
Power Rangers Ninja Storm

#474: PRNS 1316 "The Samurai's Journey, Part I".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Hurricanger, episodes 2, 9, 10, & 22.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:28;00.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
PRNS 1301.

The Wind Rangers' morphing sequences.

Recycled montage from PRNS 1304.

PRNS 1311.

The Thunder Rangers' morphing sequences.

Recycled montage from PRNS 1311.

HURRI #22.

Madtropolis talks to his metal orb.

Altered to fit monitor; both shots shortened considerably.

HURRI #22.

A lit fuse connected to the metal orb burns down, as Madtropolis watches and laughs.

Cuts prior shot of Madtropolis lighting fuse with lighter; trims start of shot 1 to remove more of that; trims shot 2 to remove Madtropolis stepping back with lighter; cuts follow-up additional shot of burning fuse.

HURRI #22.

The fuse continues to burn closer, when a red streak (of unmorphed HurriRed, shh!) passes by, snagging the metal orb, Madtropolis then turning and reacting.

HURRI #22.

Red flips over, Madtropolis rushes after him, as Red dashes through the warehouse, the monster firing a forehead light that sends flames bursting up around him as he narrowly avoids them, dives, turns, and fires his Hawk Blaster at Madtropolis, who fades from sight. Red glances about, when Madtropolis jumps up behind him and sparkily strikes him down. Red rolls, then looks to his Morpher.

Cuts prior shots of Rangers posing and stuff, US replaces most of it; shot 2 is actually pushed back from its source position and trimmed considerably.

HURRI #22.

Red talks to his Morpher, Madtropolis talks to him, he gets up, talking, and holds out orb. Madtropolis talks, then warps out of sight, turning the scene into a black background, mist-ground void. Red glances about talking, when he sees the monster charging at him. He pulls out his sword and sparkily slashes him a few times, only to have the illusion fade into the two Thunders! Red rushes to their side and talks to them, when Blue & Yellow appear, the latter firing his blaster sword at the three. Red pushes through the smoke and talks, when Yellow begins to sparkily slash him, then does the same to the Thunders, as Blue strikes Red.

Shots 4 is trimmed slightly; last shot cuts before Blue can put her sword near Red's neck; US replaces follow-ups for same reason.

HURRI #22.

Yellow & Blue fall to the ground and look up, as three Madtropolis warp back into the Thunders and Red, Yellow and Blue reacting.

US replaces prior shot of Crimson punching Yellow; cuts last shot before Blue talks some more.

HURRI #22.

Madtropolis walks forth talking, the five Rangers regroup, Red talking, Madtropolis replies, then warps out of sight. Red steps forward and turns to see his teammates turn into Madtropolises. One of which strikes him sparkily, he falls, rolls, and recovers. Another charges at him, so he sparkily slashes it, only to discover it was Yellow. Red talks to himself a bit, the camera passing by him as he concentrates, then finally looks forth.

A lot of these shots are trimmed to reduce dialogue; last shot cuts before Red can talk any.

HURRI #22.

Red fires on Madtropolis, who bursts, falls, and rolls, reverting the scene to the warehouse before vanishing. The Rangers rally around Red, they exchange dialogue, Red then is overwhelmed as he drops his sword and falls to his knees, his teammates suffering similar bodily weaknesses. Each talks, writhes, and clutches their chest on the ground.

US replaces follow-up of Blue due to commercial bumper cutting in so quickly.

HURRI #22.

Madtropolis' head appears above the Rangers, firing eyebeams down upon them explosively, knocking them down. Madtropolis reappears, walking in and talking. Red gets up, talking, his teammates following, as he raises a fist.

Cuts shot 3 before they writhe more.

HURRI #22.

Storm Striker & Thunder Blaster are combined to create the Thunderstorm Cannon.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #22.

The Rangers aim the Thunderstorm Cannon at Madtropolis, who laughs then makes dozens of copies of himself all around. Red then speaks..

Trims shot 3 before they writhe more.

HURRI #22.

Hawk Blaster's gyro revs up, electricity crackles along the Thunderstorm Cannon to the tip, Red pulls the trigger.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #22.

The Thunderstorm Cannon fires a ball of energy at the Madtropolises, striking only the real one and vaporizing the illusions. The Rangers break off with their weapons and watch as Madtropolis crackles, collapses, and explodes.

Cuts follow-up of colored exclamation points flying out of metal orb.

HURRI #09.

Growth scroll unfolds and activates, causing the monster's remains to grow gigantic.

Recycled; replaces 22's Kapri-based version.

HURRI #02.

A large metal door opens.

Recycled, cuts before we see what's inside.

HURRI #02.

Electricity flows into Hawkzord, teleporting it away.


HURRI #02.

A jetliner transforms into the Hawkzord in a flash of green energy, before it takes flight.


HURRI #02.

A luxury cruise ship transforms into the Dolphinzord while passing under a bridge.


HURRI #02.

A ferris wheel and roller coaster transforms into the Lionzord, which then stomps and walks away.


HURRI #02.

Lionzord marches through downtown traffic, roaring and releasing steam all the while.


HURRI #02.

Hawkzord flies through the sky above the city.


HURRI #02.

The three Ninja Storm Zords race alongside each other.


HURRI #10.

Navy Beetlezord leaps over a forested mountain.


HURRI #10.

Insectizord & Beetlezord approach and come to a park in front of the Winds' Zords.


HURRI #10.

Lionzord transforms into most of a body, Dolphinzord becomes the right arm, and Hawkzord transforms into the head, connecting atop, forming the steam-releasing Storm Megazord.

Recycled; sped-up.

HURRI #10.

In a dark swirling tunnel, Insectizord & Beetlezord come together.

Recycled; trimmed and split.

HURRI #22.

Thunder Megazord finishes forming, then punches its left fist forth and begins to charge it up.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #22.

Storm Megazord stands finishes and steam-releasing.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #22.

The Storm & Thunder Megazords face Madtropolis in the city, he talks, then gestures and fires bolts at them, spark bursting both and all the cockpits.

HURRI #10.

Red nod-talks in cockpit on monitor.

Recycled, shortened considerably, altered to fit monitor.

HURRI #22.

Power Disc ports into dashboard, Red picks it up and places it in the slot, turns the handle, and Power Sphere 09 comes out of the Storm Megazord, releasing a giant red scarf.

HURRI #02.

Slight zoom in on Red, nod-talking in cockpit.

Recycled, trimmed heavily.

HURRI #02.

Close on Red, nod-talking in cockpit.

Recycled, some of the same as last shot, trimmed heavily.

HURRI #22.

Madtropolis fires handblasts at the Megazords, Storm Megazord deflects them down with its scarf, then whips it at the monster, where it flies around him, sparkily striking on the way by. It returns, Storm Megazord drapes it over both Megazords and they both vanish. Madtropolis isn't impressed, talking, then firing handblasts forth.

Cuts before city sets on fire (even though it's already on fire in next shot).

HURRI #22.

The city around them ablaze, the Megazords reappear, both then sparking bursting. Red writhes and talks, before all five cockpits spark burst. The Rangers are suddenly ejected.

HURRI #22.

Upward push in on Madtropolis, talking downward.


Ending Credits