land in their Zords' cockpits, as the three Ninja Storm Zords race alongside each other.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #03.

Copybot turns around, as Blue nod-talks in her cockpit and gestures her hands.

Cuts follow-up shot of Lionzord's paw.

HURRI #03.

Lionzord transforms into most of a body, Dolphinzord becomes the right arm, and Hawkzord transforms into the head, connecting atop, forming the steam-releasing Storm Megazord.

Recycled, shots 4 & 5 shortened, per source; cuts follow-up of Copybot reacting.

HURRI #03.

Storm Megazord turns to face Copybot, who gestures his hand, and replicates into five total copies, which the Megazord reacts to, Red pointing and nod-talking, before the Copybots charge in and rapidly strike the Megazord repeatedly, shaking up the cockpits, before a final sparkily strike sends it staggering back.

Cuts zoom in on Megazord between shots 4 & 5.

HURRI #03.

Triple cockpit shot of the Rangers appearing to be at a loss, glancing about while Blue nod-talks.

HURRI #03.

Quick cockpit shots of Yellow, Blue, and Red, each saying something quick.

HURRI #02.

Cam talks on the console viewscreen.

Recycled background footage. A similar shot in HURRI #03 could've been used instead, but I guess they were too lazy.

HURRI #02.

Slow zoom in on Red, nod-talking in his cockpit.

Cuts before he talks some more.

HURRI #03.

Blue nod-talks then raises her right fist.

HURRI #03.

Yellow excitedly talks with a fist gesturing.

HURRI #03.

Zoom out from Red as he talks, the other two Rangers then appearing alongside him, they nod-talk in unison and reach down with their right hands.

Partially recycled, but first time in context and unedited.

HURRI #03.

Storm Megazord morphs into Lightning Mode.

HURRI #03.

Storm Megazord in Lightning Mode poses completed.

Textless, unlike source.

HURRI #03.

Zoom in on Red as he gestures his left hand.

Trims start.

HURRI #03.

Lightning Mode readies arms, then bounces back and forth.

Shot 2 is trimmed on both ends.

HURRI #03.

Lightning Mode hops back and forth in front of the Copybots, one of which then fires eyebeams, so Lightning Mode cartwheels out of the way of the spark bursts, before finally leaping up, jumpkicking into one Copybot, and bounding into another.

Cuts follow-up of LM bounding back at a third Copybot, and heel-dropping on his neck.

HURRI #03.

Lightning Mode sparkily chops into a Copybot.

Cuts follow-up of LM roundhouse kicking monster in head.

HURRI #03.

Lightning Mode sparkily kicks another Copybot.

HURRI #03.

Lightning Mode is crouching when it whips out armblades, which it then crosses, before getting up and leaping up and flipping over while slashing armblade forth, slashing at Copybots while leaping and twirling about., turning the four copies into fading green flames.

Cuts additional flip between shots 3 & 4 ; also cuts follow-up shot of LM turning head widely.

HURRI #03.

Lightning Mode sparkily slashes Copybot and turns to do it again.

HURRI #03.

Lightning Mode has sparkily slashed Copybot again, when it crosses its blades and double-jabs the monster.

Trims start.

HURRI #03.

Storm Megazord demorphs out of Lightning Mode.

Recycled, plays in reverse, per source; cuts follow-up of Copybot recovering.

HURRI #03.

Blue nod-talks while gripping her Morpher, taking her disc out, then she and her teammates insert their discs into the slots and pull the levers.

HURRI #03.

Colored energy combines in the middle of Storm Megazord, the Rangers then nod-talk, before Power Sphere 01 pops out of Storm Megazord's chest, hatches and expands into the Serpent Sword.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #03.

Red nod-talks and gesture his hands.

HURRI #03.

Wielding the Serpent Sword, Storm Megazord is suddenly joined by two energy clones at each side.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #03.

Red nod-talks, readies his fingers, and presses down.

HURRI #03.

All three Storm Megazords slash their swords forth in a different angle.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #03.

Sparkily slashed three times, Copybot crackles, then disintegrates in a flash of energy before the Storm Megazord trio.

HURRI #03.

The three Storm Megazords merge back into one.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #03.

Blue nod-talks then raises her right fist.


HURRI #03.

In an upward angle, Storm Megazord lowers its Serpent Sword triumphantly.

Fades to black.

Ending Credits