
Power Rangers Ninja Storm

#489: PRNS 1331 "Double-Edged Blake".

Features Footage from (bold = new):
Hurricaneger, episodes 9, 18, 28, 38, & 41.

The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 21:28;00.

Opening is about 1:00; by itself.

Ending is about 0:30; by itself.

Opening Credits

Source Description Edit Note
HURRI #18.

Red jumps about face as Choobo bursts.

Recycled; altered to fit viewscreen.

HURRI #41.

Yellow bashes Bald Loser sparkily with his Lion Hammer.

Shortened; altered to fit viewscreen.

HURRI #41.

Yellow bashes Shimazu sparkily with his Lion Hammer.

Altered to fit viewscreen; second shot is a lingering follow-up frame left in by accident.

HURRI #28.

Zurganezord II's cockpit sparks around Zurgane.

Recycled; Second shot is a few lingering follow-up frames left in by accident; Altered to fit viewscreen.

PRNS 1301/1311.

The Winds' & Crimson's morphing sequences.

Recycled, but first time montage in this particular order.

HURRI #38.

Shimazu talks and gestures to Inflatron, who replies, before both look up.

Cuts follow-ups of single shots of each Ranger on nearby rooftops.

HURRI #38.

The five Rangers leap down from above, and land in the plaza before the villains, with Shimazu gesturing and talking.

US replaces follow-up of Rangers talking.

HURRI #38.

Yellow nod-talks and raises a fist, is about to rush into battle, when Red stops him, talks, then readies fist, leaps up, begins to whip out his sword, only for Inflatron to sparkily slap him with his tentacle arm until he falls and rolls over to the other Rangers. Red writhes as Blue picks him up a little and talks. Inflatron fires balloons forth at the team, sparkily floating past them until they collapse and writhe smokily.

Shots 9 & 10 are trimmed a little.

HURRI #38.

Shimazu points and laughs at the downed Rangers, as does Inflatron, who speaks, then turns suddenly.

Fades in from black.

HURRI #38.

Navy jerks back and fires energy from his forehead at Shimazu & Inflatron, bursting about them. The Rangers regroup around Navy, with Red talking forth a bit.

Trims start to remove Navy ninja gesturing.

HURRI #38.

Storm Striker & Thunder Blaster are combined to create the Thunderstorm Cannon.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #38.

The Rangers prepare to fire Thunderstorm Cannon, except Navy, who stands, arms folded, in their way. Red talks, Navy turns slightly to reply. Blue talks some, Navy responds, then pulls out his Thunder Blade, twirls it, and poses with it pointed at Shimazu, who points back and talks. Crimson speaks to Navy concernedly.

Shot 3 is shortened to reduce dialogue. Final shot cuts before Red talks (US replaces it, in fact).

HURRI #38.

Shimazu whispers in Inflatron's ear. Navy continues holding his Blade forth, nod-talking, then switching arm positions.

Shot 2 is trimmed to remove zoom out from start.

HURRI #38.

Navy leaps up and begins to slash Inflatron with his Thunder Blade sparkily.

HURRI #38.

Shimazu waves, then teleports away.

Skeleton flashes cut out from source.

HURRI #38.

Navy sparkily slashes Inflatron a few more times, and prepares to do so again.

US replaces follow-up headblow with balloon bounce-off and leg slash.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron falls, rolls, and gets back up, Navy readying Blade, before the monster turns and runs away, teleporting off.

Cuts follow-up reaction by Navy, US replaces it pretty much.

HURRI #38.

Image of Inflatron on Cam's computer.

Taken from source pre-end credit bio screen.

PRNS 1301/1311.

Crimson, Red, and Yellow's morphing sequences.

Recycled, but first time montage in this particular order.

PRNS 1301/1311.

Blake's morphing sequence.

Recycled, missing end shot, but first time fullscreen.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron talks while whipping arms about, then turns and sees Navy driving his way.

Cuts prior shot of Inflatron looking up at energy balloons; also cuts earlier battle between Rangers and Inflatron (which included Green Samurai); US replaces follow-ups of Cycle crashing into Inflatron with Cycle blasting him.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron is flung in the air, lands, and turns around.

