#605: PROO 1701 "Kick Into Overdrive".
Features Footage from (bold = new):
Boukenger, episode 2.
The complete program, from opening to end of end credits, lasts roughly 22:39;25.
Opening is about 1:00; by itself.
Ending is about 0:30; by itself.
Source | Description | Edit Note |
BOUKEN #02. |
Zoom out from Red as his helmet lights flash, materializing his Drive Lance which he takes in hand. |
Cropped; cuts before he lifts it up. |
BOUKEN #02. |
Chiller slams against a rock wall and shatters into tiny debris. |
Cropped; mirror-flipped. |
BOUKEN #02. |
Black materializes his Drive Slammer in hand, pointing it at a group of gathering Chillers, before flinging it at them, spinning and sparkily striking each one. |
Cropped; cuts close-up pan across the Chillers between shots 1 & 2; cuts final shot before Slammer spins back around; US replaces rest of battle so the stunt guys can collect a salary. |
BOUKEN #02. |
Blue's Drive Vortex shimmers, before he aims it at the ground, shooting a gust of air that sends him gliding over Chillers, sparkily bursting them as he flies over amid wind spinning about. |
Cropped; US replaces follow-up battle to justify paying for 100 stunties a season. |
BOUKEN #02. |
Yellow slams her Drive Claw against the rock wall, then starts smacking forth falling debris, each rock tossed hitting a Chiller and shattering them to bits. |
Cropped; cuts shot of top of mountain shattering between shots 1 & 2; cuts shot 2 short of an additional rock strike; cuts additional close-up shot of Yellow hitting rocks between shots 2 & 3; cuts final shot short of a few Chillers shattering due to being out of the crop zone; Pink's follow-up fight against Chillers entirely US replaced to make blander and drier. |
BOUKEN #02. |
Extreme close-up of Red's visor as his headlights flash. |
Cropped; cuts follow-up of Lava Lizards being blinded by the light. |
BOUKEN #02. |
Against a speedometer, Red readies his Drive Lance. Suddenly, he's replaced by Dump Driver, which drives forth and as it passes through a pair of Lava Lizards, Red appears and slashes the pair with his Lance. Red's boots skid to a stop in the dirt, as the Lava Lizards explode behind him. |
Cropped; cuts shot 1 before "Red Zone Crash" appears, splitting rest of it into shot 2; Shot 3 is trimmed; shot 4 trims start of Lava Lizards crackling before collapsing and bursting; cuts follow-ups of Rangers fighting Chillers and Lava Lizards. |
BOUKEN #02. |
The five Rangers, each squaring off against a Chiller or Lava Lizard, makes a final blow against their respective opponent, who either explodes or bursts into debris. |
Cropped; fades to black. |