Final shot is split.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron jerks arms about, before Navy leaps forth and jabs Thunder Blade at him, but the monster whips him down. Navy lands, turns, and charges back at him, slashing him thrice, only for Inflatron to catch the fourth strike, they talk back and forth a little, then the monster breaks off by sparkily striking the Ranger, sending him falling and rolling onto the beach.

First shot is split from before; trims shot 6; cuts final shot before Navy turns head; US replaces follow-up of Navy talking on ground.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron jerks arms about.


HURRI #38.

Navy gets up, twirls his Blade, charges forth, Inflatron begins to whip his tentacle arms sparkily at him until he falls and rolls again, but he quickly gets back up, Inflatron spews balloons his way, and they float past Navy sparkily.

Shot 4 cuts an additional whipping.

HURRI #38.

Navy drags his hand in the sand as he lies on his stomach, smoking, and Inflatron slowly approaches.

Both shots are shortened.

HURRI #38.

Navy rises back up, clutching his chest as he talks and finally straightens up. Inflatron continues approaching, so Navy takes his Thunder Blade, holds it up, and breaks it sparkily in half over his knee. Inflatron reacts, then Navy flings one Blade end forth.

Cuts shot 1 before zoom in on visor-eye cutaway; shortens shot 3 to reduce dialogue; US replaces follow-ups to remove impaling.

HURRI #38.

Navy poses with the other Thunder Blade end, talking, then leaps up, charges it up with blue electricity, and flips over, slashing Inflatron, causing him to flash, collapse, and explode massively.

Trims start to remove initial twirling of Blade; trims shot 2 to reduce dialogue; cuts follow-up additional close-up and return to wide angle shots between shots 6 & 7.

HURRI #09.

Growth scroll flies in, unfolds, and activates.

Recycled, replacing 38's Shimazu glasses version.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron looms over the camera, gigantically.


HURRI #18.

Red nod-talks into his Wind Morpher.


HURRI #38.

Hawkzord transforms into the head, connecting atop, forming the steam-releasing Storm Megazord.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #38.

Thunder Megazord forms, then punches its left fist forth.

Recycled, shortened, per source.

HURRI #38.

Blue nod-talks in her cockpit over to Navy in his, who responds back.

HURRI #38.

Power Spheres 7 & 8 pop out of each Megazord's chest, hatching in an energy tunnel into parts that connect into Minizord, who floats up in the air and talks, before shimmering.

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #38.

The Storm & Thunder Megazords recombine with Minizord, forming the Thunderstorm Megazord!

Recycled, per source.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron spews balloons at Thunderstorm Megazord, which attach themselves all over its body, causing the Megazord to suddenly begin to float into the air, where Inflatron fires a bolt of energy that pops the balloons and causes the Megazord to plummet back down onto the ground harshly, spark bursting the cockpits.

First couple of shots are shortened a little to speed things up somewhat.

HURRI #38.

Green Samurai steps onto the corner edge of a rooftop with the Lightning Riff Blaster in hand, speaks upward and starts playing it in guitar mode.

Cuts final shot to remove pan up from strumming.

HURRI #38.

Buildings in the city shift downward, revealing the Mammothzord.

Recycled, cuts short, per source.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron reacts, as Mammothzord fires lasers at him, bursting him, giving Thunderstorm Megazord a chance to get back up, where it motions arms.

HURRI #38.

Thunderstorm Megazord leaps up and floats into the back cavity of Mammothzord.

Recycled, per source; shortens end.

HURRI #38.

Inflatron watches, as Red nod-talks in cockpit with a fist raised, Navy then speaking in his.

Trims zoom in at start.

HURRI #38.

In an energy tunnel, the symbols for each of the six Ninja Storm Rangers spin around, visages of the six then appearing as they spin into one. Thunderstorm Ultrazord begins to fire its three energy beams forth (Mammothzord's eyes and Megazord's chest).

Recycled per source, though shot 1 trims out the close-up shot of all six Rangers.

HURRI #38.

Struck by Power Spheres and a bolt of energy, Inflatron crackles, collapses, and explodes tremendously.

Fades to black.

Ending Credits